001: /**
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003: * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
004: * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005: * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006: * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007: * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
008: *
009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010: *
011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015: * limitations under the License.
016: */package org.apache.geronimo.mail;
018: import java.util.Properties;
020: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
021: import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
023: import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfo;
024: import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfoBuilder;
026: /**
027: * A GBean that provides for the configuration of a JavaMail SMTP transport
028: * protocol.
029: * <p/>
030: * SMTP transport properties that are common to all SMTP transports are
031: * provided via member variables of this class. Values that are set in the
032: * individual member variables will override any of the corresponding values
033: * that have been set in the properties set.
034: *
035: * @version $Rev: 594563 $ $Date: 2007-11-13 07:28:52 -0800 (Tue, 13 Nov 2007) $
036: * @see MailGBean
037: */
038: public class SMTPSTransportGBean extends ProtocolGBean {
040: // the SMTPS configuration property names
041: static public final String SMTPS_PORT = "mail.smtps.port";
042: static public final String SMTPS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "mail.smtps.connectiontimeout";
043: static public final String SMTPS_TIMEOUT = "mail.smtps.timeout";
044: static public final String SMTPS_FROM = "mail.smtps.from";
045: static public final String SMTPS_AUTH = "mail.smtps.auth";
046: static public final String SMTPS_REALM = "mail.smtps.sasl.realm";
047: static public final String SMTPS_QUITWAIT = "mail.smtps.quitwait";
048: static public final String SMTPS_FACTORY_CLASS = "mail.smtps.socketFactory.class";
049: static public final String SMTPS_FACTORY_FALLBACK = "mail.smtps.socketFactory.fallback";
050: static public final String SMTPS_FACTORY_PORT = "mail.smtps.socketFactory.port";
051: static public final String SMTPS_LOCALHOST = "mail.smtps.localhost";
052: static public final String SMTPS_LOCALADDRESS = "mail.smtps.localaddress";
053: static public final String SMTPS_LOCALPORT = "mail.smtps.localport";
054: static public final String SMTPS_EHLO = "mail.smtps.ehlo";
055: static public final String SMTPS_SUBMITTER = "mail.smtps.submitter";
056: static public final String SMTPS_DSN_NOTIFY = "mail.smtps.dsn.notify";
057: static public final String SMTPS_DSN_RET = "mail.smtps.dsn.ret";
058: static public final String SMTPS_8BITMIME = "mail.smtps.allow8bitmime";
059: static public final String SMTPS_SEND_PARTIAL = "mail.smtps.sendpartial";
060: static public final String SMTPS_REPORT_SUCCESS = "mail.smtps.reportsuccess";
061: static public final String SMTPS_MAIL_EXTENSION = "mail.smtps.mailextension";
062: static public final String SMTPS_STARTTLS_ENABLE = "mail.smtps.starttls.enable";
064: static public final String GBEAN_EHLO = "ehlo";
065: static public final String GBEAN_SUBMITTER = "submitter";
066: static public final String GBEAN_DSN_NOTIFY = "dsnNotify";
067: static public final String GBEAN_DSN_RET = "dsnRet";
068: static public final String GBEAN_8BITMIME = "allow8bitmime";
069: static public final String GBEAN_SEND_PARTIAL = "sendPartical";
070: static public final String GBEAN_REPORT_SUCCESS = "reportSuccess";
071: static public final String GBEAN_MAIL_EXTENSION = "mailExtension";
072: static public final String GBEAN_STARTTLS_ENABLE = "startTLSEnable";
074: private final Log log = LogFactory
075: .getLog(SMTPSTransportGBean.class);
077: private Integer port;
078: private Integer connectionTimeout;
079: private Integer timeout;
080: private String from;
081: private String localhost;
082: private String localaddress;
083: private Integer localport;
084: private Boolean ehlo;
085: private Boolean auth;
086: private String submitter;
087: private String dsnNotify;
088: private String dsnRet;
089: private Boolean allow8bitmime;
090: private Boolean sendPartial;
091: private String saslRealm;
092: private Boolean quitWait;
093: private Boolean reportSuccess;
094: private String socketFactoryClass;
095: private Boolean socketFactoryFallback;
096: private Integer socketFactoryPort;
097: private String mailExtension;
098: private Boolean startTLSEnable;
100: /**
101: * Construct an instance of SMTPSTransportGBean
102: * <p/>
103: * Values that are set in the individual member variables will override any of
104: * the corresponding values that have been set in the properties set.
