examples.grid.fitnessDistributed |
Example for distributedly computing fitness values. Evolution happens locally on the client
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
ClientEvolveStrategy.java | Class | Sample implementation of a strategy for evolving a generation on the client. |
FitnessSplitStrategy.java | Class | Sample implementation of IRequestSplitStrategy. |
GridConfiguration.java | Class | Main configuration for defining the problem and the way it is solved in the
grid. |
MyClientFeedback.java | Class | Listener for feedback sent to the client. |
MyGAWorker.java | Class | Receives work, computes a solution and returns the solution to the requester. |
MyRequest.java | Class | An instance splitting a single request into multiple requests that will be
sent to multiple workers for computation. |
MyRequestSplitStrategy.java | Class | Sample implementation of IRequestSplitStrategy to split a single request
into multiple requests for workers. |
MyResult.java | Class | Stores the result of a computation. |
MyWorkerFeedback.java | Class | Listener called on worker events. |
MyWorkerReturnStrategy.java | Class | Just compute the fitness value in our example, where only fitness value
computation is dirtibuted. |
SampleFitnessFunction.java | Class | Fitness function for our example. |
ServerAndWorker.java | Class | Convenience call to start both the server and a worker at once. |