Method Summary |
public void | addCollection(CollectionDescriptorDef collDef) Adds a collection descriptor to this class. |
public void | addDirectBaseType(ClassDescriptorDef baseType) Adds a direct base type. |
public void | addExtentClass(ClassDescriptorDef subType) Adds a sub type. |
public void | addField(FieldDescriptorDef fieldDef) Adds a field descriptor to this class. |
public void | addFieldClone(FieldDescriptorDef fieldDef) Adds a clone of the given field descriptor to this class. |
public void | addIndexDescriptor(IndexDescriptorDef indexDef) Adds an index descriptor definition to this class descriptor. |
public void | addModification(String name, Properties mods) Adds a modification for the given inherited field/reference/collection. |
public void | addNested(NestedDef nestedDef) Adds a nested object to this class. |
public void | addProcedure(ProcedureDef procDef) Adds a procedure definition to this class descriptor. |
public void | addProcedureArgument(ProcedureArgumentDef argDef) Adds a procedure argument definition to this class descriptor. |
public void | addReference(ReferenceDescriptorDef refDef) Adds a reference descriptor to this class. |
public boolean | canBeInstantiated() Determines whether this class can be instantiated, i.e. |
public void | checkConstraints(String checkLevel) Checks the constraints on this class. |
public boolean | equals(Object other) |
public Iterator | getAllBaseTypes() Returns all base types. |
public Iterator | getAllExtentClasses() Returns an iterator of all direct and indirect extents of this class. |
public CollectionDescriptorDef | getCollection(String name) Returns the collection definition of the given name if it exists. |
public Iterator | getCollections() Returns an iterator of the collection definitions. |
public String | getDefaultTableName() Returns the default table name for this class which is the unqualified class name. |
public Iterator | getDirectBaseTypes() Returns the direct base types. |
public Iterator | getExtentClasses() Returns an iterator of the extents of this class. |
public DefBase | getFeature(String name) Returns the feature (field, reference, collection) of the given name. |
public FieldDescriptorDef | getField(String name) Returns the field definition with the specified name. |
public Iterator | getFields() Returns an iterator of the fields definitions. |
public ArrayList | getFields(String fieldNames) Returns the field descriptors given in the the field names list. |
public IndexDescriptorDef | getIndexDescriptor(String name) Returns the index descriptor definition of the given name if it exists. |
public Iterator | getIndexDescriptors() Returns an iterator of the index descriptor definitions. |
public Properties | getModification(String name) Returns the modification for the inherited field/reference/collection with the given name. |
public Iterator | getModificationNames() Returns an iterator of all field/reference/collection names for which modifications are stored in this class def. |
public NestedDef | getNested(String name) Returns the nested object definition with the specified name. |
public Iterator | getNested() Returns an iterator of the nested object definitions. |
public ObjectCacheDef | getObjectCache() Returns the object cache definition. |
public XClass | getOriginalClass() Returns the original class. |
public ArrayList | getPrimaryKeys() Returns the primarykey fields. |
public ProcedureDef | getProcedure(String name) Returns the procedure definition of the given name if it exists. |
public ProcedureArgumentDef | getProcedureArgument(String name) Returns the procedure argument definition of the given name if it exists. |
public Iterator | getProcedureArguments() Returns an iterator of all procedure argument definitions. |
public Iterator | getProcedures() Returns an iterator of the procedure definitions. |
public String | getQualifiedName() Returns the qualified name of this class as per Java spec. |
public ReferenceDescriptorDef | getReference(String name) Returns a reference definition of the given name if it exists. |
public Iterator | getReferences() Returns an iterator of the reference definitionss. |
boolean | hasBeenProcessed() Determines whether this class descriptor has been processed. |
public boolean | hasFeature(String name) Determines whether this class has a feature (field, reference, collection) of the given name. |
public int | hashCode() |
public void | process() Processes theis class (ensures that all base types are processed, copies their features to this class, and applies
modifications (removes ignored features, changes declarations). |
public ObjectCacheDef | setObjectCache(String name) Sets an object cache definition to an object cache of the given name (if necessary), and returns it. |