105: *
106: * @param objectName the object name of the protocol
107: * @param properties the set of default properties for the protocol
108: * @param host the host the protocol connects to
109: * @param user the default name for the protocol
110: * @param port the SMTPS server port
111: * @param connectionTimeout the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds
112: * @param timeout the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds
113: * @param from the email address to use for SMTPS MAIL command
114: * @param localhost the local host name used in the SMTPS HELO or EHLO command
115: * @param localaddress the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTPS socket
116: * @param localport the local port number to bind to when creating the SMTPS socket
117: * @param ehlo whether an attempt will be made to sign on with the EHLO command
118: * @param auth whether an attempt will be made to authenticate the user using
119: * the AUTH command
120: * @param startTLSEnable the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands
121: * @param submitter the submitter to use in the AUTH tag in the MAIL FROM command
122: * @param dsnNotify the NOTIFY option to the RCPT command
123: * @param dsnRet the RET option to the MAIL command
124: * @param allow8bitmime whether encodings are converted to use "8bit" under certain
125: * conditions
126: * @param sendPartial whether to send email to valid addresses when others are invalid
127: * @param saslRealm the realm to use with DIGEST-MD5 authentication
128: * @param quitWait whether the transport will wait for the response to the QUIT command
129: * @param reportSuccess whether the transport will include an SMTPAddressSucceededException
130: * for each address that is successful
131: * @param socketFactoryClass the class that will be used to create SMTPS sockets
132: * @param socketFactoryFallback whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
133: * socket factory class cannot be created
134: * @param socketFactoryPort whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
135: * socket factory class cannot be created
136: * @param mailExtension the extension string to append to the MAIL command
137: */
138: public SMTPSTransportGBean(String objectName,
139: Properties properties, String host, String user,
140: Integer port, Integer connectionTimeout, Integer timeout,
141: String from, String localhost, String localaddress,
142: Integer localport, Boolean ehlo, Boolean auth,
143: Boolean startTLSEnable, String submitter, String dsnNotify,
144: String dsnRet, Boolean allow8bitmime, Boolean sendPartial,
145: String saslRealm, Boolean quitWait, Boolean reportSuccess,
146: String socketFactoryClass, Boolean socketFactoryFallback,
147: Integer socketFactoryPort, String mailExtension) {
148: super (objectName, "smtps", properties, host, user);
150: setPort(port);
151: setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeout);
152: setTimeout(timeout);
153: setFrom(from);
154: setLocalhost(localhost);
155: setLocaladdress(localaddress);
156: setLocalport(localport);
157: setEhlo(ehlo);
158: setAuth(auth);
159: setStartTLSEnable(startTLSEnable);
160: setSubmitter(submitter);
161: setDsnNotify(dsnNotify);
162: setDsnRet(dsnRet);
163: setAllow8bitmime(allow8bitmime);
164: setSendPartial(sendPartial);
165: setSaslRealm(saslRealm);
166: setQuitWait(quitWait);
167: setReportSuccess(reportSuccess);
168: setSocketFactoryClass(socketFactoryClass);
169: setSocketFactoryFallback(socketFactoryFallback);
170: setSocketFactoryPort(socketFactoryPort);
171: setMailExtension(mailExtension);
172: }
174: /**
175: * Returns the SMTP server port to connect to, if the connect() method
176: * doesn't explicitly specify one.
177: */
178: public Integer getPort() {
179: return port;
180: }
182: /**
183: * Sets the SMTP server port to connect to, if the connect() method
184: * doesn't explicitly specify one.
185: * <p/>
186: * Defaults to 25.
187: * <p/>
188: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
189: * that has been set in the properties.
