| java.lang.Object net.sf.anupam.csv.CSVParserFactory
CSVParserFactory | final public class CSVParserFactory (Code) | | Singleton factory for creating the
CSVParser CSVParser parser objects
for clients' of the framework. This factory uses the
csv-mapping.xml mapping configuration to create CSV parsers
customized for the POJO bean to parse. This is the first interface for
clients of the framework.
author: Anupam Sengupta version: $Revision: 1.3 $ See Also: CSVParser since: 1.5 |
getBeanMapping | public CSVBeanMapping getBeanMapping(String beanName)(Code) | | Returns the requested bean mapping configuration.
Parameters: beanName - the POJO bean for which the mapping is to be returned the CSV bean mapping, or null if not found |
getCSVParser | public CSVParser getCSVParser(String mappingName, String csvFileName, boolean inClassPath) throws FileNotFoundException(Code) | | Returns a new CSV file parser for the specified mapping, and the
specified CSV file.
Parameters: mappingName - the CSV mapping to for which the parser should be created Parameters: csvFileName - the CSV file to be parsed Parameters: inClassPath - indicates whether the CSV file is in the classpath the CSV Parser, or null if not found throws: FileNotFoundException - thrown if the specified CSV file cannot be found See Also: CSVParserFactory.getCSVParser(String,java.io.Reader) |
getCSVParser | public CSVParser getCSVParser(String mappingName, Reader csvReader)(Code) | | Returns a new CSV file parser for the specified mapping and the specified
CSV reader stream.
Parameters: mappingName - the CSV mapping for which the parser should be returned Parameters: csvReader - the CSV stream to parse the CSV Parser, or null if not found See Also: CSVParserFactory.getCSVParser(String,String,boolean) |