| java.lang.Object com.caucho.java.AbstractGenerator com.caucho.ejb.hessian.MarshalGenerator
All known Subclasses: com.caucho.ejb.hessian.StubGenerator,
MarshalGenerator | abstract class MarshalGenerator extends AbstractGenerator (Code) | | Base class for generating code to marshal and unmarshal sml-rpc calls.
immutableClasses | static IntMap immutableClasses(Code) | | |
inputStreamClass | protected static Class inputStreamClass(Code) | | |
unique | protected int unique(Code) | | |
initClassNames | Path initClassNames(Class beanClass, String suffix) throws Exception(Code) | | Initialize the generated classname.
Parameters: beanClass - the bean which needs the stub/skeleton the path to the file to be generated |
mangleMethodName | protected String mangleMethodName(String name, Method method, boolean isFull)(Code) | | Creates a unique mangled method name based on the method name and
the method parameters.
Parameters: name - the base method name Parameters: method - the method to mangle Parameters: isFull - if true, mangle the full classname a mangled string. |
mangleMethodName | protected String mangleMethodName(String name, Class[] param, boolean isFull)(Code) | | Creates a unique mangled method name based on the method name and
the method parameters.
Parameters: name - the base method name Parameters: method - the method to mangle Parameters: isFull - if true, mangle the full classname a mangled string. |
needsSerialization | boolean needsSerialization(Class cl)(Code) | | Returns true if the class needs serialization.
Parameters: cl - the class to test. true if the class needs serialization |
printMethodDeclaration | protected void printMethodDeclaration(String name, Method method) throws IOException(Code) | | Prints a method declaration with a given name.
Parameters: name - the name to use for the generated method Parameters: method - the method to override |
printUnmarshalType | protected void printUnmarshalType(Class cl) throws IOException(Code) | | Unmarshal the reading of a single variable, knowing the result
Parameters: var - the generated java variable which will receive the data. Parameters: cl - the class of the target variable. |