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001:        /*
002:         * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved.
003:         *
004:         * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
005:         * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
006:         */
007:        package jline;
009:        import*;
011:        /**
012:         *  A buffer that can contain ANSI text.
013:         *
014:         *  @author  <a href="">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
015:         */
016:        public class ANSIBuffer {
017:            private boolean ansiEnabled = true;
018:            private final StringBuffer ansiBuffer = new StringBuffer();
019:            private final StringBuffer plainBuffer = new StringBuffer();
021:            public ANSIBuffer() {
022:            }
024:            public ANSIBuffer(final String str) {
025:                append(str);
026:            }
028:            public void setAnsiEnabled(final boolean ansi) {
029:                this .ansiEnabled = ansi;
030:            }
032:            public boolean getAnsiEnabled() {
033:                return this .ansiEnabled;
034:            }
036:            public String getAnsiBuffer() {
037:                return ansiBuffer.toString();
038:            }
040:            public String getPlainBuffer() {
041:                return plainBuffer.toString();
042:            }
044:            public String toString(final boolean ansi) {
045:                return ansi ? getAnsiBuffer() : getPlainBuffer();
046:            }
048:            public String toString() {
049:                return toString(ansiEnabled);
050:            }
052:            public ANSIBuffer append(final String str) {
053:                ansiBuffer.append(str);
054:                plainBuffer.append(str);
056:                return this ;
057:            }
059:            public ANSIBuffer attrib(final String str, final int code) {
060:                ansiBuffer.append(ANSICodes.attrib(code)).append(str).append(
061:                        ANSICodes.attrib(ANSICodes.OFF));
062:                plainBuffer.append(str);
064:                return this ;
065:            }
067:            public ANSIBuffer red(final String str) {
068:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_RED);
069:            }
071:            public ANSIBuffer blue(final String str) {
072:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_BLUE);
073:            }
075:            public ANSIBuffer green(final String str) {
076:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_GREEN);
077:            }
079:            public ANSIBuffer black(final String str) {
080:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_BLACK);
081:            }
083:            public ANSIBuffer yellow(final String str) {
084:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_YELLOW);
085:            }
087:            public ANSIBuffer magenta(final String str) {
088:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_MAGENTA);
089:            }
091:            public ANSIBuffer cyan(final String str) {
092:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.FG_CYAN);
093:            }
095:            public ANSIBuffer bold(final String str) {
096:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.BOLD);
097:            }
099:            public ANSIBuffer underscore(final String str) {
100:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.UNDERSCORE);
101:            }
103:            public ANSIBuffer blink(final String str) {
104:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.BLINK);
105:            }
107:            public ANSIBuffer reverse(final String str) {
108:                return attrib(str, ANSICodes.REVERSE);
109:            }
111:            public static class ANSICodes {
112:                static final int OFF = 0;
113:                static final int BOLD = 1;
114:                static final int UNDERSCORE = 4;
115:                static final int BLINK = 5;
116:                static final int REVERSE = 7;
117:                static final int CONCEALED = 8;
118:                static final int FG_BLACK = 30;
119:                static final int FG_RED = 31;
120:                static final int FG_GREEN = 32;
121:                static final int FG_YELLOW = 33;
122:                static final int FG_BLUE = 34;
123:                static final int FG_MAGENTA = 35;
124:                static final int FG_CYAN = 36;
125:                static final int FG_WHITE = 37;
126:                static final char ESC = 27;
128:                /**
129:                 *  Constructor is private since this is a utility class.
130:                 */
131:                private ANSICodes() {
132:                }
134:                /**
135:                 * Sets the screen mode. The mode will be one of the following values:
136:                 * <pre>
137:                 * mode     description
138:                 * ----------------------------------------
139:                 *   0      40 x 148 x 25 monochrome (text)
140:                 *   1      40 x 148 x 25 color (text)
141:                 *   2      80 x 148 x 25 monochrome (text)
142:                 *   3      80 x 148 x 25 color (text)
143:                 *   4      320 x 148 x 200 4-color (graphics)
144:                 *   5      320 x 148 x 200 monochrome (graphics)
145:                 *   6      640 x 148 x 200 monochrome (graphics)
146:                 *   7      Enables line wrapping
147:                 *  13      320 x 148 x 200 color (graphics)
148:                 *  14      640 x 148 x 200 color (16-color graphics)
149:                 *  15      640 x 148 x 350 monochrome (2-color graphics)
150:                 *  16      640 x 148 x 350 color (16-color graphics)
151:                 *  17      640 x 148 x 480 monochrome (2-color graphics)
152:                 *  18      640 x 148 x 480 color (16-color graphics)
153:                 *  19      320 x 148 x 200 color (256-color graphics)
154:                 * </pre>
155:                 */
156:                public static String setmode(final int mode) {
157:                    return ESC + "[=" + mode + "h";
158:                }
160:                /**
161:                 * Same as setmode () except for mode = 7, which disables line
162:                 * wrapping (useful for writing the right-most column without
163:                 * scrolling to the next line).
