| java.lang.Object org.kuali.module.gl.service.impl.orgreversion.OrganizationReversionProcess
OrganizationReversionProcess | public class OrganizationReversionProcess (Code) | | This class actually runs the year end organization reversion process
Constructor Summary | |
public | OrganizationReversionProcess() | public | OrganizationReversionProcess(OriginEntryGroup outputGroup, boolean endOfYear, OrganizationReversionService ors, BalanceService bs, OriginEntryGroupService oegs, OriginEntryService oes, PersistenceService ps, DateTimeService dts, OrganizationReversionCategoryLogic corc, PriorYearAccountService pyas, OrgReversionUnitOfWorkService oruows, Map jobParameters, Map<String, Integer> organizationReversionCounts) |
OrganizationReversionProcess | public OrganizationReversionProcess()(Code) | | Constructs a OrganizationReversionProcess, initializing certain parameters
OrganizationReversionProcess | public OrganizationReversionProcess(OriginEntryGroup outputGroup, boolean endOfYear, OrganizationReversionService ors, BalanceService bs, OriginEntryGroupService oegs, OriginEntryService oes, PersistenceService ps, DateTimeService dts, OrganizationReversionCategoryLogic corc, PriorYearAccountService pyas, OrgReversionUnitOfWorkService oruows, Map jobParameters, Map<String, Integer> organizationReversionCounts)(Code) | | Constructs a OrganizationReversionProcess, setting all of the services needed by the process
Parameters: outputGroup - the origin entry group to put generated origin entries into Parameters: endOfYear - true if this job is "end of year" - which uses Account, false if this job is "beginning of year", which uses PriorYearAccount Parameters: ors - the organizationReversionService to use Parameters: bs - the balanceService to use Parameters: oegs - the originEntryGroupService to use Parameters: oes - the originEntryService to use Parameters: ps - the parameterService to use Parameters: dts - the dateTimeService to use Parameters: corc - the organizationReversionCategoryLogic implementation to use Parameters: pyas - the prior year account service to use Parameters: oruows - the organizationReversionUnitOfWorkService to use Parameters: jobParameters - the parameters used by this job - the fiscal year to close and the transaction date that all generated origin entries should be set to Parameters: organizationReversionCounts - a map of statistical counts generated by the process |
calculateBucketAmounts | protected void calculateBucketAmounts(Balance bal)(Code) | | Depending on the category that this balance belongs to, adds the balance to the appropriate bucket
Parameters: bal - the current balance to process |
generateCarryForwards | public void generateCarryForwards(List<OriginEntryFull> originEntriesToWrite) throws FatalErrorException(Code) | | If carry forwards need to be generated for this unit of work, this method will generate the origin entries to accomplish those object codes.
Note: this will only be called if the organization reversion record tells the process to munge all carry forwards for all categories
together; if the organization reversion record does not call for such a thing, then generateMany will be called
Parameters: originEntriesToWrite - a list of origin entries to write, that any generated origin entries should be added to throws: FatalErrorException - thrown if the current object code can't be found in the database |
generateCashReversions | public void generateCashReversions(List<OriginEntryFull> originEntriesToWrite) throws FatalErrorException(Code) | | This method generates cash reversion origin entries for the current organization reversion, and adds them to the given list
Parameters: originEntriesToWrite - a list of OriginEntryFulls to stick generated origin entries into throws: FatalErrorException - thrown if an origin entry's object code can't be found |
generateMany | public void generateMany(List<OriginEntryFull> originEntriesToWrite) throws FatalErrorException(Code) | | Generates carry forward origin entries on a category by category basis (if the organization reversion record asks for that), assuming carry
forwards are required for the current unit of work
Parameters: originEntriesToWrite - a list of origin entries to write, which any generated origin entries should be added to throws: FatalErrorException - thrown if an object code cannot be found |
generateOutputOriginEntries | public List<OriginEntryFull> generateOutputOriginEntries() throws FatalErrorException(Code) | | This method determines which origin entries (reversion, cash reversion, or carry forward) need to be generated for the current unit of work,
and then delegates to the origin entry generation methods to create those entries
a list of OriginEntries which need to be written throws: FatalErrorException - thrown if object codes are missing in any of the generation methods |
generateReversions | public void generateReversions(List<OriginEntryFull> originEntriesToWrite) throws FatalErrorException(Code) | | If reversions are necessary, this will generate the origin entries for those reversions
Parameters: originEntriesToWrite - the list of origin entries to add reversions into throws: FatalErrorException - thrown if object code if the entry can't be found |
getBalancesRead | public int getBalancesRead()(Code) | | Returns the total number of balances for the previous fiscal year
the total number of balances for the previous fiscal year |
getBalancesSelected | public int getBalancesSelected()(Code) | | Returns the total number of balances selected for inclusion in this process
the total number of balances selected for inclusion in this process |
getGeneratedOriginEntries | public List<OriginEntryFull> getGeneratedOriginEntries()(Code) | | Gets the generatedOriginEntries attribute.
Returns the generatedOriginEntries. |
getRecordsWritten | public int getRecordsWritten()(Code) | | Returns the total number of origin entries written by this process
the total number of origin entries written by this process |
initializeProcess | public void initializeProcess()(Code) | | This method initializes several properties needed for the process to run correctly
organizationReversionProcess | public void organizationReversionProcess()(Code) | | This evilly named method actually runs the organization reversion process.
processBalances | public void processBalances(Iterator<Balance> balances)(Code) | | Given a list of balances, this method generates the origin entries for the organization reversion/carry forward process, and saves those
to an initialized origin entry group
Parameters: balances - an iterator of balances to process; each balance returned by the iterator will be processed by this method |
setHoldGeneratedOriginEntries | public void setHoldGeneratedOriginEntries(boolean holdGeneratedOriginEntries)(Code) | | Sets the holdGeneratedOriginEntries attribute value.
Parameters: holdGeneratedOriginEntries - The holdGeneratedOriginEntries to set. |
setOutputGroup | public void setOutputGroup(OriginEntryGroup outputGroup)(Code) | | Used mainly for unit testing, this method allows a way to change the output group of a org reversion process run
Parameters: outputGroup - |
writeOriginEntries | public int writeOriginEntries(OriginEntryGroup writeGroup, List<OriginEntryFull> originEntriesToWrite)(Code) | | This method writes a list of OriginEntryFulls to a given origin entry group
Parameters: writeGroup - the origin entry group to write to Parameters: originEntriesToWrite - a list of origin entry fulls to write the count of origin entries that were written |