java.lang .Object com.ivata.mask.web.demo.valueobject .DemoValueObject com.ivata.mask.web.demo.order .OrderDO OrderDO final public class OrderDO extends DemoValueObject (Code)
Represents a single order of this imaginary system.
author: Colin MacLeodauthor: since: ivata masks 0.2 (2004-05-20)version: $Revision: 1.5 $
Constructor Summary public OrderDO ()
Construct a new order instance with no id.
public OrderDO (int idParam)
Construct a new order instance with the given unique identifier.
OrderDO public OrderDO()(Code)
Construct a new order instance with no id.
OrderDO public OrderDO(int idParam)(Code)
Construct a new order instance with the given unique identifier.
Parameters: idParam - unique identifier of this product.
getCustomer public CustomerDO getCustomer()(Code) Each order had to be ordered by someone! This is the customer who placed
the order.
the customer who placed this order.
getItems public List getItems()(Code) An order ain't nothing without some items being purchased. This
contains instances of OrderItemDO
containing instances ofOrderItemDO
setCustomer public void setCustomer(CustomerDO customerDO)(Code) Sets the customer who made this order.
Parameters: customerDO - customer who made this order.
setItems public void setItems(List list)(Code) Set all of the items in the order as a list.
Parameters: list - a List
of OrderItemDO instances.