| org.kuali.module.financial.service.AccountPresenceService
All known Subclasses: org.kuali.module.financial.service.impl.AccountPresenceServiceImpl,
AccountPresenceService | public interface AccountPresenceService (Code) | | This service interface defines methods that an AccountPresenceService implementation must provide.
isObjectCodeBudgetedForAccountPresence | public boolean isObjectCodeBudgetedForAccountPresence(Account account, ObjectCode objectCode)(Code) | | Checks the given account for presence control turned on. If turned on, the object code must have a budget record in the gl
balance table, otherwise this method returns false. If presence control is turned off, method returns true.
Parameters: account - The account to be checked for presense control. Parameters: objectCode - The object code to be looked up in the gl balance table. True if presence control is turned on and obj code is in gl balance table, false otherwise. |