| java.lang.Object javax.servlet.GenericServlet com.caucho.servlets.webdav.WebDavServlet
WebDavServlet | public class WebDavServlet extends GenericServlet (Code) | | Serves the WebDAV protocol. The underlying AbstractPath controls
the actual files served and modified. The default AbstractPath
just uses getRealPath from the current ServletContext.
More sophisticated users can customize AbstractPath to provide their
own WebDAV view for their objects, much like the Linux /proc
filesystem provides a view to Linux kernel modules.
<resource-ref res-ref-name='resin/webdav'>
<init-param my-foo='bar'/>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/webdav/*'
<init-param enable='write'/>
<init-param path-source='resin/webdav'/>
Inner Class :static class ProppatchCommand | |
destroy | public void destroy()(Code) | | |
setCrLf | public void setCrLf(boolean addCrLf)(Code) | | Sets true if should add cr/lf
setEnable | public void setEnable(String enable)(Code) | | Sets the enable value.
setRole | public void setRole(String role)(Code) | | Sets the allowed role.
setRoot | public void setRoot(String root)(Code) | | Sets the root.
setSecure | public void setSecure(boolean needsSecure)(Code) | | Set true for securted.
setUser | public void setUser(String user)(Code) | | Sets the allowed user.