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001:        /*
002:         *  Primitive Collections for Java.
003:         *  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  S�ren Bak
004:         *
005:         *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
006:         *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
007:         *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
008:         *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009:         *
010:         *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011:         *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013:         *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
014:         *
015:         *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
016:         *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
017:         *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
018:         */
019:        package;
021:        import bak.pcj.ByteIterator;
022:        import bak.pcj.AbstractByteCollection;
023:        import bak.pcj.set.AbstractByteSet;
024:        import bak.pcj.set.ByteSet;
025:        import bak.pcj.hash.ByteHashFunction;
026:        import bak.pcj.hash.DefaultByteHashFunction;
027:        import bak.pcj.util.Exceptions;
029:        import java.util.Collection;
030:        import java.util.AbstractCollection;
031:        import java.util.Iterator;
033:        import;
034:        import;
035:        import;
036:        import;
038:        /**
039:         *  This class represents open addressing hash table based maps from
040:         *  byte values to objects.
041:         *
042:         *  @see        ByteKeyChainedHashMap
043:         *  @see        java.util.Map
044:         *
045:         *  @author     Søren Bak
046:         *  @version    1.3     21-08-2003 19:45
047:         *  @since      1.0
048:         */
049:        public class ByteKeyOpenHashMap extends AbstractByteKeyMap implements 
050:                ByteKeyMap, Cloneable, Serializable {
052:            /** Constant indicating relative growth policy. */
053:            private static final int GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE = 0;
055:            /** Constant indicating absolute growth policy. */
056:            private static final int GROWTH_POLICY_ABSOLUTE = 1;
058:            /**
059:             *  The default growth policy of this map.
060:             *  @see    #GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE
061:             *  @see    #GROWTH_POLICY_ABSOLUTE
062:             */
063:            private static final int DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY = GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE;
065:            /** The default factor with which to increase the capacity of this map. */
066:            public static final double DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR = 1.0;
068:            /** The default chunk size with which to increase the capacity of this map. */
069:            public static final int DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK = 10;
071:            /** The default capacity of this map. */
072:            public static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 11;
074:            /** The default load factor of this map. */
075:            public static final double DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75;
077:            /**
078:             *  The hash function used to hash keys in this map.
079:             *  @serial
080:             */
081:            private ByteHashFunction keyhash;
083:            /**
084:             *  The size of this map.
085:             *  @serial
086:             */
087:            private int size;
089:            /**
090:             *  The keys of this map. Contains key values directly.
091:             *  Due to the use of a secondary hash function, the length of this
092:             *  array must be a prime.
093:             */
094:            private transient byte[] keys;
096:            /**
097:             *  The values of this map. Contains values directly.
098:             *  Due to the use of a secondary hash function, the length of this
099:             *  array must be a prime.
100:             */
101:            private transient Object[] values;
103:            /** The states of each cell in the keys[] and values[]. */
104:            private transient byte[] states;
106:            private static final byte EMPTY = 0;
107:            private static final byte OCCUPIED = 1;
108:            private static final byte REMOVED = 2;
110:            /** The number of entries in use (removed or occupied). */
111:            private transient int used;
113:            /**
114:             *  The growth policy of this map (0 is relative growth, 1 is absolute growth).
115:             *  @serial
116:             */
117:            private int growthPolicy;
119:            /**
120:             *  The growth factor of this map, if the growth policy is
121:             *  relative.
122:             *  @serial
123:             */
124:            private double growthFactor;
126:            /**
127:             *  The growth chunk size of this map, if the growth policy is
128:             *  absolute.
129:             *  @serial
130:             */
131:            private int growthChunk;
133:            /**
134:             *  The load factor of this map.
135:             *  @serial
136:             */
137:            private double loadFactor;
139:            /**
140:             *  The next size at which to expand the data[].
