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All known Subclasses:,  bak.pcj.adapter.MapToObjectKeyCharMapAdapter,,,
public interface ObjectKeyCharMap (Code)
This interface represents maps from objects values to char values. It is not possible to obtain a set of entries from primitive collections maps. Instead, an iterator over entries can be obtained. This removes a number of implementation constraints imposed by having to implement an entry interface.
See Also:
See Also:   java.util.Map
   Søren Bak
   1.0 2003/3/3

Method Summary
     Clears this map.
 booleancontainsKey(Object key)
     Indicates whether this map contains a mapping from a specified key.
 booleancontainsValue(char value)
     Indicates whether this map contains a mapping to a specified value.
  value - the value to test for.
     Returns an iterator over the entries of this map.
 booleanequals(Object obj)
     Indicates whether this map is equal to some object.
  obj - the object with which to compare this map.
 charget(Object key)
     Maps a specified key to a value.
     Returns a hash code value for this map.
     Indicates whether this map is empty.
     Returns a set view of the keys of this map.
     Returns the last value corresponding to a positive result from ObjectKeyCharMap.containsKey(Object) containsKey(Object) .
 charput(Object key, char value)
     Adds a mapping from a specified key to a specified value to this map.
 voidputAll(ObjectKeyCharMap map)
     Adds all mappings from a specified map to this map.
 charremove(Object key)
     Removes the mapping from a specified key from this map.
  key - the key whose mapping to remove from this map.
     Returns the size of this map.
 chartget(Object key)
     Maps a specified key to a value.
     Minimizes the memory used by this map.
     Returns a collection view of the values in this map.

Method Detail
void clear()(Code)
Clears this map.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported by this map.

boolean containsKey(Object key)(Code)
Indicates whether this map contains a mapping from a specified key. If the key is contained in this map, a succeeding call to ObjectKeyCharMap.lget() lget() will return the corresponding value.
  key - the key to test for. true if this map contains a mapping fromthe specified key; returns falseotherwise.
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.lget()

boolean containsValue(char value)(Code)
Indicates whether this map contains a mapping to a specified value.
  value - the value to test for. true if this map contains at least onemapping to the specified value; returnsfalse otherwise.

ObjectKeyCharMapIterator entries()(Code)
Returns an iterator over the entries of this map. It is possible to remove entries from this map using the iterator provided that the concrete map supports removal of entries. an iterator over the entries of this map.

boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)
Indicates whether this map is equal to some object.
  obj - the object with which to compare this map. true if this map is equal to thespecified object; returns falseotherwise.

char get(Object key)(Code)
Maps a specified key to a value. Returns a default value as specified by the MapDefaults class if no mapping exists for the specified key.
  key - the key to map to a value. the value that the specified key maps to, ora default value, if no such mapping exists.
See Also:   MapDefaults
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.tget(Object)
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.lget()

int hashCode()(Code)
Returns a hash code value for this map. a hash code value for this map.

boolean isEmpty()(Code)
Indicates whether this map is empty. true if this map is empty; returnsfalse otherwise.

Set keySet()(Code)
Returns a set view of the keys of this map. Removals from the returned set removes the corresponding entries in this map. Changes to the map are reflected in the set. a set view of the keys of this map.

char lget()(Code)
Returns the last value corresponding to a positive result from ObjectKeyCharMap.containsKey(Object) containsKey(Object) . This is useful for checking checking the existence of a mapping while avoiding two lookups on the same key. the value corresponding to the key from thelast invokation of ObjectKeyCharMap.containsKey(Object) containsKey(Object).
  IllegalStateException - if ObjectKeyCharMap.containsKey(Object) containsKey(Object) hasnot been called or the last call resulted ina return value of false.
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.get(Object)
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.tget(Object)
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.containsKey(Object)

char put(Object key, char value)(Code)
Adds a mapping from a specified key to a specified value to this map. If a mapping already exists for the specified key it is overwritten by the new mapping.
  key - the key of the mapping to add to this map.
  value - the value of the mapping to add to this map. the old value if amapping from the specified key already existedin this map; otherwise returns a default value asspecified by the MapDefaults class.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported by this map.
See Also:   MapDefaults

void putAll(ObjectKeyCharMap map)(Code)
Adds all mappings from a specified map to this map. Any existing mappings whose keys collide with a new mapping is overwritten by the new mapping.
  map - the map whose mappings to add to this map.
  NullPointerException - if map is null.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported by this map.

char remove(Object key)(Code)
Removes the mapping from a specified key from this map.
  key - the key whose mapping to remove from this map. the old value if amapping from the specified key already existedin this map; otherwise returns a default value asspecified by the MapDefaults class.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported by this map.
See Also:   MapDefaults

int size()(Code)
Returns the size of this map. The size is defined as the number of mappings from keys to values. the size of this map.

char tget(Object key)(Code)
Maps a specified key to a value. This method should be used when the key is known to be in the map.
  key - the key to map to a value. the value that the specified key maps to.
  NoSuchMappingException - if the specified key does not map to any value.
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.get(Object)
See Also:   ObjectKeyCharMap.lget()

void trimToSize()(Code)
Minimizes the memory used by this map. The exact operation of this method depends on the class implementing it. Implementors may choose to ignore it completely.

CharCollection values()(Code)
Returns a collection view of the values in this map. The collection is not modifiable, but changes to the map are reflected in the collection. a collection view of the values in this map. | Contact Us
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