| java.lang.Object net.sf.jga.algorithms.Transform net.sf.jga.util.TransformAdjacentIterator
TransformAdjacentIterator | public class TransformAdjacentIterator extends Transform.AdjacentIterator implements Iterable<R>(Code) | | Iterator that applies a given BinaryFunctor to successive pairs of elements
from a given iterator, returning the results as elements.
Note -- in addition to this class being deprecated in order to be moved,
its implementation of Iterable is also deprecated: the successor class
will not implement Iterable.
Copyright © 2004-2005 David A. Hall
author: David A. Hall |
TransformAdjacentIterator | public TransformAdjacentIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iter, BinaryFunctor<T, T, R> fn)(Code) | | Builds a TransormAdjacentIterator that applies the given functor to
adjacent elements of the given base iterator.
Methods inherited from net.sf.jga.algorithms.Transform | public static Iterable<T> replace(T[] ts, T value, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<T> replace(T[] ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<T> replace(T[] ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, UnaryFunctor<T, T> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<T> replace(Iterable<T> ts, T value, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<T> replace(Iterable<T> ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<T> replace(Iterable<T> ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, UnaryFunctor<T, T> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<T> replace(Iterator<? extends T> ts, T value, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<T> replace(Iterator<? extends T> ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, T replacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<T> replace(Iterator<? extends T> ts, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, UnaryFunctor<T, T> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static TCollection replace(Iterable<? extends T> cin, T value, T repl, TCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc) public static TCollection replace(Iterable<? extends T> cin, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, T repl, TCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc) public static TCollection replace(Iterable<? extends T> cin, UnaryFunctor<T, Boolean> test, UnaryFunctor<T, T> fn, TCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(T[] ts, UnaryFunctor<T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(T[] ts, BinaryFunctor<T, T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(T1[] ts1, T2[] ts2, BinaryFunctor<T1, T2, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(Iterable<? extends T> i, UnaryFunctor<T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(Iterable<? extends T> i, BinaryFunctor<T, T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterable<R> transform(Iterable<? extends T1> i1, Iterable<? extends T2> i2, BinaryFunctor<T1, T2, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<R> transform(Iterator<? extends T> iter, UnaryFunctor<T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<R> transform(Iterator<? extends T> iter, BinaryFunctor<T, T, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Iterator<R> transform(Iterator<? extends T1> iter1, Iterator<? extends T2> iter2, BinaryFunctor<T1, T2, R> fn)(Code)(Java Doc) public static RCollection transform(Iterable<? extends T> cin, UnaryFunctor<T, R> fn, RCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc) public static RCollection transform(Iterable<? extends T> cin, BinaryFunctor<T, T, R> fn, RCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc) public static RCollection transform(Iterable<? extends T1> cin1, Iterable<? extends T2> cin2, BinaryFunctor<T1, T2, R> fn, RCollection cout)(Code)(Java Doc)