| java.lang.Object org.jboss.mq.il.oil2.OIL2SocketHandler
Inner Class :public class RequestRunner implements Runnable | |
Field Summary | |
PooledExecutor | pool The thread pool used to service incoming requests.. | OIL2RequestListner | requestListner The request listner is notified of new requests
and of asyncronous IO errors. | LinkedQueue | requestQueue The that new request get placed into when they arrived. | volatile ConcurrentHashMap | responseSlots Requst create slots to wait for responses,
those slots are stored in this hashmap. |
pool | PooledExecutor pool(Code) | | The thread pool used to service incoming requests..
requestListner | OIL2RequestListner requestListner(Code) | | The request listner is notified of new requests
and of asyncronous IO errors.
requestQueue | LinkedQueue requestQueue(Code) | | The that new request get placed into when they arrived.
responseSlots | volatile ConcurrentHashMap responseSlots(Code) | | Requst create slots to wait for responses,
those slots are stored in this hashmap.
This field uses copy on write semantics.
run | public void run()(Code) | | Main processing method for the OILClientILService object
sendRequest | public void sendRequest(OIL2Request request) throws IOException(Code) | | #Description of the Method
Description of the Returned Value exception: Exception - Description of Exception |
sendResponse | public void sendResponse(OIL2Response response) throws IOException(Code) | | #Description of the Method
Description of the Returned Value exception: Exception - Description of Exception |
start | public void start()(Code) | | |