| java.lang.Object com.caucho.jstl.Functions
Functions | public class Functions (Code) | | Tag representing the functions.
Method Summary | |
public static boolean | contains(String whole, String part) Returns true if the first string contains the second. | public static boolean | containsIgnoreCase(String whole, String part) Returns true if the first string contains the second. | public static boolean | endsWith(String whole, String part) Returns true if the first string contains the second. | public static String | escapeXml(String string) Escapes the XML string. | public static int | indexOf(String whole, String part) Returns the index of the part in the whole. | public static String | join(String[] array, String sep) Joins the array. | public static int | length(Object obj) | public static String | replace(String input, String before, String after) Replaces substrings. | public static String[] | split(String input, String delimiters) | public static boolean | startsWith(String whole, String part) Returns true if the first string starts with the second. | public static String | substring(String string, int begin, int end) Returns true if the first string starts with the second. | public static String | substringAfter(String whole, String part) Returns the substring after the match. | public static String | substringBefore(String whole, String part) Returns the substring before the match. | public static String | toLowerCase(String string) Convert to lower case. | public static String | toUpperCase(String string) Convert to upper case. | public static String | trim(String string) |
contains | public static boolean contains(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns true if the first string contains the second.
containsIgnoreCase | public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns true if the first string contains the second.
endsWith | public static boolean endsWith(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns true if the first string contains the second.
indexOf | public static int indexOf(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns the index of the part in the whole.
length | public static int length(Object obj)(Code) | | Returns the length of the object
startsWith | public static boolean startsWith(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns true if the first string starts with the second.
substring | public static String substring(String string, int begin, int end)(Code) | | Returns true if the first string starts with the second.
substringAfter | public static String substringAfter(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns the substring after the match.
substringBefore | public static String substringBefore(String whole, String part)(Code) | | Returns the substring before the match.