Method Summary |
public int | getAccessFlags() Return access flags. |
public String | getDescriptor() Return descriptor string. |
protected int | getDescriptorIndex() Return method/field descriptor index into Constant Pool. |
public String | getName() Return method/field string name. |
protected int | getNameIndex() Return method/field name index into Constant Pool. |
public boolean | isSynthetic() |
public Enumeration | listCpRefs() List the constant pool entries references from this method or field. |
protected void | markUtf8Refs(ConstantPool pool) Check for Utf8 references to constant pool and mark them. |
protected void | read(DataInput din) Import the field or method data to internal representation. |
protected void | setDescriptorIndex(int index) Set the method/field descriptor index. |
protected void | setNameIndex(int index) Set the method/field name index. |
protected void | trimAttrsExcept(String[] keepAttrs) Trim attributes from the classfile ('Code', 'Exceptions', 'ConstantValue'
are preserved, all others except the list in the String[] are killed). |
public void | write(DataOutput dout) Export the representation to a DataOutput stream. |