190: *
191: * @param port the SMTP server port to connect to
192: */
193: public void setPort(Integer port) {
194: this .port = port;
195: }
197: /**
198: * Returns the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
199: */
200: public Integer getConnectionTimeout() {
201: return connectionTimeout;
202: }
204: /**
205: * Sets the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
206: * <p/>
207: * Default is infinite timeout.
208: * <p/>
209: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
210: * that has been set in the properties.
211: *
212: * @param connectionTimeout the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
213: */
214: public void setConnectionTimeout(Integer connectionTimeout) {
215: this .connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
216: }
218: /**
219: * Returns the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
220: */
221: public Integer getTimeout() {
222: return timeout;
223: }
225: /**
226: * Sets the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
227: * <p/>
228: * Default is infinite timeout.
229: * <p/>
230: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
231: * that has been set in the properties.
232: *
233: * @param timeout the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds
234: */
235: public void setTimeout(Integer timeout) {
236: this .timeout = timeout;
237: }
239: /**
240: * Returns the email address to use for SMTP MAIL command.
241: */
242: public String getFrom() {
243: return from;
244: }
246: /**
247: * Sets the email address to use for SMTP MAIL command
248: * <p/>
249: * Email address to use for SMTP MAIL command. This sets the envelope
250: * return address. Defaults to msg.getFrom() or InternetAddress.getLocalAddress().
251: * NOTE: mail.smtps.user was previously used for this.
252: * <p/>
253: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
254: * that has been set in the properties.
255: *
256: * @param from the email address to use for SMTP MAIL command
257: */
258: public void setFrom(String from) {
259: this .from = from;
260: }
262: /**
263: * Returns the local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
264: */
265: public String getLocalhost() {
266: return localhost;
267: }
269: /**
270: * Sets the local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
271: * <p/>
272: * Local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command. Defaults to
273: * InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(). Should not normally need to
274: * be set if your JDK and your name service are configured properly.
275: * <p/>
276: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
277: * that has been set in the properties.
278: *
279: * @param localhost the local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command
280: */
281: public void setLocalhost(String localhost) {
282: this .localhost = localhost;
283: }
285: /**
286: * Returns the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTP socket.
287: */
288: public String getLocaladdress() {
289: return localaddress;
290: }
292: /**
293: * Sets the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTP socket.
294: * <p/>
295: * Local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTP socket.
296: * Defaults to the address picked by the Socket class. Should not normally
297: * need to be set, but useful with multi-homed hosts where it's important
298: * to pick a particular local address to bind to.
299: * <p/>
300: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
301: * that has been set in the properties.
302: *
303: * @param localaddress the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTP socket
304: */
305: public void setLocaladdress(String localaddress) {
306: this .localaddress = localaddress;
307: }
309: /**
310: * Returns the local port number to bind to when creating the SMTP socket.
311: */
312: public Integer getLocalport() {
313: return localport;
314: }
316: /**
317: * Sets the local port number to bind to when creating the SMTP socket.
318: * <p/>
319: * Local port number to bind to when creating the SMTP socket. Defaults to
320: * the port number picked by the Socket class.
321: * <p/>
322: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
323: * that has been set in the properties.
324: *
325: * @param localport the local port number to bind to when creating the SMTP socket
326: */
327: public void setLocalport(Integer localport) {
328: this .localport = localport;
329: }
331: /**
332: * Returns whether an attempt will be made to sign on with the EHLO command.
333: * <p/>
334: * If false, do not attempt to sign on with the EHLO command. Normally
335: * failure of the EHLO command will fallback to the HELO command; this
336: * property exists only for servers that don't fail EHLO properly or don't
337: * implement EHLO properly.
338: */
339: public Boolean getEhlo() {
340: return ehlo;
341: }
343: /**
344: * Set whether an attempt will be made to sign on with the EHLO command.
345: * <p/>
346: * If false, do not attempt to sign on with the EHLO command. Normally
347: * failure of the EHLO command will fallback to the HELO command; this
348: * property exists only for servers that don't fail EHLO properly or don't
349: * implement EHLO properly.
350: * <p/>
351: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
352: * that has been set in the properties.
353: *
354: * @param ehlo whether an attempt will be made to sign on with the EHLO command
355: */
356: public void setEhlo(Boolean ehlo) {
357: this .ehlo = ehlo;
358: }
360: /**
361: * Returns whether an attempt will be made to authenticate the user using
362: * the AUTH command.
