| java.lang.Object com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.GenericReplicator com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.EntityReplicator com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.FullReplicator com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.SFAFullReplicator
SFAFullReplicator | public class SFAFullReplicator extends FullReplicator (Code) | | This class is used for full data replication for the Sales Force Automation application.
Full replication is required to populate a newly registered replication node, or
to re-populate an inactive replication node.
This class calls the populateRelatedEntityMapVector() method to specify what
entities are to be replicated.
To perform full replication, instantiate this class, and call the replicateFull()
author: John Nutting |
SFAFullReplicator | public SFAFullReplicator()(Code) | | Constructor with no args.
SFAFullReplicator | public SFAFullReplicator(GenericDelegator localDelegator, GenericDelegator masterDelegator, String entityName, UserInfo userInfo)(Code) | | Constructor with args.
Parameters: mainInstance - Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated Parameters: localDelegator - Delegator to attach to local data base Parameters: masterDelegator - Delegator to attach to master data base Parameters: entityName - Name of the entity to be replicated Parameters: userInfo - UserInfo object containing user information |
findAccounts | protected List findAccounts(GenericDelegator delegator)(Code) | | This method finds all Accounts for replication. Filtering is applied according
to the company's security settings. Accounts will be limited to the current
user's company regardless of security settings, even if the mode is ALL.
Team or territory filtering will be applied if specified in the company's
security settings.
author: John Nutting List of Account generic values |
findCodes | protected List findCodes(GenericDelegator delegator)(Code) | | This method finds all instances of the Code entity for replication. The code holding
the system parameter for the replication node ID is excluded.
author: John Nutting List of Code generic values |
findOneRelated | protected List findOneRelated(GenericDelegator delegator, GenericValue mainInstance, String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean findAll)(Code) | | This method finds all instances of an entity related to the main entity.
This method overrides the ancestor to filter out instances for the SFA application.
author: John Nutting Parameters: mainInstance - Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated Parameters: relationTitle - Relation title to be used by the entity engine to find relatedentity instances Parameters: relatedEntityName - Name of the related entity to be replicated Parameters: filterMap - HashMap containing additional filter values to be used by the entityengine when finding related entity instances List of generic values related to the main entity instance |
populateRelatedEntityMapVector | public void populateRelatedEntityMapVector()(Code) | | Populate the related entity map vector. This method is called from the constructors
to allow the related entities to be specified before replication begins.
author: John Nutting |
Fields inherited from com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.FullReplicator | final public static String module(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.EntityReplicator | public void addRelatedEntityMap(HashMap relatedEntityMap)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addRelatedEntityMap(String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean replicateAll, boolean removeAll, String replicatorClassName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected List findOneRelated(GenericDelegator delegator, GenericValue mainInstance, String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean findAll)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEntityName()(Code)(Java Doc) public static EntityReplicator getEntityReplicator(String className, GenericDelegator localDelegator, GenericDelegator masterDelegator, String entityName, UserInfo userInfo)(Code)(Java Doc) public Vector getRelatedEntityMapVector()(Code)(Java Doc) public UserInfo getUserInfo()(Code)(Java Doc) public int insertLocalInstance(GenericValue masterInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) public void populateRelatedEntityMapVector()(Code)(Java Doc) public int removeAllRelated(GenericValue localInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) public int removeInstance(GenericValue mainInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) public int removeLocalInstance(GenericValue localInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int removeOneRelated(GenericValue mainInstance, String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean removeAll, String replicatorClassName)(Code)(Java Doc) public int replicateAllRelated(GenericValue mainInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) public int replicateInstance(GenericValue mainInstance)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int replicateOneRelated(GenericValue mainInstance, String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean replicateAll, String replicatorClassName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEntityName(String entityName_)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setUserInfo(UserInfo userInfo_)(Code)(Java Doc)