Constructs an attribute change notification filter. All attribute
notifications are filtered by default. Use
AttributeChangeNotificationFilter.enableAttribute to enable notifications of a given attribute to pass this filter.
Method Detail
public synchronized void disableAllAttributes()(Code)
Disables all attribute change notifications.
public synchronized void disableAttribute(String name)(Code)
Disable the attribute change notifications of the given attribute.
Attribute change notifications for this attribute will not be sent to
the listener.
Parameters: name - name of the management attribute
Enables the attribute change notifications of the given attribute to be
sent to the listener.
Parameters: name - name of the management attribute
public synchronized Vector getEnabledAttributes()(Code)
Returns the names of the attributes whose notifications are allowed to
pass this filter.
a vector containing the name strings of the enabled attributes
public synchronized boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification)(Code)