| java.lang.Object com.caucho.xsl.AbstractStylesheet com.caucho.xsl.StylesheetImpl com.caucho.xsl.IdentityStylesheet
IdentityStylesheet | public class IdentityStylesheet extends StylesheetImpl (Code) | | A compiled XSL stylesheet. Stylesheets use 'transform' to transform
an XML tree to an XML Document.
The resulting document can be printed, or it can be added to another
XML tree.
transform | public void transform(Node xml, XMLWriter writer, TransformerImpl transformer) throws SAXException, IOException, TransformerException(Code) | | Transforms the XML node to a new XML document based on this stylesheet.
Since Documents are DocumentFragments, calling functions can insert
the contents using appendChild.
Parameters: xml - source xml to convert Parameters: out - source xml to convert the converted document |
Methods inherited from com.caucho.xsl.StylesheetImpl | protected void _xsl_init(XslWriter out, Node context, Env env) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addFunction(String name, XPathFun fun)(Code)(Java Doc) public void anyNumber(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env, AbstractPattern countPattern, AbstractPattern fromPattern, XslNumberFormat format) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void applyNode(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void applyNode(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env, int min, int max) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void applyNodeDefault(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void copy(AbstractStylesheet stylesheet)(Code)(Java Doc) public void exprNumber(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env, Expr expr, XslNumberFormat format) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getGenerateLocation()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getNodeValue(Node node)(Code)(Java Doc) public OutputFormat getOutputFormat()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getProperty(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Template getTemplate(HashMap templates, Node node, Env env, int min, int max) throws XPathException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Path path) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isStripSpaces(Node node)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Template[] mergeTemplates(Template[] star, Template[] templates)(Code)(Java Doc) public void multiNumber(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env, AbstractPattern countPattern, AbstractPattern fromPattern, XslNumberFormat format) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected Document ownerDocument(Node node)(Code)(Java Doc) public void printValue(XslWriter out, Node node) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setGenerateLocation(boolean generateLocation)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutputFormat(OutputFormat output)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setProperty(String name, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSpaces(HashMap<String, String> preserve, HashMap<String, String> preservePrefix, HashMap<String, String> strip, HashMap<String, String> stripPrefix)(Code)(Java Doc) public void singleNumber(XslWriter out, Node node, Env env, AbstractPattern countPattern, AbstractPattern fromPattern, XslNumberFormat format) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void stripSpaces(Node node)(Code)(Java Doc) public void transform(Node xml, XMLWriter writer, TransformerImpl transformer) throws SAXException, IOException, TransformerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected ArrayList xslSort(Node node, Env env, AbstractPattern pattern, Sort[] sortList) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)