Method Summary |
public int | confirm(String msg, String title) Asks the user a Yes/No/Cancel question. |
public Action | getCellEditorCmd() Returns an Action that changes the type of the current cell. |
public Action | getCellFormatCmd() Returns an Action that reformats the current cell. |
public Action | getCellRenameCmd() Returns an Action that renames the current cell. |
public Action | getCellRendererCmd() Returns an Action that changes the type of the current cell. |
public Action | getCellTypeCmd() Returns an Action that changes the type of the current cell. |
public Action | getCellValidatorCmd() Returns an Action that changes the type of the current cell. |
public Action | getDefaultEditableCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell format. |
public Action | getDefaultEditorCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell editor. |
public Action | getDefaultFormatCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell format. |
public Action | getDefaultRendererCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell renderer. |
public Action | getDefaultTypeCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell type. |
public Action | getDefaultValueCmd() Returns an Action that changes the default cell type. |
static String | getExceptionName(Throwable t) |
public Action | getFileNewCmd() Returns an Action that resets the spreadsheet to default state. |
public Action | getFileOpenCmd() Returns an Action that sets the spreadsheet to the contents of a file. |
public Action | getFileSaveAsCmd() Returns an Action that saves the spreadsheet to a file. |
public Action | getFileSaveCmd() Returns an Action that saves the spreadsheet to the file from whence it came. |
public Action | getImportClassCmd() Returns an Action that allows the user to import a class. |
static Throwable | getRootCause(Throwable t) |
public Action | getSheetColumnsCmd() Returns an Action that resizes the worksheet. |
public Action | getSheetRowsCmd() Returns an Action that resizes the worksheet. |
public URL | getSheetSource() |
public boolean | isSheetDirty() |
public int | loadSheet(Spreadsheet sheet) |
public void | newWorksheet() Creates a new, empty spreadsheet with default settings. |
public void | notify(String msg, String title) |
public int | openFile() Prompts the user for a file to open, and sets the spreadsheet to the file's contents. |
public String | prompt(String msg, String val) Prompts the user for a string value. |
public int | promptAndSave() |
public int | saveFile() |
public int | saveFileAs() |
public int | saveSheet(Spreadsheet sheet, boolean prompt) |
public void | setCellName(int row, int col) Prompts the user for the name of the designated cell. |
public void | setColumnCount() |
public void | setConfirmFunctor(BinaryFunctor<String, String, Integer> fn) |
public void | setDefaultType() Prompts the user for the cell type. |
public void | setDefaultValue() Prompts the user for the default cell value. |
public void | setErrorFunctor(BinaryFunctor<String, String, ?> fn) Sets the functor used to display an error message. |
public void | setLoadFunctor(UnaryFunctor<Spreadsheet, Integer> fn) |
public void | setPromptFunctor(BinaryFunctor<String, String, String> fn) Sets the functor used to prompt the user for simple information. |
public void | setRowCount() |
public void | setSaveFunctor(BinaryFunctor<Spreadsheet, Boolean, Integer> fn) |
public void | setSheetDirty(boolean flag) |
public void | setSheetSource(URL url) |