363: * <p/>
364: * Defaults to false.
365: */
366: public Boolean getAuth() {
367: return auth;
368: }
370: /**
371: * Sets whether an attempt will be made to authenticate the user using
372: * the AUTH command.
373: * <p/>
374: * Defaults to false.
375: * <p/>
376: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
377: * that has been set in the properties.
378: *
379: * @param auth whether an attempt will be made to authenticate the user using
380: * the AUTH command.
381: */
382: public void setAuth(Boolean auth) {
383: this .auth = auth;
384: }
386: /**
387: * Returns the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
388: * supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
389: * connection before issuing any login commands.
390: * <p/>
391: * If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the
392: * server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before
393: * issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must
394: * configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate.
395: * This feature only works on J2SE 1.4 and newer systems. Default is false.
396: */
397: public Boolean getStartTLSEnable() {
398: return startTLSEnable;
399: }
401: /**
402: * Sets the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
403: * supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
404: * connection before issuing any login commands.
405: * <p/>
406: * If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the
407: * server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before
408: * issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must
409: * configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate.
410: * This feature only works on J2SE 1.4 and newer systems. Default is false.
411: * <p/>
412: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
413: * that has been set in the properties.
414: *
415: * @param startTLSEnable the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
416: * supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
417: * connection before issuing any login commands
418: */
419: public void setStartTLSEnable(Boolean startTLSEnable) {
420: this .startTLSEnable = startTLSEnable;
421: }
423: /**
424: * Returns the submitter to use in the AUTH tag in the MAIL FROM command.
425: * <p/>
426: * Typically used by a mail relay to pass along information about the
427: * original submitter of the message. See also the setSubmitter method of
428: * SMTPMessage. Mail clients typically do not use this.
429: */
430: public String getSubmitter() {
431: return submitter;
432: }
434: /**
435: * Sets the submitter to use in the AUTH tag in the MAIL FROM command.
436: * <p/>
437: * Typically used by a mail relay to pass along information about the
438: * original submitter of the message. See also the setSubmitter method of
439: * SMTPMessage. Mail clients typically do not use this.
440: * <p/>
441: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
442: * that has been set in the properties.
443: *
444: * @param submitter the submitter to use in the AUTH tag in the MAIL FROM command
445: */
446: public void setSubmitter(String submitter) {
447: this .submitter = submitter;
448: }
450: /**
451: * Returns the NOTIFY option to the RCPT command.
452: * <p/>
453: * Either NEVER, or some combination of SUCCESS, FAILURE, and DELAY
454: * (separated by commas).
455: */
456: public String getDsnNotify() {
457: return dsnNotify;
458: }
460: /**
461: * Sets the NOTIFY option to the RCPT command
462: * <p/>
463: * Either NEVER, or some combination of SUCCESS, FAILURE, and DELAY
464: * (separated by commas).
465: * <p/>
466: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
467: * that has been set in the properties.
468: *
469: * @param dsnNotify the NOTIFY option to the RCPT command
470: */
471: public void setDsnNotify(String dsnNotify) {
472: this .dsnNotify = dsnNotify;
473: }
475: /**
476: * Returns the RET option to the MAIL command.
477: * <p/>
478: * Either FULL or HDRS.
479: */
480: public String getDsnRet() {
481: return dsnRet;
482: }
484: /**
485: * Sets the RET option to the MAIL command
486: * <p/>
487: * Either FULL or HDRS.
488: * <p/>
489: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
490: * that has been set in the properties.
491: *
492: * @param dsnRet the RET option to the MAIL command
493: */
494: public void setDsnRet(String dsnRet) {
495: this .dsnRet = dsnRet;
496: }
498: /**
499: * Returns whether encodings are converted to use "8bit" under certain
500: * conditions.
501: * <p/>
502: * If set to true, and the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, text
503: * parts of messages that use the "quoted-printable" or "base64" encodings
504: * are converted to use "8bit" encoding if they follow the RFC2045 rules
505: * for 8bit text.
