| org.jboss.deployment.scanner.AbstractDeploymentScanner org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner
All known Subclasses: org.jboss.deployment.scanner.HttpURLDeploymentScanner,
Inner Class :protected class DeployedURL | |
deployedSet | protected Set deployedSet(Code) | | A set of scanned urls which have been deployed.
doRecursiveSearch | protected boolean doRecursiveSearch(Code) | | Whether to search inside directories whose names containing no dots
filter | protected URLFilter filter(Code) | | Allow a filter for scanned directories
listerFactory | protected URLListerFactory listerFactory(Code) | | Helper for listing local/remote directory URLs
serverHome | protected File serverHome(Code) | | The server's home directory, for relative paths.
serverHomeURL | protected URL serverHomeURL(Code) | | |
skipSet | protected Set skipSet(Code) | | A set of deployment URLs to skip *
sorter | protected Comparator sorter(Code) | | A sorter urls from a scaned directory to allow for coarse dependency
ordering based on file type
urlList | protected List urlList(Code) | | The list of URLs to scan.
deploy | protected void deploy(DeployedURL du)(Code) | | A helper to deploy the given URL with the deployer.
getFilterInstance | public URLFilter getFilterInstance()(Code) | | |
getRecursiveSearch | public boolean getRecursiveSearch()(Code) | | |
isDeployed | protected boolean isDeployed(URL url)(Code) | | Checks if the url is in the deployed set.
listDeployedURLs | public String listDeployedURLs()(Code) | | Lists all urls deployed by the scanner, each URL on a new line.
removeURL | public void removeURL(URL url)(Code) | | |
resumeDeployment | public void resumeDeployment(URL url, boolean markUpToDate)(Code) | | Re-enables scanning of a particular deployment URL, previously suspended
using suspendDeployment(URL). If the markUpToDate flag is true then the
deployment module will be considered up-to-date during the next scan.
If the flag is false, at the next scan the scanner will check the
modification date to decide if the module needs deploy/redeploy/undeploy.
setFilterInstance | public void setFilterInstance(URLFilter filter)(Code) | | Parameters: filter - The URLFilter instance |
setRecursiveSearch | public void setRecursiveSearch(boolean recurse)(Code) | | |
suspendDeployment | public void suspendDeployment(URL url)(Code) | | Temporarily ignore changes (addition, updates, removal) to a particular
deployment, identified by its deployment URL. The deployment URL is different
from the 'base' URLs that are scanned by the scanner (e.g. the full path to
deploy/jmx-console.war vs. deploy/). This can be used to avoid an attempt
by the scanner to deploy/redeploy/undeploy a URL that is being modified.
To re-enable scanning of changes for a URL, use resumeDeployment(URL, boolean).
undeploy | protected void undeploy(DeployedURL du)(Code) | | A helper to undeploy the given URL from the deployer.
updateSorter | protected boolean updateSorter()(Code) | | |