AcknowledegeAction records the users acknowledgement of a document
The routeheader is first checked to make sure the action is valid for the document.
Next the user is checked to make sure he/she has not taken a previous action on this
document at the actions responsibility or below.
The ApproveAction records and processes an approve action.
The routeheader is first checked to make sure the action is valid for the document.
Next the user is checked to make sure he/she has not taken a previous action on this
document at the actions responsibility or below.
ClearFYIAction deactivates the user requests.
The routeheader is first checked to make sure the action is valid for the document.
Next the user is checked to make sure he/she has not taken a previous action on this
document at the actions responsibility or below.
CompleteAction records and process a complete action
The routeheader is first checked to make sure the action is valid for the document.
Next the user is checked to make sure he/she has not taken a previous action on this
document at the actions responsibility or below.