506: */
507: public Boolean getAllow8bitmime() {
508: return allow8bitmime;
509: }
511: /**
512: * Sets whether encodings are converted to use "8bit" under certain
513: * conditions.
514: * <p/>
515: * If set to true, and the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, text
516: * parts of messages that use the "quoted-printable" or "base64" encodings
517: * are converted to use "8bit" encoding if they follow the RFC2045 rules
518: * for 8bit text.
519: * <p/>
520: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
521: * that has been set in the properties.
522: *
523: * @param allow8bitmime whether encodings are converted to use "8bit" under certain
524: * conditions
525: */
526: public void setAllow8bitmime(Boolean allow8bitmime) {
527: this .allow8bitmime = allow8bitmime;
528: }
530: /**
531: * Returns whether to send email to valid addresses when others are invalid.
532: * <p/>
533: * If set to true, and a message has some valid and some invalid addresses,
534: * send the message anyway, reporting the partial failure with a
535: * SendFailedException. If set to false (the default), the message is not
536: * sent to any of the recipients if there is an invalid recipient address.
537: */
538: public Boolean getSendPartial() {
539: return sendPartial;
540: }
542: /**
543: * Sets whether to send email to valid addresses when others are invalid.
544: * <p/>
545: * If set to true, and a message has some valid and some invalid addresses,
546: * send the message anyway, reporting the partial failure with a
547: * SendFailedException. If set to false (the default), the message is not
548: * sent to any of the recipients if there is an invalid recipient address.
549: * <p/>
550: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
551: * that has been set in the properties.
552: *
553: * @param sendPartial whether to send email to valid addresses when others are invalid
554: */
555: public void setSendPartial(Boolean sendPartial) {
556: this .sendPartial = sendPartial;
557: }
559: /**
560: * Returns the realm to use with DIGEST-MD5 authentication.
561: */
562: public String getSaslRealm() {
563: return saslRealm;
564: }
566: /**
567: * Sets the realm to use with DIGEST-MD5 authentication.
568: * <p/>
569: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
570: * that has been set in the properties.
571: *
572: * @param saslRealm the realm to use with DIGEST-MD5 authentication
573: */
574: public void setSaslRealm(String saslRealm) {
575: this .saslRealm = saslRealm;
576: }
578: /**
579: * Returns whether the transport will wait for the response to the QUIT command.
580: * <p/>
581: * If set to true, causes the transport to wait for the response to the QUIT
582: * command. If set to false (the default), the QUIT command is sent and the
583: * connection is immediately closed.
584: */
585: public Boolean getQuitWait() {
586: return quitWait;
587: }
589: /**
590: * Sets whether the transport will wait for the response to the QUIT command
591: * <p/>
592: * If set to true, causes the transport to wait for the response to the QUIT
593: * command. If set to false (the default), the QUIT command is sent and the
594: * connection is immediately closed.
595: * <p/>
596: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
597: * that has been set in the properties.
598: *
599: * @param quitWait whether the transport will wait for the response to the QUIT command
600: */
601: public void setQuitWait(Boolean quitWait) {
602: this .quitWait = quitWait;
603: }
605: /**
606: * Returns whether the transport will include an SMTPAddressSucceededException
607: * for each address that is successful.
608: * <p/>
609: * Note also that this will cause a SendFailedException to be thrown from
610: * the sendMessage method of SMTPTransport even if all addresses were
611: * correct and the message was sent successfully.
612: */
613: public Boolean getReportSuccess() {
614: return reportSuccess;
615: }
617: /**
618: * Sets whether the transport will include an SMTPAddressSucceededException
619: * for each address that is successful.
620: * <p/>
621: * Note also that this will cause a SendFailedException to be thrown from
622: * the sendMessage method of SMTPTransport even if all addresses were
623: * correct and the message was sent successfully.
624: * <p/>
625: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
626: * that has been set in the properties.
627: *
628: * @param reportSuccess whether the transport will include an SMTPAddressSucceededException
629: * for each address that is successful
630: */
631: public void setReportSuccess(Boolean reportSuccess) {
632: this .reportSuccess = reportSuccess;
633: }
635: /**
636: * Returns the class that will be used to create SMTP sockets.
