| java.lang.Object org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformDefaultImpl org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformPostgreSQLImpl
PlatformPostgreSQLImpl | public class PlatformPostgreSQLImpl extends PlatformDefaultImpl (Code) | | This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific
behavior for the PostgreSQL platform.
Many of the database sequence specific properties can be specified using
custom attributes within the sequence-manager element.
The database sequence specific properties are generally speaking, see database user guide
for detailed description.
Implementation configuration properties:
Property Key |
Property Values |
sequenceStart |
DEPRECATED. Database sequence specific property.
Specifies the first sequence number to be
generated. Allowed: 1 or greater.
seq.start |
Database sequence specific property.
Specifies the first sequence number to be
generated. Allowed: 1 or greater.
seq.incrementBy |
Database sequence specific property.
Specifies the interval between sequence numbers.
This value can be any positive or negative
integer, but it cannot be 0.
seq.maxValue |
Database sequence specific property.
Set max value for sequence numbers.
seq.minValue |
Database sequence specific property.
Set min value for sequence numbers.
seq.cycle |
Database sequence specific property.
If true, specifies that the sequence continues to generate
values after reaching either its maximum or minimum value.
If false, specifies that the sequence cannot generate more values after
reaching its maximum or minimum value.
seq.cache |
Database sequence specific property.
Specifies how many values of the sequence Oracle
preallocates and keeps in memory for faster access.
Allowed values: 2 or greater. If set 0,
an explicite nocache expression will be set.
seq.order |
Database sequence specific property.
If set true, guarantees that sequence numbers
are generated in order of request.
If false, a no order expression will be set.
author: Thomas Mahler version: $Id: PlatformPostgreSQLImpl.java,v 2005/12/21 22:26:40 tomdz Exp $ |
supportsPaging | public boolean supportsPaging()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformDefaultImpl | public void addBatch(PreparedStatement stmt) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addPagingSql(StringBuffer anSqlString)(Code)(Java Doc) public void afterStatementClose(Statement stmt, ResultSet rs) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public void afterStatementCreate(Statement stmt) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public void beforeBatch(PreparedStatement stmt) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public void beforeStatementClose(Statement stmt, ResultSet rs) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public int bindPagingParameters(PreparedStatement ps, int index, int startAt, int endAt) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean bindPagingParametersFirst()(Code)(Java Doc) public void changeAutoCommitState(JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd, Connection con, boolean newState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void checkForBatchSupport(Connection conn)(Code)(Java Doc) public String concatenate(String[] theColumns)(Code)(Java Doc) public String createSequenceQuery(String sequenceName, Properties prop)(Code)(Java Doc) public String createSequenceQuery(String sequenceName)(Code)(Java Doc) public String dropSequenceQuery(String sequenceName)(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] executeBatch(PreparedStatement stmt) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getConcatenationCharacter()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEscapeClause(LikeCriteria aCriteria)(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getJoinSyntaxType()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getLastInsertIdentityQuery(String tableName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void initializeJdbcConnection(JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd, Connection conn) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public String nextSequenceQuery(String sequenceName)(Code)(Java Doc) public CallableStatement prepareNextValProcedureStatement(Connection con, String procedureName, String sequenceName) throws PlatformException(Code)(Java Doc) public void registerOutResultSet(CallableStatement stmt, int position) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNullForStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, int sqlType) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setObjectForStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Object value, int sqlType) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsBatchOperations()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsMultiColumnCountDistinct()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsPaging()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean useCountForResultsetSize()(Code)(Java Doc)