141:             *  @serial
142:             */
143:            private int expandAt;
145:            /** A set view of the keys of this map. */
146:            private transient ByteSet ckeys;
148:            /** A collection view of the values of this map. */
149:            private transient Collection cvalues;
151:            private ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash, int capacity,
152:                    int growthPolicy, double growthFactor, int growthChunk,
153:                    double loadFactor) {
154:                if (keyhash == null)
155:                    Exceptions.nullArgument("hash function");
156:                if (capacity < 0)
157:                    Exceptions.negativeArgument("capacity", String
158:                            .valueOf(capacity));
159:                if (growthFactor <= 0.0)
160:                    Exceptions.negativeOrZeroArgument("growthFactor", String
161:                            .valueOf(growthFactor));
162:                if (growthChunk <= 0)
163:                    Exceptions.negativeOrZeroArgument("growthChunk", String
164:                            .valueOf(growthChunk));
165:                if (loadFactor <= 0.0)
166:                    Exceptions.negativeOrZeroArgument("loadFactor", String
167:                            .valueOf(loadFactor));
168:                this .keyhash = keyhash;
169:                capacity = bak.pcj.hash.Primes.nextPrime(capacity);
170:                keys = new byte[capacity];
171:                values = new Object[capacity];
172:                this .states = new byte[capacity];
173:                size = 0;
174:                expandAt = (int) Math.round(loadFactor * capacity);
175:                this .used = 0;
176:                this .growthPolicy = growthPolicy;
177:                this .growthFactor = growthFactor;
178:                this .growthChunk = growthChunk;
179:                this .loadFactor = loadFactor;
180:            }
182:            private ByteKeyOpenHashMap(int capacity, int growthPolicy,
183:                    double growthFactor, int growthChunk, double loadFactor) {
184:                this (DefaultByteHashFunction.INSTANCE, capacity, growthPolicy,
185:                        growthFactor, growthChunk, loadFactor);
186:            }
188:            /**
189:             *  Creates a new hash map with capacity 11, a relative
190:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
191:             */
192:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap() {
193:                this (DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
194:            }
196:            /**
197:             *  Creates a new hash map with the same mappings as a specified map.
198:             *
199:             *  @param      map
200:             *              the map whose mappings to put into the new map.
201:             *
202:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
203:             *              if <tt>map</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
204:             */
205:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteKeyMap map) {
206:                this ();
207:                putAll(map);
208:            }
210:            /**
211:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity, a relative
212:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
213:             *
214:             *  @param      capacity
215:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
216:             *
217:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
218:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative.
219:             */
220:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(int capacity) {
221:                this (capacity, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY, DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR,
222:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
223:            }
225:            /**
226:             *  Creates a new hash map with a capacity of 11, a relative
227:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.
228:             *
229:             *  @param      loadFactor
230:             *              the load factor of the map.
231:             *
232:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
233:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
234:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive.
235:             */
236:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(double loadFactor) {
238:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR, DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
239:            }
241:            /**
242:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity and
243:             *  load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.
244:             *
245:             *  @param      capacity
246:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
247:             *
248:             *  @param      loadFactor
249:             *              the load factor of the map.
250:             *
251:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
252:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
253:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive.
254:             */
255:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(int capacity, double loadFactor) {
256:                this (capacity, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY, DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR,
257:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
258:            }
260:            /**
261:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity,
262:             *  load factor, and relative growth factor.
263:             *
264:             *  <p>The map capacity increases to <tt>capacity()*(1+growthFactor)</tt>.
265:             *  This strategy is good for avoiding many capacity increases, but
266:             *  the amount of wasted memory is approximately the size of the map.
267:             *
268:             *  @param      capacity
269:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
270:             *
271:             *  @param      loadFactor
272:             *              the load factor of the map.
273:             *
274:             *  @param      growthFactor
275:             *              the relative amount with which to increase the
276:             *              the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
277:             *
278:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
279:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
280:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive;
281:             *              if <tt>growthFactor</tt> is not positive.
282:             */
283:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(int capacity, double loadFactor,
284:                    double growthFactor) {
285:                this (capacity, GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE, growthFactor,
286:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
287:            }
289:            /**
290:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity,
291:             *  load factor, and absolute growth factor.
292:             *
293:             *  <p>The map capacity increases to <tt>capacity()+growthChunk</tt>.
294:             *  This strategy is good for avoiding wasting memory. However, an
295:             *  overhead is potentially introduced by frequent capacity increases.
296:             *
297:             *  @param      capacity
298:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
299:             *
300:             *  @param      loadFactor
301:             *              the load factor of the map.
302:             *
303:             *  @param      growthChunk
304:             *              the absolute amount with which to increase the
305:             *              the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
306:             *
307:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
308:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
309:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive;
310:             *              if <tt>growthChunk</tt> is not positive.
