getBusinessObjectDictionaryService() This method returns the BusinessObjectDictionaryService used to initialize this helper service and is used by Lookupable implementations to
retrieve the proper service.
getDataDictionaryService() This method returns the DataDictionaryService used to initialize this helper service and is used by Lookupable implementations to
retrieve the proper service.
validateSearchParameters(Map fieldValues) Validates the values filled in as search criteria, also checks for required field values.
Method Detail
public boolean allowsMaintenanceNewOrCopyAction()(Code)
Determines if underlying lookup bo has associated maintenance document that allows new or copy maintenance actions.
true if bo has maint doc that allows new or copy actions
public boolean checkForAdditionalFields(Map fieldValues)(Code)
Determines if there should be more search fields rendered based on already entered search criteria.
Parameters: fieldValues - - Map of property/value pairs boolean
Builds string of action urls that can take place for a result row
Parameters: businessObject - - Instance of a business object containing the return values String rendered in actions column of result set
This method returns the BusinessObjectDictionaryService used to initialize this helper service and is used by Lookupable implementations to
retrieve the proper service.
This method returns the DataDictionaryService used to initialize this helper service and is used by Lookupable implementations to
retrieve the proper service.
This method returns a list of the default columns used to sort the result set. For multiple value lookups,
this method does not change when different columns are sorted.
Builds string an inquiry url for drill down on a result field
Parameters: businessObject - - Instance of a business object containing the return values Parameters: propertyName - - Name of the property in the business object String url called on selection of the result field
Builds the return value url.
Parameters: businessObject - - Instance of a business object containing the return values Parameters: fieldConversions - - Map of conversions mapping bo names to caller field names. Parameters: lookupImpl - - Current lookup impl name String url called when selecting a row from the result set
Returns a list of Row objects to be used to generate the search query screen
Generally, setBusinessObjectClass needs to be called with a non-null value for proper operation
Performs a search and returns result list.
Parameters: fieldValues - - Map of property/value pairs List of business objects found by the search throws: Exception -
Similar to getSearchResults, but the number of returned rows is not bounded
Parameters: fieldValues -
public boolean isSearchUsingOnlyPrimaryKeyValues()(Code)
This method returns whether the previously executed getSearchResults used the primary key values to search, ignoring all non key values
See Also:LookupableHelperService.getPrimaryKeyFieldLabels
This method performs the lookup and returns a collection of BO items
Parameters: lookupForm - Parameters: resultTable - Parameters: bounded - the list of result BOs, possibly bounded
public void setBackLocation(String backLocation)(Code)
public void setBusinessObjectClass(Class businessObjectClass)(Code)
Initializes the lookup with a businss object class
Parameters: businessObjectClass -
public void setDocFormKey(String docFormKey)(Code)
public void setFieldConversions(Map fieldConversions)(Code)
Sets the requested fields conversions in the lookupable
Parameters: fieldConversions -
public void setReadOnlyFieldsList(List<String> readOnlyFieldsList)(Code)
Sets the requested read only fields list in the lookupable
Parameters: readOnlyFieldsList -
public void validateSearchParameters(Map fieldValues)(Code)
Validates the values filled in as search criteria, also checks for required field values.
Parameters: fieldValues - - Map of property/value pairs