| java.lang.Object org.jzonic.jlo.error.ErrorHandler
ErrorHandler | public class ErrorHandler (Code) | | The ErrorHandler is used when an exception occurs in the framework. The
exception must not be thrown back to the application that uses jLo.
Therefore we use our own ErrorHandler that sends the Exception together with
a message to System.out.
author: Andreas Mecky author: Terry Dye version: 1.0 |
ErrorHandler | public ErrorHandler()(Code) | | Constructor for the ErrorHandler object
reportError | public static void reportError(String message)(Code) | | This method writes a message
Parameters: message - the message that will be written to System.out |
reportError | public static void reportError(String message, Throwable thrown)(Code) | | This method writes a message together with the StackTrace from the
Parameters: message - the message that will be written Parameters: thrown - the excption |
reportError | public static void reportError(Throwable thrown)(Code) | | This method writes the StackTrace from the exception
Parameters: thrown - the excption |