Method Summary |
public static void | assertAtNode(String message, WorkflowDocument document, String nodeName) Checks that the document is at a node with the given name. |
public static void | assertAtNode(WorkflowDocument document, String nodeName) |
public static void | assertInActionList(NetworkIdVO networkId, Long documentId) Asserts that the given document id is in the given user's action list. |
public static void | assertNotInActionList(NetworkIdVO networkId, Long documentId) Asserts that the given document id is NOT in the given user's action list. |
public static void | assertNumberOfPendingRequests(Long documentId, int numberOfPendingRequests) |
public static void | assertUserHasPendingRequest(Long documentId, String networkId) |
public static void | cleanupPluginDirectories() |
public static void | clearTables(PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager, DataSource dataSource, String edenSchemaName, List<String> dontClear) |
public static Set<String> | createNodeInstanceNameSet(Collection nodeInstances) |
public static File | createTempDir() |
public static File | getEnPluginsDirectory() |
public static Thread | getExceptionThreader() |
public static PersistenceBrokerTemplate | getPersistenceBrokerTemplate() |
public static File | getPluginsDirectory() |
public static String | getTestPlatform() Attempts to derive the database "platform" to use for unit tests by
inspected Ant files in typical locations. |
public static TransactionTemplate | getTransactionTemplate() |
public static void | initializePluginDirectories() |
public static InputStream | loadResource(Class packageClass, String resourceName) |
public static void | setExceptionThreader(Thread exceptionThreader) |
public static void | verifyTestEnvironment(DataSource dataSource) |
public static void | waitForCacheNotificationsToClearFromQueue() wait until the route queue is empty because we may have some cache items to be picked up still. |
public static void | waitForExceptionRouting() Waits "indefinately" for the exception routing thread to terminate.
This actually doesn't wait forever but puts an upper bound of 5 minutes
on the time to wait for the exception routing thread to complete. |
public static void | waitForExceptionRouting(long milliseconds) |