Method Summary |
Templates | generate(Node xsl, Path path) Generates a compiled stylesheet from a parsed XSL document. |
public Source | getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, String media, String title, String charset) Returns the stylesheet source object associated with the given
XML document. |
public Object | getAttribute(String name) Returns an implementation-specific attribute. |
public ClassLoader | getClassLoader() Gets the classloader for the stylesheet. |
public String | getClassName() |
public ErrorListener | getErrorListener() Returns the error listener. |
public boolean | getFeature(String name) Returns an implementation-specific feature. |
public boolean | getLoadPrecompiledStylesheet() Returns true if precompiled stylesheets should be loaded. |
public Path | getSearchPath() Returns the stylesheet search path. |
public Path | getStylePath() Returns the stylesheet search path. |
public String | getSystemId() |
public URIResolver | getURIResolver() Returns the URI to filename resolver. |
public Path | getWorkPath() Gets the working directory. |
public boolean | isAutoCompile() Returns true if the stylesheet should be automatically compiled. |
StylesheetImpl | loadPrecompiledStylesheet(String systemId, String userId) Returns existing compiled Templates if it exists.
Parameters: systemId - source path for the stylesheet. |
StylesheetImpl | loadPrecompiledStylesheet(String systemId, String userId, boolean checkModified) Returns existing compiled Templates if it exists.
Parameters: systemId - source path for the stylesheet. |
protected StylesheetImpl | loadStylesheet(String systemId, String className) |
Path | lookupPath(String base, String href) |
public StylesheetImpl | newStylesheet(Document xsl) Creates a new stylesheet from an XML document. |
public StylesheetImpl | newStylesheet(Reader reader) Create a new stylesheet from a reader. |
public StylesheetImpl | newStylesheet(InputStream is) Create a new stylesheet from an input stream. |
public StylesheetImpl | newStylesheet(String systemId) |
public StylesheetImpl | newStylesheet(Path path) |
public Templates | newTemplates(Source source) Create a compiled stylesheet from an input stream. |
public javax.xml.transform.Templates | newTemplates(Node node) Convenience class to create a compiled stylesheet.
Parameters: node - DOM source for the stylesheet. |
public javax.xml.transform.Templates | newTemplates(String systemId) Convenience class to create a compiled stylesheet.
Parameters: systemId - source path for the stylesheet. |
public TemplatesHandler | newTemplatesHandler() Returns a templates handler. |
public javax.xml.transform.Transformer | newTransformer(Source source) Create a transformer from an input stream. |
public javax.xml.transform.Transformer | newTransformer() Create an identity transformer. |
public javax.xml.transform.Transformer | newTransformer(Document xsl) Convenience class to create a transformer instance.
Parameters: xsl - DOM source for the stylesheet. |
public TransformerHandler | newTransformerHandler() Create a new transformer handler. |
public TransformerHandler | newTransformerHandler(Source source) Create a new transformer handler based on a source. |
public TransformerHandler | newTransformerHandler(Templates templates) Create a new transformer handler based on a stylesheet. |
public XMLFilter | newXMLFilter(Source source) Returns an XML filter from the transformer. |
public XMLFilter | newXMLFilter(Templates templates) Returns an XML filter from the transformer. |
ReadStream | openPath(String href, String base) Opens a relative path. |
ReadStream | openPath(Source source) Opens a path based on a Source. |
protected Node | parseStylesheet(Source source) Parses a stylesheet from the source. |
abstract protected Document | parseXSL(ReadStream rs) Parses the XSL into a DOM document. |
public void | setAttribute(String name, Object value) Sets an implementation-specific attribute. |
public void | setAutoCompile(boolean autoCompile) Returns true if precompiled stylesheets should be loaded. |
public void | setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) Sets the classloader for the stylesheet. |
public void | setClassName(String className) |
public void | setErrorListener(ErrorListener errorListener) Sets the error listener. |
public void | setFeature(String name, boolean value) |
public void | setLoadPrecompiledStylesheet(boolean preload) Returns true if precompiled stylesheets should be loaded. |
public void | setSearchPath(Path path) Sets the search path for stylesheets. |
public void | setStylePath(Path path) Sets the search path for stylesheets. |
public void | setSystemId(String systemId) |
public void | setURIResolver(URIResolver uriResolver) Sets the URI to filename resolver. |
public void | setWorkPath(Path path) Sets the working directory. |
public void | transform(Document xsl, Node xml, OutputStream out) Convenience class to transform a node. |
public void | transform(String xsl, Node xml, OutputStream out) Convenience class to transform a node. |