Method Summary |
protected void | free() Clears the wrapper. |
public Object | getAttribute(String name) Returns an attribute value. |
public Enumeration | getAttributeNames() Enumerates all attribute names in the request. |
public String | getAuthType() Returns the auth type, e.g. |
public String | getCharacterEncoding() Returns the character encoding of the POSTed data. |
public int | getContentLength() Returns the content length of the data. |
public String | getContentType() Returns the request's mime-type. |
public String | getContextPath() Returns the part of the URI corresponding to the application's
prefix. |
public Cookie[] | getCookies() Returns an array of all cookies sent by the client. |
public long | getDateHeader(String name) Converts a date header to milliseconds since the epoch. |
public String | getHeader(String name) Returns the first value for a request header. |
public Enumeration | getHeaderNames() Returns an enumeration of all headers sent by the client. |
public Enumeration | getHeaders(String name) Returns all the values for a request header. |
public ServletInputStream | getInputStream() Returns an InputStream to retrieve POST data from the request. |
public int | getIntHeader(String name) Converts a header value to an integer. |
public String | getLocalAddr() Returns the IP address of the local host, i.e. |
public String | getLocalName() Returns the local host name. |
public int | getLocalPort() |
public Locale | getLocale() Returns the request's preferred locale. |
public Enumeration | getLocales() Returns an enumeration of all locales acceptable by the client. |
public String | getMethod() Returns the HTTP method, e.g. |
public String | getParameter(String name) Returns a form parameter. |
public Map | getParameterMap() Returns the parameter map request parameters. |
public Enumeration | getParameterNames() Returns an enumeration of all form parameter names. |
public String[] | getParameterValues(String name) Returns all values of a form parameter. |
public String | getPathInfo() Returns the URI part after the selected servlet and null if there
is no suffix. |
public String | getPathTranslated() Returns the physical path name for the path info. |
public String | getProtocol() Returns the prococol, e.g. |
public String | getQueryString() Returns the request's query string. |
public BufferedReader | getReader() Returns a reader to read POSTed data. |
public String | getRealPath(String uri) Returns the real path. |
public String | getRemoteAddr() Returns the IP address of the remote host, i.e. |
public String | getRemoteHost() Returns the DNS hostname of the remote host, i.e. |
public int | getRemotePort() |
public String | getRemoteUser() Returns the remote user if authenticated. |
public HttpServletRequest | getRequest() Gets the request object being wrapped. |
public RequestDispatcher | getRequestDispatcher(String uri) Returns a request dispatcher for later inclusion or forwarding. |
public String | getRequestURI() |
public StringBuffer | getRequestURL() Reconstructs the URL the client used for the request. |
public String | getRequestedSessionId() Returns the session id. |
public String | getScheme() Returns the request scheme, e.g. |
public String | getServerName() Returns the server name handling the request. |
public int | getServerPort() Returns the server port handling the request, e.g. |
public String | getServletPath() Returns the URI part corresponding to the selected servlet. |
public HttpSession | getSession(boolean create) Returns a session. |
public HttpSession | getSession() Returns the current session, creating one if necessary. |
public Principal | getUserPrincipal() Returns the equivalent principal object for the authenticated user. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() Returns true if the session came from a cookie. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() Returns true if the session came URL-encoding. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdValid() Returns true if the session is valid. |
public boolean | isSecure() Returns true if the connection is secure, e.g. |
public boolean | isUserInRole(String role) Returns true if the user is in the given role. |
public void | removeAttribute(String name) Removes the given attribute. |
public void | setAttribute(String name, Object o) Sets an attribute value. |
public void | setCharacterEncoding(String encoding) Sets the character encoding to be used for forms and getReader. |
public void | setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) Sets the request object being wrapped. |