311:             */
312:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(int capacity, double loadFactor,
313:                    int growthChunk) {
314:                this (capacity, GROWTH_POLICY_ABSOLUTE, DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR,
315:                        growthChunk, loadFactor);
316:            }
318:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
319:            //      Constructors with hash function argument
320:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
322:            /**
323:             *  Creates a new hash map with capacity 11, a relative
324:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
325:             *
326:             *  @param      keyhash
327:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
328:             *
329:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
330:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
331:             */
332:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash) {
333:                this (keyhash, DEFAULT_CAPACITY, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY,
335:                        DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
336:            }
338:            /**
339:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity, a relative
340:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a load factor of 75%.
341:             *
342:             *  @param      keyhash
343:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
344:             *
345:             *  @param      capacity
346:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
347:             *
348:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
349:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative.
350:             *
351:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
352:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
353:             */
354:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash, int capacity) {
355:                this (keyhash, capacity, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY,
357:                        DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
358:            }
360:            /**
361:             *  Creates a new hash map with a capacity of 11, a relative
362:             *  growth factor of 1.0, and a specified load factor.
363:             *
364:             *  @param      keyhash
365:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
366:             *
367:             *  @param      loadFactor
368:             *              the load factor of the map.
369:             *
370:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
371:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
372:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive.
373:             *
374:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
375:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
376:             */
377:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash,
378:                    double loadFactor) {
379:                this (keyhash, DEFAULT_CAPACITY, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY,
380:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR, DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
381:            }
383:            /**
384:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity and
385:             *  load factor, and a relative growth factor of 1.0.
386:             *
387:             *  @param      keyhash
388:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
389:             *
390:             *  @param      capacity
391:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
392:             *
393:             *  @param      loadFactor
394:             *              the load factor of the map.
395:             *
396:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
397:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
398:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive.
399:             *
400:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
401:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
402:             */
403:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash, int capacity,
404:                    double loadFactor) {
405:                this (keyhash, capacity, DEFAULT_GROWTH_POLICY,
406:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR, DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
407:            }
409:            /**
410:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity,
411:             *  load factor, and relative growth factor.
412:             *
413:             *  <p>The map capacity increases to <tt>capacity()*(1+growthFactor)</tt>.
414:             *  This strategy is good for avoiding many capacity increases, but
415:             *  the amount of wasted memory is approximately the size of the map.
416:             *
417:             *  @param      keyhash
418:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
419:             *
420:             *  @param      capacity
421:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
422:             *
423:             *  @param      loadFactor
424:             *              the load factor of the map.
425:             *
426:             *  @param      growthFactor
427:             *              the relative amount with which to increase the
428:             *              the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
429:             *
430:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
431:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
432:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive;
433:             *              if <tt>growthFactor</tt> is not positive.
434:             *
435:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
436:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
437:             */
438:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash, int capacity,
439:                    double loadFactor, double growthFactor) {
440:                this (keyhash, capacity, GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE, growthFactor,
441:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_CHUNK, loadFactor);
442:            }
444:            /**
445:             *  Creates a new hash map with a specified capacity,
446:             *  load factor, and absolute growth factor.
447:             *
448:             *  <p>The map capacity increases to <tt>capacity()+growthChunk</tt>.
449:             *  This strategy is good for avoiding wasting memory. However, an
450:             *  overhead is potentially introduced by frequent capacity increases.
451:             *
452:             *  @param      keyhash
453:             *              the hash function to use when hashing keys.
454:             *
455:             *  @param      capacity
456:             *              the initial capacity of the map.
457:             *
458:             *  @param      loadFactor
459:             *              the load factor of the map.
460:             *
461:             *  @param      growthChunk
462:             *              the absolute amount with which to increase the
463:             *              the capacity when a capacity increase is needed.
464:             *
465:             *  @throws     IllegalArgumentException
466:             *              if <tt>capacity</tt> is negative;
467:             *              if <tt>loadFactor</tt> is not positive;
468:             *              if <tt>growthChunk</tt> is not positive.
