| com.caucho.log.EnvironmentStream
EnvironmentStream | public class EnvironmentStream extends StreamImpl (Code) | | A stream that varies depending on the environment class loader.
EnvironmentStream | public EnvironmentStream(String envVariable, OutputStream defaultStream)(Code) | | Create the environment stream.
Parameters: envVariable - the variable for the underlying stream Parameters: defaultStream - the stream used if outside an environment |
EnvironmentStream | public EnvironmentStream(OutputStream defaultStream)(Code) | | Create the environment stream.
Parameters: defaultStream - the stream used if outside an environment |
canWrite | public boolean canWrite()(Code) | | True if the stream can write
getOriginalSystemErr | public static WriteStream getOriginalSystemErr()(Code) | | Returns the original System.out writer
getOriginalSystemOut | public static WriteStream getOriginalSystemOut()(Code) | | Returns the original System.out writer
getVariable | public String getVariable()(Code) | | Returns the context stream's variable.
logStderr | public static void logStderr(String msg, Throwable e)(Code) | | Logs a message to the original stderr in cases where java.util.logging
is dangerous, e.g. in the logging code itself.
logStderr | public static void logStderr(String msg)(Code) | | Logs a message to the original stderr in cases where java.util.logging
is dangerous, e.g. in the logging code itself.
setStderr | public static void setStderr(OutputStream os)(Code) | | Sets path as the backing stream for System.err
setStdout | public static void setStdout(OutputStream os)(Code) | | Sets the backing stream for System.out
write | public void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int length, boolean isEnd) throws IOException(Code) | | Write data to the stream.