This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated AccountingPeriod business objects from the
database that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated BalanceType business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated ObjectCons business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated ObjLevel business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated ObjectType business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated OrganizationReversion business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated PriorYearAccount business objects from the database
that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.
This service interface defines methods necessary for retrieving fully populated SubFundGroup business objects from the
database that are necessary for transaction processing in the application.