469:             *
470:             *  @throws     NullPointerException
471:             *              if <tt>keyhash</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
472:             */
473:            public ByteKeyOpenHashMap(ByteHashFunction keyhash, int capacity,
474:                    double loadFactor, int growthChunk) {
475:                this (keyhash, capacity, GROWTH_POLICY_ABSOLUTE,
476:                        DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR, growthChunk, loadFactor);
477:            }
479:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
480:            //      Hash table management
481:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
483:            private void ensureCapacity(int elements) {
484:                if (elements >= expandAt) {
485:                    int newcapacity;
486:                    if (growthPolicy == GROWTH_POLICY_RELATIVE)
487:                        newcapacity = (int) (keys.length * (1.0 + growthFactor));
488:                    else
489:                        newcapacity = keys.length + growthChunk;
490:                    if (newcapacity * loadFactor < elements)
491:                        newcapacity = (int) Math
492:                                .round(((double) elements / loadFactor));
493:                    newcapacity = bak.pcj.hash.Primes.nextPrime(newcapacity);
494:                    expandAt = (int) Math.round(loadFactor * newcapacity);
496:                    byte[] newkeys = new byte[newcapacity];
497:                    Object[] newvalues = new Object[newcapacity];
498:                    byte[] newstates = new byte[newcapacity];
500:                    used = 0;
501:                    //  re-hash
502:                    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
503:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED) {
504:                            used++;
505:                            byte k = keys[i];
506:                            Object v = values[i];
507:                            //  first hash
508:                            int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(k));
509:                            int n = h % newcapacity;
510:                            if (newstates[n] == OCCUPIED) {
511:                                //  second hash
512:                                int c = 1 + (h % (newcapacity - 2));
513:                                for (;;) {
514:                                    n -= c;
515:                                    if (n < 0)
516:                                        n += newcapacity;
517:                                    if (newstates[n] == EMPTY)
518:                                        break;
519:                                }
520:                            }
521:                            newstates[n] = OCCUPIED;
522:                            newvalues[n] = v;
523:                            newkeys[n] = k;
524:                        }
525:                    }
527:                    keys = newkeys;
528:                    values = newvalues;
529:                    states = newstates;
530:                }
531:            }
533:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
534:            //      Operations not supported by abstract implementation
535:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
537:            public ByteSet keySet() {
538:                if (ckeys == null)
539:                    ckeys = new KeySet();
540:                return ckeys;
541:            }
543:            public Object put(byte key, Object value) {
544:                Object result;
546:                //  first hash
547:                int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(key));
548:                int i = h % keys.length;
549:                if (states[i] == OCCUPIED) {
550:                    if (keys[i] == key) {
551:                        Object oldValue = values[i];
552:                        values[i] = value;
553:                        return oldValue;
554:                    }
555:                    //  second hash
556:                    int c = 1 + (h % (keys.length - 2));
557:                    for (;;) {
558:                        i -= c;
559:                        if (i < 0)
560:                            i += keys.length;
561:                        //  Empty entries are re-used
562:                        if (states[i] == EMPTY || states[i] == REMOVED)
563:                            break;
564:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key) {
565:                            Object oldValue = values[i];
566:                            values[i] = value;
567:                            return oldValue;
568:                        }
569:                    }
570:                }
572:                if (states[i] == EMPTY)
573:                    used++;
574:                states[i] = OCCUPIED;
575:                keys[i] = key;
576:                values[i] = value;
577:                size++;
578:                ensureCapacity(used);
579:                return null;
580:            }
582:            public Collection values() {
583:                if (cvalues == null)
584:                    cvalues = new ValueCollection();
585:                return cvalues;
586:            }
588:            /**
589:             *  Returns a clone of this hash map.
590:             *
591:             *  @return     a clone of this hash map.