637: * <p/>
638: * If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the
639: * javax.net.SocketFactory interface. This class will be used to create SMTP
640: * sockets.
641: */
642: public String getSocketFactoryClass() {
643: return socketFactoryClass;
644: }
646: /**
647: * Sets the class that will be used to create SMTP sockets.
648: * <p/>
649: * If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the
650: * javax.net.SocketFactory interface. This class will be used to create SMTP
651: * sockets.
652: * <p/>
653: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
654: * that has been set in the properties.
655: *
656: * @param socketFactoryClass the class that will be used to create SMTP sockets
657: */
658: public void setSocketFactoryClass(String socketFactoryClass) {
659: this .socketFactoryClass = socketFactoryClass;
660: }
662: /**
663: * Returns whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
664: * socket factory class cannot be created.
665: * <p/>
666: * If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified socket
667: * factory class will cause the socket to be created using the
668: * java.net.Socket class. Defaults to true.
669: */
670: public Boolean getSocketFactoryFallback() {
671: return socketFactoryFallback;
672: }
674: /**
675: * Sets whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
676: * socket factory class cannot be created.
677: * <p/>
678: * If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified socket
679: * factory class will cause the socket to be created using the
680: * java.net.Socket class. Defaults to true.
681: * <p/>
682: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
683: * that has been set in the properties.
684: *
685: * @param socketFactoryFallback whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
686: * socket factory class cannot be created
687: */
688: public void setSocketFactoryFallback(Boolean socketFactoryFallback) {
689: this .socketFactoryFallback = socketFactoryFallback;
690: }
692: /**
693: * Returns the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory.
694: * <p/>
695: * Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
696: * factory. If not set, the default port will be used.
697: */
698: public Integer getSocketFactoryPort() {
699: return socketFactoryPort;
700: }
702: /**
703: * Sets the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory.
704: * <p/>
705: * Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
706: * factory. If not set, the default port will be used.
707: * <p/>
708: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
709: * that has been set in the properties.
710: *
711: * @param socketFactoryPort the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory
712: */
713: public void setSocketFactoryPort(Integer socketFactoryPort) {
714: this .socketFactoryPort = socketFactoryPort;
715: }
717: /**
718: * Returns the extension string to append to the MAIL command.
719: * <p/>
720: * Extension string to append to the MAIL command. The extension string
721: * can be used to specify standard SMTP service extensions as well as
722: * vendor-specific extensions. Typically the application should use the
723: * SMTPTransport method supportsExtension to verify that the server
724: * supports the desired service extension. See RFC 1869 and other RFCs
725: * that define specific extensions.
726: */
727: public String getMailExtension() {
728: return mailExtension;
729: }
731: /**
732: * Sets the extension string to append to the MAIL command.
733: * <p/>
734: * Extension string to append to the MAIL command. The extension string
735: * can be used to specify standard SMTP service extensions as well as
736: * vendor-specific extensions. Typically the application should use the
737: * SMTPTransport method supportsExtension to verify that the server
738: * supports the desired service extension. See RFC 1869 and other RFCs
739: * that define specific extensions.
740: * <p/>
741: * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
742: * that has been set in the properties.
743: *
744: * @param mailExtension the extension string to append to the MAIL command
745: */
746: public void setMailExtension(String mailExtension) {
747: this .mailExtension = mailExtension;
748: }
750: /**
751: * Add the overrides from the member variables to the properties file.
