| javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
ConnectionFactory | public interface ConnectionFactory extends Serializable,Referenceable(Code) | | The ConnectionFactory provides an interface for getting a Connection from
the Resource adapter.
The application retrieves a reference to the ConnectionFactory through a
JNDI lookup.
ConnectionFactory extends java.io.Serializable and
javax.resource.Referenceable in order to support JNDI lookup.
getConnection | public Connection getConnection() throws ResourceException(Code) | | Gets a connection from the resource adapter. When using this method the
client does not pass any security information, and wants the container to
manage sign-on. This is called container managed sign-on.
getConnection | public Connection getConnection(ConnectionSpec properties) throws ResourceException(Code) | | Gets a connection from the resource adapter. When using this method the
client passes in the security information. This is called component
managed sign-on.