| java.lang.Object COM.rl.obf.classfile.AttrInfo COM.rl.obf.classfile.CodeAttrInfo
CodeAttrInfo | public class CodeAttrInfo extends AttrInfo (Code) | | Representation of an attribute.
author: Mark Welsh |
CONSTANT_FIELD_SIZE | final public static int CONSTANT_FIELD_SIZE(Code) | | |
u2attributesCount | protected int u2attributesCount(Code) | | |
CodeAttrInfo | protected CodeAttrInfo(ClassFile cf, int attrNameIndex, int attrLength)(Code) | | |
addCpRefs | protected void addCpRefs(Vector refs) throws Exception(Code) | | Walk the code, adding pool references to Vector.
getAttrInfoLength | protected int getAttrInfoLength() throws Exception(Code) | | Return the length in bytes of the attribute.
getAttrName | protected String getAttrName() throws Exception(Code) | | Return the String name of the attribute; over-ride this in sub-classes.
markUtf8RefsInInfo | protected void markUtf8RefsInInfo(ConstantPool pool) throws Exception(Code) | | Check for references in the 'info' data to the constant pool and mark them.
trimAttrsExcept | protected void trimAttrsExcept(String[] keepAttrs) throws Exception(Code) | | Trim attributes from the classfile ('Code', 'Exceptions', 'ConstantValue'
are preserved, all others except the list in the String[] are killed).
walkUpdateClassStrings | protected void walkUpdateClassStrings(Hashtable cpUpdate) throws Exception(Code) | | Walk the code, updating .class and Class.forName strings.
writeInfo | public void writeInfo(DataOutput dout) throws Exception(Code) | | Export data following the header to a DataOutput stream.