164:                 */
165:                public static String resetmode(final int mode) {
166:                    return ESC + "[=" + mode + "l";
167:                }
169:                /**
170:                 * Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the home postition.
171:                 */
172:                public static String clrscr() {
173:                    return ESC + "[2J";
174:                }
176:                /**
177:                 * Removes all characters from the current cursor position until
178:                 * the end of the line.
179:                 */
180:                public static String clreol() {
181:                    return ESC + "[K";
182:                }
184:                /**
185:                 * Moves the cursor n positions to the left. If n is greater or
186:                 * equal to the current cursor column, the cursor is moved to the
187:                 * first column.
188:                 */
189:                public static String left(final int n) {
190:                    return ESC + "[" + n + "D";
191:                }
193:                /**
194:                 * Moves the cursor n positions to the right. If n plus the current
195:                 * cursor column is greater than the rightmost column, the cursor
196:                 * is moved to the rightmost column.
197:                 */
198:                public static String right(final int n) {
199:                    return ESC + "[" + n + "C";
200:                }
202:                /**
203:                 * Moves the cursor n rows up without changing the current column.
204:                 * If n is greater than or equal to the current row, the cursor is
205:                 * placed in the first row.
206:                 */
207:                public static String up(final int n) {
208:                    return ESC + "[" + n + "A";
209:                }
211:                /**
212:                 * Moves the cursor n rows down. If n plus the current row is greater
213:                 * than the bottom row, the cursor is moved to the bottom row.
214:                 */
215:                public static String down(final int n) {
216:                    return ESC + "[" + n + "B";
217:                }
219:                /*
220:                 * Moves the cursor to the given row and column. (1,1) represents
221:                 * the upper left corner. The lower right corner of a usual DOS
222:                 * screen is (25, 80).
223:                 */
224:                public static String gotoxy(final int row, final int column) {
225:                    return ESC + "[" + row + ";" + column + "H";
226:                }
228:                /**
229:                 * Saves the current cursor position.
230:                 */
231:                public static String save() {
232:                    return ESC + "[s";
233:                }
235:                /**
236:                 * Restores the saved cursor position.
237:                 */
238:                public static String restore() {
239:                    return ESC + "[u";
240:                }
242:                /**
243:                 * Sets the character attribute. It will be
244:                 * one of the following character attributes:
245:                 *
246:                 * <pre>
247:                 * Text attributes
248:                 *    0    All attributes off
249:                 *    1    Bold on
250:                 *    4    Underscore (on monochrome display adapter only)
251:                 *    5    Blink on
252:                 *    7    Reverse video on
253:                 *    8    Concealed on
254:                 *
255:                 *   Foreground colors
256:                 *    30    Black
257:                 *    31    Red
258:                 *    32    Green
259:                 *    33    Yellow
260:                 *    34    Blue
261:                 *    35    Magenta
262:                 *    36    Cyan
263:                 *    37    White
264:                 *
265:                 *   Background colors
266:                 *    40    Black
267:                 *    41    Red
268:                 *    42    Green
269:                 *    43    Yellow
270:                 *    44    Blue
271:                 *    45    Magenta
272:                 *    46    Cyan
273:                 *    47    White
274:                 * </pre>
275:                 *
276:                 * The attributes remain in effect until the next attribute command
277:                 * is sent.
278:                 */
279:                public static String attrib(final int attr) {
280:                    return ESC + "[" + attr + "m";
281:                }
283:                /**
284:                 * Sets the key with the given code to the given value. code must be
285:                 * derived from the following table, value must
286:                 * be any semicolon-separated
287:                 * combination of String (enclosed in double quotes) and numeric values.
288:                 * For example, to set F1 to the String "Hello F1", followed by a CRLF
289:                 * sequence, one can use: ANSI.setkey ("0;59", "\"Hello F1\";13;10").
