| Class | A custom file selector for use with Ant.
See: Custom Ant Selectors for more details.
Allows a JoSQL WHERE clause
to be applied to each file passed to the selector
JoSQLAntFileSelector.isSelected(File,String,File) .
An obvious question to ask here is "why do I need this when Ant has lots of custom file selectors".
Well, in short, you don't "need" this selector, but I've found that trying to remember all the
custom elements and their attributes can be painful and doesn't give me all the power needed to
select the files I want. | | Class | Allows a JoSQL Query to be used in a JSP.
<%@ page import="java.util.Arrays" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ tablib prefix="josql" uri="josqltaglib" %>
<josql:query inputList='<%= Arrays.asList (new File ("/home/me/").listFiles ()) %>'
WHERE name = '.bashrc'
The body of the tag is taken as the statement to execute.
Note: this class deliberately does NOT extend
Query since doing so would then
prevent the query from being released via the
JoSQLJSPQueryTag.release() method.
The following attributes are supported:
- inputList - specifies the name of an attribute that holds the List of objects
to execute the JoSQL statement against, or is the List of objects.