752: */
753: public void addOverrides(Properties props) {
754: super .addOverrides(props);
756: if (port != null)
757: props.setProperty(SMTPS_PORT, port.toString());
758: if (connectionTimeout != null)
759: props.setProperty(SMTPS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT,
760: connectionTimeout.toString());
761: if (timeout != null)
762: props.setProperty(SMTPS_TIMEOUT, timeout.toString());
763: if (from != null)
764: props.setProperty(SMTPS_FROM, from);
765: if (localhost != null)
766: props.setProperty(SMTPS_LOCALHOST, localhost);
767: if (localaddress != null)
768: props.setProperty(SMTPS_LOCALADDRESS, localaddress);
769: if (localport != null)
770: props.setProperty(SMTPS_LOCALPORT, localport.toString());
771: if (ehlo != null)
772: props.setProperty(SMTPS_EHLO, ehlo.toString());
773: if (auth != null)
774: props.setProperty(SMTPS_AUTH, auth.toString());
775: if (startTLSEnable != null)
776: props.setProperty(SMTPS_STARTTLS_ENABLE, startTLSEnable
777: .toString());
778: if (submitter != null)
779: props.setProperty(SMTPS_SUBMITTER, submitter);
780: if (dsnNotify != null)
781: props.setProperty(SMTPS_DSN_NOTIFY, dsnNotify.toString());
782: if (dsnRet != null)
783: props.setProperty(SMTPS_DSN_RET, dsnRet.toString());
784: if (allow8bitmime != null)
785: props.setProperty(SMTPS_8BITMIME, allow8bitmime.toString());
786: if (sendPartial != null)
787: props.setProperty(SMTPS_SEND_PARTIAL, sendPartial
788: .toString());
789: if (saslRealm != null)
790: props.setProperty(SMTPS_REALM, saslRealm);
791: if (quitWait != null)
792: props.setProperty(SMTPS_QUITWAIT, quitWait.toString());
793: if (reportSuccess != null)
794: props.setProperty(SMTPS_REPORT_SUCCESS, reportSuccess
795: .toString());
796: if (socketFactoryClass != null)
797: props.setProperty(SMTPS_FACTORY_CLASS, socketFactoryClass);
798: if (socketFactoryFallback != null)
799: props.setProperty(SMTPS_FACTORY_FALLBACK,
800: socketFactoryFallback.toString());
801: if (socketFactoryPort != null)
802: props.setProperty(SMTPS_FACTORY_PORT, socketFactoryPort
803: .toString());
804: if (mailExtension != null)
805: props.setProperty(SMTPS_MAIL_EXTENSION, mailExtension);
806: }
808: public void doStart() throws Exception {
809: log.debug("Started " + getObjectName());
810: }
812: public void doStop() throws Exception {
813: log.debug("Stopped " + getObjectName());
814: }
816: public void doFail() {
817: log.warn("Failed " + getObjectName());
818: }
820: public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO;
822: static {
823: GBeanInfoBuilder infoFactory = GBeanInfoBuilder
824: .createStatic(SMTPSTransportGBean.class);
826: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PORT, Integer.class, true);
827: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT,
828: Integer.class, true);
829: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_TIMEOUT, Integer.class, true);
830: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_AUTH, Boolean.class, true);
831: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_STARTTLS_ENABLE, Boolean.class,
832: true);
833: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_EHLO, Boolean.class, true);
834: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FROM, String.class, true);
835: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_LOCALHOST, String.class, true);
836: infoFactory
837: .addAttribute(GBEAN_LOCALADDRESS, String.class, true);
838: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_LOCALPORT, Integer.class, true);
839: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_REALM, String.class, true);
840: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_QUITWAIT, Boolean.class, true);
841: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_CLASS, String.class,
842: true);
843: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_FALLBACK, Boolean.class,
844: true);
845: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_PORT, Integer.class,
846: true);
848: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SUBMITTER, String.class, true);
849: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_DSN_NOTIFY, String.class, true);
850: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_DSN_RET, String.class, true);
851: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_8BITMIME, Boolean.class, true);
852: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SEND_PARTIAL, Boolean.class,
853: true);
854: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_REPORT_SUCCESS, Boolean.class,
855: true);
856: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_MAIL_EXTENSION, String.class,
857: true);
859: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_OBJECTNAME, String.class, false);
860: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PROTOCOL, String.class, true);
861: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PROPERTIES, Properties.class,
862: true);
863: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_HOST, String.class, true);
864: infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_USER, String.class, true);
865: infoFactory.addOperation(GBEAN_ADD_OVERRIDES,
866: new Class[] { Properties.class });
868: infoFactory.setConstructor(new String[] { GBEAN_OBJECTNAME,
879: GBEAN_INFO = infoFactory.getBeanInfo();
880: }
882: public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo() {
883: return GBEAN_INFO;
884: }
885: }