| java.lang.Object COM.rl.obf.TreeItem COM.rl.obf.MdFd
All known Subclasses: COM.rl.obf.Fd, COM.rl.obf.Md,
MdFd | abstract public class MdFd extends TreeItem (Code) | | Base to method and field tree items.
author: Mark Welsh |
getDescriptor | public String getDescriptor()(Code) | | Return the method or field descriptor String.
getDescriptorName | abstract protected String getDescriptorName()(Code) | | Return the display name of the descriptor types.
getReturnTypeName | protected String getReturnTypeName()(Code) | | Return the display name of the return type.
isOverride | public boolean isOverride()(Code) | | Is this method or field an override?
isStatic | public boolean isStatic()(Code) | | Is this member static?
isWildcardMatch | public boolean isWildcardMatch(String namePattern, String descPattern)(Code) | | Does this member match the wildcard pattern? (** and * supported)
setIsOverride | public void setIsOverride()(Code) | | Set that this method or field is an override.
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Return the display name for field.