290:                 * Heres's the table of key values:
291:                 * <pre>
292:                 * Key                       Code      SHIFT+code  CTRL+code  ALT+code
293:                 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
294:                 * F1                        0;59      0;84        0;94       0;104
295:                 * F2                        0;60      0;85        0;95       0;105
296:                 * F3                        0;61      0;86        0;96       0;106
297:                 * F4                        0;62      0;87        0;97       0;107
298:                 * F5                        0;63      0;88        0;98       0;108
299:                 * F6                        0;64      0;89        0;99       0;109
300:                 * F7                        0;65      0;90        0;100      0;110
301:                 * F8                        0;66      0;91        0;101      0;111
302:                 * F9                        0;67      0;92        0;102      0;112
303:                 * F10                       0;68      0;93        0;103      0;113
304:                 * F11                       0;133     0;135       0;137      0;139
305:                 * F12                       0;134     0;136       0;138      0;140
306:                 * HOME (num keypad)         0;71      55          0;119      --
307:                 * UP ARROW (num keypad)     0;72      56          (0;141)    --
308:                 * PAGE UP (num keypad)      0;73      57          0;132      --
309:                 * LEFT ARROW (num keypad)   0;75      52          0;115      --
310:                 * RIGHT ARROW (num keypad)  0;77      54          0;116      --
311:                 * END (num keypad)          0;79      49          0;117      --
312:                 * DOWN ARROW (num keypad)   0;80      50          (0;145)    --
313:                 * PAGE DOWN (num keypad)    0;81      51          0;118      --
314:                 * INSERT (num keypad)       0;82      48          (0;146)    --
315:                 * DELETE  (num keypad)      0;83      46          (0;147)    --
316:                 * HOME                      (224;71)  (224;71)    (224;119)  (224;151)
317:                 * UP ARROW                  (224;72)  (224;72)    (224;141)  (224;152)
318:                 * PAGE UP                   (224;73)  (224;73)    (224;132)  (224;153)
319:                 * LEFT ARROW                (224;75)  (224;75)    (224;115)  (224;155)
320:                 * RIGHT ARROW               (224;77)  (224;77)    (224;116)  (224;157)
321:                 * END                       (224;79)  (224;79)    (224;117)  (224;159)
322:                 * DOWN ARROW                (224;80)  (224;80)    (224;145)  (224;154)
323:                 * PAGE DOWN                 (224;81)  (224;81)    (224;118)  (224;161)
324:                 * INSERT                    (224;82)  (224;82)    (224;146)  (224;162)
325:                 * DELETE                    (224;83)  (224;83)    (224;147)  (224;163)
326:                 * PRINT SCREEN              --        --          0;114      --
327:                 * PAUSE/BREAK               --        --          0;0        --
328:                 * BACKSPACE                 8         8           127        (0)
329:                 * ENTER                     13        --          10         (0
330:                 * TAB                       9         0;15        (0;148)    (0;165)
331:                 * NULL                      0;3       --          --         --
332:                 * A                         97        65          1          0;30
333:                 * B                         98        66          2          0;48
334:                 * C                         99        66          3          0;46
335:                 * D                         100       68          4          0;32
336:                 * E                         101       69          5          0;18
337:                 * F                         102       70          6          0;33
338:                 * G                         103       71          7          0;34
339:                 * H                         104       72          8          0;35
340:                 * I                         105       73          9          0;23
341:                 * J                         106       74          10         0;36
342:                 * K                         107       75          11         0;37
343:                 * L                         108       76          12         0;38
344:                 * M                         109       77          13         0;50
345:                 * N                         110       78          14         0;49
346:                 * O                         111       79          15         0;24
347:                 * P                         112       80          16         0;25
348:                 * Q                         113       81          17         0;16
349:                 * R                         114       82          18         0;19
350:                 * S                         115       83          19         0;31
351:                 * T                         116       84          20         0;20
352:                 * U                         117       85          21         0;22
353:                 * V                         118       86          22         0;47
354:                 * W                         119       87          23         0;17
355:                 * X                         120       88          24         0;45
356:                 * Y                         121       89          25         0;21
357:                 * Z                         122       90          26         0;44
358:                 * 1                         49        33          --         0;120
359:                 * 2                         50        64          0          0;121
360:                 * 3                         51        35          --         0;122
361:                 * 4                         52        36          --         0;123
362:                 * 5                         53        37          --         0;124
363:                 * 6                         54        94          30         0;125
364:                 * 7                         55        38          --         0;126
365:                 * 8                         56        42          --         0;126
366:                 * 9                         57        40          --         0;127
367:                 * 0                         48        41          --         0;129
368:                 * -                         45        95          31         0;130
369:                 * =                         61        43          ---        0;131
370:                 * [                         91        123         27         0;26
371:                 * ]                         93        125         29         0;27
372:                 *                           92        124         28         0;43
373:                 * ;                         59        58          --         0;39
374:                 * '                         39        34          --         0;40
375:                 * ,                         44        60          --         0;51
376:                 * .                         46        62          --         0;52
377:                 * /                         47        63          --         0;53
378:                 * `                         96        126         --         (0;41)
379:                 * ENTER (keypad)            13        --          10         (0;166)
380:                 * / (keypad)                47        47          (0;142)    (0;74)
381:                 * * (keypad)                42        (0;144)     (0;78)     --
382:                 * - (keypad)                45        45          (0;149)    (0;164)
383:                 * + (keypad)                43        43          (0;150)    (0;55)
384:                 * 5 (keypad)                (0;76)    53          (0;143)    --
385:                 */
386:                public static String setkey(final String code,
387:                        final String value) {
388:                    return ESC + "[" + code + ";" + value + "p";
389:                }
390:            }
392:            public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
393:                // sequence, one can use: ANSI.setkey ("0;59", "\"Hello F1\";13;10").
394:                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
395:                        new InputStreamReader(;
396:                System.out.print(ANSICodes.setkey("97", "97;98;99;13")
397:                        + ANSICodes.attrib(ANSICodes.OFF));
398:                System.out.flush();
400:                String line;
402:                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
403:                    System.out.println("GOT: " + line);
404:                }
405:            }
406:        } | Contact Us
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