| java.lang.Object com.caucho.es.parser.Function
Function | class Function (Code) | | Function is an intermediate form representing an expression.
allowJavaLocals | boolean allowJavaLocals(Code) | | |
allowLocals | boolean allowLocals(Code) | | |
isSilent | boolean isSilent(Code) | | |
needsScope | boolean needsScope(Code) | | |
addVariable | void addVariable(Block block, ESId id, Expr type)(Code) | | Add a variable to the function. If the function is the global
function, add it to the class.
allowJavaLocals | boolean allowJavaLocals()(Code) | | |
allowLocals | boolean allowLocals()(Code) | | |
disableGlobal | void disableGlobal()(Code) | | |
disallowJavaLocal | void disallowJavaLocal()(Code) | | |
disallowLocal | void disallowLocal()(Code) | | |
getFormalSize | int getFormalSize()(Code) | | |
getFunctionDepth | int getFunctionDepth()(Code) | | |
getFunctionSize | int getFunctionSize()(Code) | | |
getVariableSize | int getVariableSize()(Code) | | |
hasVar | boolean hasVar(ESId name)(Code) | | Returns true if the variable is declared.
isGlobal | boolean isGlobal()(Code) | | |
isGlobalScope | boolean isGlobalScope()(Code) | | |
needsArguments | boolean needsArguments()(Code) | | |
needsStatementResults | boolean needsStatementResults()(Code) | | |
popStatementLoop | void popStatementLoop()(Code) | | |
printLocalVariables | void printLocalVariables() throws IOException(Code) | | Initializes the local variables for a function.
pushStatementLoop | void pushStatementLoop()(Code) | | |
setArguments | void setArguments()(Code) | | |
setClassProto | void setClassProto(ESId classProto)(Code) | | |
setCodeNumber | void setCodeNumber(int num)(Code) | | |
setFast | void setFast(boolean isFast)(Code) | | |
setNeedsResults | void setNeedsResults()(Code) | | |
setNeedsScope | void setNeedsScope()(Code) | | |
setUseAllVariables | void setUseAllVariables()(Code) | | |
setVars | void setVars()(Code) | | Force all unassigned variables to become object vars.
useAllVariables | boolean useAllVariables()(Code) | | |