| com.caucho.j2ee.J2EEVersion
J2EEVersion | public enum J2EEVersion (Code) | | The J2EE version of a configuration file.
Method Summary | |
public static J2EEVersion | getJ2EEVersion(Element top) Return a J2EEVersion based on the namespace, the version attribute,
and the doctype. | abstract public boolean | hasFeaturesOf(J2EEVersion version) Returns true if this version is equal to or more recent than the
passed version. |
J2EE12 | Enum Constant J2EE12(Code) | | |
J2EE13 | Enum Constant J2EE13(Code) | | |
J2EE14 | Enum Constant J2EE14(Code) | | |
J2EE_NAMESPACE | final public static String J2EE_NAMESPACE(Code) | | |
JAVAEE5 | Enum Constant JAVAEE5(Code) | | |
JAVAEE_NAMESPACE | final public static String JAVAEE_NAMESPACE(Code) | | |
RESIN | Enum Constant RESIN(Code) | | |
RESIN_NAMESPACE | final public static String RESIN_NAMESPACE(Code) | | |
getJ2EEVersion | public static J2EEVersion getJ2EEVersion(Element top)(Code) | | Return a J2EEVersion based on the namespace, the version attribute,
and the doctype.
Parameters: top - the top level element of a configuration file. |
hasFeaturesOf | abstract public boolean hasFeaturesOf(J2EEVersion version)(Code) | | Returns true if this version is equal to or more recent than the
passed version.