592:             *
593:             *  @since      1.1
594:             */
595:            public Object clone() {
596:                try {
597:                    ByteKeyOpenHashMap c = (ByteKeyOpenHashMap) super .clone();
598:                    c.keys = new byte[keys.length];
599:                    System.arraycopy(keys, 0, c.keys, 0, keys.length);
600:                    c.values = new Object[values.length];
601:                    System.arraycopy(values, 0, c.values, 0, values.length);
602:                    c.states = new byte[states.length];
603:                    System.arraycopy(states, 0, c.states, 0, states.length);
604:                    //  The views should not refer to this map's views
605:                    c.cvalues = null;
606:                    c.ckeys = null;
607:                    return c;
608:                } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
609:                    Exceptions.cloning();
610:                    return null;
611:                }
612:            }
614:            public ByteKeyMapIterator entries() {
615:                return new ByteKeyMapIterator() {
616:                    int nextEntry = nextEntry(0);
617:                    int lastEntry = -1;
619:                    int nextEntry(int index) {
620:                        while (index < keys.length && states[index] != OCCUPIED)
621:                            index++;
622:                        return index;
623:                    }
625:                    public boolean hasNext() {
626:                        return nextEntry < keys.length;
627:                    }
629:                    public void next() {
630:                        if (!hasNext())
631:                            Exceptions.endOfIterator();
632:                        lastEntry = nextEntry;
633:                        nextEntry = nextEntry(nextEntry + 1);
634:                    }
636:                    public void remove() {
637:                        if (lastEntry == -1)
638:                            Exceptions.noElementToRemove();
639:                        states[lastEntry] = REMOVED;
640:                        values[lastEntry] = null; //  GC
641:                        size--;
642:                        lastEntry = -1;
643:                    }
645:                    public byte getKey() {
646:                        if (lastEntry == -1)
647:                            Exceptions.noElementToGet();
648:                        return keys[lastEntry];
649:                    }
651:                    public Object getValue() {
652:                        if (lastEntry == -1)
653:                            Exceptions.noElementToGet();
654:                        return values[lastEntry];
655:                    }
656:                };
657:            }
659:            private class KeySet extends AbstractByteSet {
661:                public void clear() {
662:                    ByteKeyOpenHashMap.this .clear();
663:                }
665:                public boolean contains(byte v) {
666:                    return containsKey(v);
667:                }
669:                public ByteIterator iterator() {
670:                    return new ByteIterator() {
671:                        int nextEntry = nextEntry(0);
672:                        int lastEntry = -1;
674:                        int nextEntry(int index) {
675:                            while (index < keys.length
676:                                    && states[index] != OCCUPIED)
677:                                index++;
678:                            return index;
679:                        }
681:                        public boolean hasNext() {
682:                            return nextEntry < keys.length;
683:                        }
685:                        public byte next() {
686:                            if (!hasNext())
687:                                Exceptions.endOfIterator();
688:                            lastEntry = nextEntry;
689:                            nextEntry = nextEntry(nextEntry + 1);
690:                            return keys[lastEntry];
691:                        }
693:                        public void remove() {
694:                            if (lastEntry == -1)
695:                                Exceptions.noElementToRemove();
696:                            states[lastEntry] = REMOVED;
697:                            values[lastEntry] = null; //  GC
698:                            size--;
699:                            lastEntry = -1;
700:                        }
701:                    };
702:                }
704:                public boolean remove(byte v) {
705:                    boolean result = containsKey(v);
706:                    if (result)
707:                        ByteKeyOpenHashMap.this .remove(v);
708:                    return result;
709:                }
711:                public int size() {
712:                    return size;
713:                }
715:            }
717:            private class ValueCollection extends AbstractCollection {
719:                public void clear() {
720:                    ByteKeyOpenHashMap.this .clear();
721:                }
723:                public boolean contains(Object v) {
724:                    return containsValue(v);
725:                }
727:                public Iterator iterator() {
728:                    return new Iterator() {
729:                        int nextEntry = nextEntry(0);
730:                        int lastEntry = -1;
732:                        int nextEntry(int index) {
733:                            while (index < keys.length
734:                                    && states[index] != OCCUPIED)
735:                                index++;
736:                            return index;
737:                        }
739:                        public boolean hasNext() {
740:                            return nextEntry < keys.length;
741:                        }
743:                        public Object next() {
744:                            if (!hasNext())
745:                                Exceptions.endOfIterator();
746:                            lastEntry = nextEntry;
747:                            nextEntry = nextEntry(nextEntry + 1);
748:                            return values[lastEntry];
749:                        }
751:                        public void remove() {
752:                            if (lastEntry == -1)
753:                                Exceptions.noElementToRemove();
754:                            states[lastEntry] = REMOVED;
755:                            values[lastEntry] = null; //  GC
756:                            size--;
757:                            lastEntry = -1;
758:                        }
759:                    };
760:                }
762:                public int size() {
763:                    return size;
764:                }
