Method Summary |
public void | addGBeanToConfiguration(Artifact configID, GBeanData gbean, boolean start) Adds a new GBean to an existing Configuration. |
public Object[] | findByInterface(Class iface) |
public ResourceAdapterModule[] | getAdminObjectModules(J2EEServer server, String[] adminObjectInterfaces) |
public JCAAdminObject[] | getAdminObjects(ResourceAdapterModule module, String[] adminObjectInterfaces) |
public JCAAdminObject[] | getAdminObjects(JCAResource resource) |
public AppClientModule[] | getAppClients(J2EEServer server) |
public AppClientModule[] | getAppClients(J2EEApplication application) |
public J2EEApplication[] | getApplications(J2EEServer server) |
public Artifact | getConfigurationNameFor(AbstractName abstractName) |
public ConfigurationData[] | getConfigurations(ConfigurationModuleType type, boolean includeChildModules) |
public JCAConnectionFactory[] | getConnectionFactories(JCAResource resource) |
public JDBCDataSource[] | getDataSource(JDBCResource resource) |
public J2EEDeployedObject[] | getDeployedObjects(J2EEServer server) |
public J2EEDomain[] | getDomains() |
public JDBCDriver[] | getDriver(JDBCDataSource dataSource) |
public EJBModule[] | getEJBModules(J2EEServer server) |
public EJBModule[] | getEJBModules(J2EEApplication application) |
public EJB[] | getEJBs(EJBModule module) |
public String | getGBeanDescription(AbstractName abstractName) |
public Object[] | getGBeansImplementing(Class iface) |
public JCAResource[] | getJCAResources(J2EEServer server) |
public JCAResource[] | getJCAResources(J2EEApplication application) |
public JDBCResource[] | getJDBCResources(J2EEServer server) |
public JDBCResource[] | getJDBCResources(J2EEApplication application) |
public JMSResource[] | getJMSResources(J2EEServer server) |
public JMSResource[] | getJMSResources(J2EEApplication application) |
public JVM[] | getJavaVMs(J2EEServer server) |
public JCAManagedConnectionFactory | getManagedConnectionFactory(JCAConnectionFactory factory) |
public J2EEDeployedObject | getModuleForConfiguration(Artifact configuration) Gets a JSR-77 Module (WebModule, EJBModule, etc.) for the specified configuration. |
public J2EEModule[] | getModules(J2EEApplication application) |
public AbstractName | getNameFor(Object component) |
public Naming | getNaming() This method returns the Naming object of the kernel. |
public Object | getObject(AbstractName objectName) |
public JCAManagedConnectionFactory[] | getOutboundFactories(J2EEServer server, String connectionFactoryInterface) |
public JCAManagedConnectionFactory[] | getOutboundFactories(ResourceAdapterModule module) |
public JCAManagedConnectionFactory[] | getOutboundFactories(ResourceAdapterModule module, String connectionFactoryInterface) |
public JCAManagedConnectionFactory[] | getOutboundFactories(ResourceAdapterModule module, String[] connectionFactoryInterfaces) |
public ResourceAdapterModule[] | getOutboundRAModules(J2EEServer server, String connectionFactoryInterface) |
public ResourceAdapterModule[] | getOutboundRAModules(J2EEServer server, String[] connectionFactoryInterfaces) |
public ResourceAdapterModule[] | getRAModules(J2EEServer server) |
public ResourceAdapterModule[] | getRAModules(J2EEApplication application) |
public JCAResource[] | getRAResources(ResourceAdapter adapter) |
public static KernelManagementHelper | getRemoteKernelManager(String host, String user, String password) Helper method to connect to a remote kernel. |
public ResourceAdapter[] | getResourceAdapters(ResourceAdapterModule module) |
public J2EEResource[] | getResources(J2EEServer server) |
public J2EEServer[] | getServers(J2EEDomain domain) |
public Servlet[] | getServlets(WebModule module) |
public SystemLog | getSystemLog(JVM jvm) |
public WebModule[] | getWebModules(J2EEServer server) |
public WebModule[] | getWebModules(J2EEApplication application) |
public void | testLoginModule(J2EEServer server, LoginModule module, Map options) |
public Subject | testLoginModule(J2EEServer server, LoginModule module, Map options, String username, String password) |