| java.lang.Object argparser.ArgParserTest
ArgParserTest | public class ArgParserTest (Code) | | Testing class for the class ArgParser. Executing the main
method of this class will perform a suite of tests to help verify correct
operation of the parser class.
author: John E. Lloyd, Fall 2004 See Also: ArgParser |
Inner Class :static class RngCheck | |
Inner Class :static class MErr | |
Inner Class :static class MTest | |
Method Summary | |
void | add(String s, Object resHolder) | void | checkAdd(String s, Object resHolder, String errmsg) | void | checkAdd(String s, Object resHolder, int code, int numValues, Object names, RngCheck[] rngCheck, String helpMsg, String errmsg) | static void | checkException(Exception e, String errmsg) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, String errMsg) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, long check, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, double check, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, String check, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, boolean check, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, char check, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, Object checkArray, int resultIdx) | void | checkMatch(MTest test, boolean oneWord) | void | checkMatches(MTest[] tests, boolean oneWord) | void | checkPrintHelp(String msg) | void | checkStringArray(String msg, String[] strs, String[] check) | boolean | getBooleanValue(Object obj, int k) | char | getCharValue(Object obj, int k) | double | getDoubleValue(Object obj, int k) | long | getLongValue(Object obj, int k) | Object | getMatchResult(String args, int idx, int cnt, String errMsg, int resultIdx) | String | getStringValue(Object obj, int k) | public static void | main(String[] args) Runs a set of tests to verify correct operation of the
ArgParser class. |
CLOSED | final static boolean CLOSED(Code) | | |
MULTI_WORD | final static boolean MULTI_WORD(Code) | | |
ONE_WORD | final static boolean ONE_WORD(Code) | | |
OPEN | final static boolean OPEN(Code) | | |
ArgParserTest | ArgParserTest()(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, long check, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, double check, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, String check, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, boolean check, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, char check, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(String args, int idx, int cnt, Object checkArray, int resultIdx)(Code) | | |
checkMatch | void checkMatch(MTest test, boolean oneWord)(Code) | | |
checkMatches | void checkMatches(MTest[] tests, boolean oneWord)(Code) | | |
getBooleanValue | boolean getBooleanValue(Object obj, int k)(Code) | | |
getDoubleValue | double getDoubleValue(Object obj, int k)(Code) | | |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | Runs a set of tests to verify correct operation of the
ArgParser class. If all the tests run correctly, the
program prints the message Passed and terminates.
Otherwise, diagnostic information is printed at the first
point of failure.