766:            }
768:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
769:            //      Operations overwritten for efficiency
770:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
772:            public void clear() {
773:                java.util.Arrays.fill(states, EMPTY);
774:                java.util.Arrays.fill(values, null); // GC
775:                size = 0;
776:                used = 0;
777:            }
779:            public boolean containsKey(byte key) {
780:                int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(key));
781:                int i = h % keys.length;
782:                if (states[i] != EMPTY) {
783:                    if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key)
784:                        return true;
786:                    //  second hash
787:                    int c = 1 + (h % (keys.length - 2));
788:                    for (;;) {
789:                        i -= c;
790:                        if (i < 0)
791:                            i += keys.length;
792:                        if (states[i] == EMPTY)
793:                            return false;
794:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key)
795:                            return true;
796:                    }
797:                }
798:                return false;
799:            }
801:            public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
802:                if (value == null) {
803:                    for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++)
804:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && values[i] == null)
805:                            return true;
806:                } else {
807:                    for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++)
808:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && value.equals(values[i]))
809:                            return true;
810:                }
811:                return false;
812:            }
814:            public Object get(byte key) {
815:                int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(key));
816:                int i = h % keys.length;
817:                if (states[i] != EMPTY) {
818:                    if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key)
819:                        return values[i];
820:                    //  second hash
822:                    int c = 1 + (h % (keys.length - 2));
823:                    for (;;) {
824:                        i -= c;
825:                        if (i < 0)
826:                            i += keys.length;
827:                        if (states[i] == EMPTY)
828:                            return null;
829:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key)
830:                            return values[i];
831:                    }
832:                }
833:                return null;
834:            }
836:            public boolean isEmpty() {
837:                return size == 0;
838:            }
840:            public Object remove(byte key) {
841:                int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(key));
842:                int i = h % keys.length;
843:                if (states[i] != EMPTY) {
844:                    if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key) {
845:                        Object oldValue = values[i];
846:                        values[i] = null; // GC
847:                        states[i] = REMOVED;
848:                        size--;
849:                        return oldValue;
850:                    }
851:                    //  second hash
852:                    int c = 1 + (h % (keys.length - 2));
853:                    for (;;) {
854:                        i -= c;
855:                        if (i < 0)
856:                            i += keys.length;
857:                        if (states[i] == EMPTY) {
858:                            return null;
859:                        }
860:                        if (states[i] == OCCUPIED && keys[i] == key) {
861:                            Object oldValue = values[i];
862:                            values[i] = null; //  GC
863:                            states[i] = REMOVED;
864:                            size--;
865:                            return oldValue;
866:                        }
867:                    }
868:                }
869:                return null;
870:            }
872:            public int size() {
873:                return size;
874:            }
876:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
877:            //      Serialization
878:            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
880:            /**
881:             *  @serialData     Default fields; the capacity of the
882:             *                  map (<tt>int</tt>); the maps's entries
883:             *                  (<tt>byte</tt>, <tt>Object</tt>).
884:             *
885:             *  @since          1.1
886:             */
887:            private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
888:                s.defaultWriteObject();
889:                s.writeInt(keys.length);
890:                ByteKeyMapIterator i = entries();
891:                while (i.hasNext()) {
892:          ;
893:                    s.writeByte(i.getKey());
894:                    s.writeObject(i.getValue());
895:                }
896:            }
898:            /**
899:             *  @since          1.1
900:             */
901:            private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException,
902:                    ClassNotFoundException {
903:                s.defaultReadObject();
904:                keys = new byte[s.readInt()];
905:                states = new byte[keys.length];
906:                values = new Object[keys.length];
907:                used = size;
909:                for (int n = 0; n < size; n++) {
910:                    byte key = s.readByte();
911:                    Object value = s.readObject();
913:                    //  first hash
914:                    int h = Math.abs(keyhash.hash(key));
915:                    int i = h % keys.length;
916:                    if (states[i] != EMPTY) {
917:                        //  second hash
918:                        int c = 1 + (h % (keys.length - 2));
919:                        for (;;) {
920:                            i -= c;
921:                            if (i < 0)
922:                                i += keys.length;
923:                            if (states[i] == EMPTY)
924:                                break;
925:                        }
926:                    }
927:                    states[i] = OCCUPIED;
928:                    keys[i] = key;
929:                    values[i] = value;
930:                }
931:            }
933:        } | Contact Us
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