| biz.hammurapi.codegen.JavaRecognizer
JavaRecognizer | public class JavaRecognizer extends antlr.LLkParser implements JavaTokenTypes(Code) | | Java 1.3 Recognizer
Run 'java Main [-showtree] directory-full-of-java-files'
[The -showtree option pops up a Swing frame that shows
the AST constructed from the parser.]
Run 'java Main '
Contributing authors:
John Mitchell johnm@non.net
Terence Parr parrt@magelang.com
John Lilley jlilley@empathy.com
Scott Stanchfield thetick@magelang.com
Markus Mohnen mohnen@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Peter Williams pete.williams@sun.com
Allan Jacobs Allan.Jacobs@eng.sun.com
Steve Messick messick@redhills.com
John Pybus john@pybus.org
Version 1.00 December 9, 1997 -- initial release
Version 1.01 December 10, 1997
fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
Version 1.10 August 1998 (parrt)
added tree construction
fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
added unary plus
Version 1.11 (Nov 20, 1998)
Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
synchronized requires compound not simple statement
add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
"const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
Version 1.12 (Feb 2, 1999)
Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
Version 1.13 (Apr 23, 1999)
Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends. Updated tree parser too.
Updated to 2.6.0.
Version 1.14 (Jun 20, 1999)
Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
Removed local interfaces from methods
Put instanceof precedence where it belongs...in relationalExpr
It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary plus).
fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
Version 1.15 (Jun 26, 1999)
Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :( Fixed.
Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
Version 1.16 (August 22, 1999)
Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
Version 1.17 (October 12, 1999)
ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
Version 1.18 (August 12, 2001)
Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
Messick. Handles 1.3 src. Summary:
o primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
o constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
see explicitConstructorInvocation
o add strictfp modifier
o missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
o merged local class definition alternatives, moved after declaration
o fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
o reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
o long and double constants were not differentiated from int/float
o whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
o add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
o made Main.java use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode support
o supports UNICODE?
Using Unicode charVocabulay makes code file big, but only
in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
unicode bitsets more efficiently.
Version 1.19 (April 25, 2002)
Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
constants and problems with super() calls. John did a nice
reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
o "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
o Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
as it is not backward compatible.
Version 1.20 (October 27, 2002)
Terence ended up reorging John Pybus' stuff to
remove some nondeterminisms and some syntactic predicates.
Note that the grammar is stricter now; e.g., this(...) must
be the first statement.
Trinary ?: operator wasn't working as array name:
(isBig ? bigDigits : digits)[i];
Checked parser/tree parser on source for
Resin-2.0.5, jive-2.1.1, jdk 1.3.1, Lucene, antlr 2.7.2a4,
and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
This grammar is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
_tokenSet_0 | final public static BitSet _tokenSet_0(Code) | | |
_tokenSet_1 | final public static BitSet _tokenSet_1(Code) | | |
_tokenSet_2 | final public static BitSet _tokenSet_2(Code) | | |
JavaRecognizer | protected JavaRecognizer(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k)(Code) | | |
JavaRecognizer | public JavaRecognizer(TokenBuffer tokenBuf)(Code) | | |
JavaRecognizer | protected JavaRecognizer(TokenStream lexer, int k)(Code) | | |
JavaRecognizer | public JavaRecognizer(TokenStream lexer)(Code) | | |
JavaRecognizer | public JavaRecognizer(ParserSharedInputState state)(Code) | | |
argumentDeclaration | final public void argumentDeclaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
argumentList | final public void argumentList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
buildTokenTypeASTClassMap | protected void buildTokenTypeASTClassMap()(Code) | | |
builtInType | final public void builtInType() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
builtInTypeSpecification | final public void builtInTypeSpecification(boolean addImagNode) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
classDefinition | final public void classDefinition(AST modifiers) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
classTypeSpecification | final public void classTypeSpecification(boolean addImagNode) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
declaration | final public void declaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | A declaration is the creation of a reference or primitive-type variable
Create a separate Type/Var tree for each var in the var list.
declaratorBrackets | final public void declaratorBrackets(AST typ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
field | final public void field() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
identifier | final public void identifier() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
implementsClause | final public void implementsClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
interfaceDefinition | final public void interfaceDefinition(AST modifiers) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
interfaceExtends | final public void interfaceExtends() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
invocation | final public void invocation() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
methodName | final public void methodName() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
modifier | final public void modifier() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
modifiers | final public void modifiers() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
parameterDeclaration | final public void parameterDeclaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
parameterDeclarationList | final public void parameterDeclarationList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
signature | final public void signature() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
superClassClause | final public void superClassClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
throwsClause | final public void throwsClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
type | final public void type() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
typeDefinition | final public void typeDefinition() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
typeList | final public void typeList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
typeSpecification | final public void typeSpecification(boolean addImagNode) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |
variableDeclarator | final public void variableDeclarator(AST mods, AST t) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | Declaration of a variable. This can be a class/instance variable,
or a local variable in a method
It can also include possible initialization.
variableDefinitions | final public void variableDefinitions(AST mods, AST t) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException(Code) | | |