| java.lang.Object com.caucho.xml2.SAXBuilder
Method Summary | |
public void | attribute(String uri, String localName, String qName, String value) | public void | cdata(String text) | public void | cdata(char[] buffer, int offset, int length) | public void | comment(String data) | public void | endDocument() | public void | endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) | public void | endPrefixMapping(String prefix) | public int | getColumnNumber() The column number is always 0. | public boolean | getEscapeText() | public int | getLineNumber() Returns the current line. | public String | getPublicId() Don't really have a public id (?). | public String | getSystemId() Returns the current filename. | public void | init(XMLReader saxReader) | public void | init() | public void | processingInstruction(String name, String data) | public void | setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) Sets the SAX content handler. | public void | setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) | public void | setEscapeText(boolean isEscaped) | public void | setLocation(String filename, int line, int column) | public void | startDocument() | public void | startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) Starts the building of an element. | public void | startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) | public void | text(String text) | public void | text(char[] buffer, int offset, int length) |
SAXBuilder | public SAXBuilder()(Code) | | |
getColumnNumber | public int getColumnNumber()(Code) | | The column number is always 0.
getEscapeText | public boolean getEscapeText()(Code) | | |
getLineNumber | public int getLineNumber()(Code) | | Returns the current line.
getPublicId | public String getPublicId()(Code) | | Don't really have a public id (?).
getSystemId | public String getSystemId()(Code) | | Returns the current filename.
setContentHandler | public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler)(Code) | | Sets the SAX content handler.
setDocumentLocator | public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator)(Code) | | |
setEscapeText | public void setEscapeText(boolean isEscaped)(Code) | | |
setLocation | public void setLocation(String filename, int line, int column)(Code) | | |
startElement | public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws IOException, SAXException(Code) | | Starts the building of an element.
Parameters: uri - the element's namespace URI Parameters: localName - the element's local name Parameters: qName - the element's fully qualified name |