0001: /*
0002: *
0003: * Copyright (c) 2004 SourceTap - www.sourcetap.com
0004: *
0005: * The contents of this file are subject to the SourceTap Public License
0006: * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0007: * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sourcetap.com/license.htm
0008: * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
0009: * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
0010: * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
0011: *
0012: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
0013: * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
0014: *
0015: */
0017: package com.sourcetap.sfa.ui;
0019: import java.util.ArrayList;
0020: import java.util.Collection;
0021: import java.util.HashMap;
0022: import java.util.Iterator;
0023: import java.util.LinkedList;
0024: import java.util.List;
0025: import java.util.Map;
0026: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
0028: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
0029: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
0031: import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
0032: import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilFormatOut;
0033: import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
0034: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
0035: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
0036: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
0037: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityComparisonOperator;
0038: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
0039: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
0040: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
0041: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
0042: import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
0043: import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator;
0045: import com.sourcetap.sfa.event.EventUtility;
0046: import com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor;
0047: import com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.GenericReplicator;
0048: import com.sourcetap.sfa.security.SecurityLinkInfo;
0049: import com.sourcetap.sfa.security.SecurityWrapper;
0050: import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.QueryInfo;
0051: import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.UserInfo;
0053: public class UIReport {
0054: public static final String module = UIReport.class.getName();
0056: protected boolean primaryFieldsLoaded = false;
0057: protected boolean relatedFieldsLoaded = false;
0058: protected List primaryFields = null;
0059: protected List relatedFields = null;
0060: protected String reportId = null;
0061: protected String sectionId = null;
0062: protected String partyId = null;
0063: protected String reportName = null;
0064: protected String publicFlag = null;
0066: protected List reportFields = null;
0067: protected List reportCriteria = null;
0068: protected List reportOrderBy = null;
0070: private List selectFieldLabels = null;
0071: private List selectFieldNames = null;
0072: protected GenericDelegator delegator = null;
0073: protected QueryInfo queryInfo = null;
0074: protected GenericEventProcessor eventProcessor = null;
0076: public UIReport(GenericDelegator delegator_) {
0077: setDelegator(delegator_);
0078: }
0080: public UIReport(String reportId_, GenericDelegator delegator_) {
0081: setDelegator(delegator_);
0082: loadReport(reportId_);
0083: }
0085: public void loadReport(String reportId_) {
0086: try {
0087: GenericValue reportGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
0088: "UiReport", UtilMisc.toMap("reportId", reportId_));
0089: if (reportGV == null)
0090: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0091: "Unable to find report with ID " + reportId_);
0093: setReportId(reportId_);
0094: setSectionId(reportGV.getString("sectionId"));
0095: setPartyId(reportGV.getString("partyId"));
0096: setReportName(reportGV.getString("reportName"));
0097: setPublicFlag(reportGV.getString("publicFlag"));
0099: List reportFieldsGVL = delegator.findByAnd("UiReportField",
0100: UtilMisc.toMap("reportId", reportId_), UtilMisc
0101: .toList("displayOrder"));
0102: setReportFields(UIReportField.loadFromGVL(reportFieldsGVL));
0104: List reportCriteriaGVL = delegator.findByAnd(
0105: "UiReportCriteria", UtilMisc.toMap("reportId",
0106: reportId_), null);
0107: setReportCriteria(UIReportCriteria
0108: .loadFromGVL(reportCriteriaGVL));
0110: List reportOrderByGVL = delegator.findByAnd(
0111: "UiReportOrderBy", UtilMisc.toMap("reportId",
0112: reportId_), UtilMisc.toList("sortOrder"));
0113: setReportOrderBy(UIReportOrderBy
0114: .loadFromGVL(reportOrderByGVL));
0116: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0117: Debug.logError("Error getting report: " + e.getMessage(),
0118: module);
0119: e.printStackTrace();
0120: }
0121: }
0123: public void saveReport(String partyId, String reportName) {
0124: setPartyId(partyId);
0126: if (!reportName.equals(getReportName())) {
0127: setReportName(reportName);
0128: setReportId(null);
0129: }
0131: saveReport();
0132: }
0134: public void saveReport() {
0135: try {
0136: String reportId = getReportId();
0138: if (reportId == null) {
0139: reportId = GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("UiReport",
0140: delegator);
0141: setReportId(reportId);
0142: } else {
0143: // TODO need to delete old report info
0144: }
0146: List valuesToStore = new ArrayList();
0148: GenericValue reportGV = new GenericValue(delegator
0149: .getModelEntity("UiReport"));
0150: reportGV.setDelegator(delegator);
0151: reportGV.set("reportId", reportId);
0152: reportGV.set("sectionId", getSectionId());
0153: reportGV.set("partyId", getPartyId());
0154: reportGV.set("reportName", getReportName());
0155: reportGV.set("publicFlag", getPublicFlag());
0157: valuesToStore.add(reportGV);
0159: Iterator iter = reportFields.iterator();
0160: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0161: UIReportField rf = (UIReportField) iter.next();
0163: GenericValue gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0164: .getModelEntity("UiReportField"));
0165: gv.setDelegator(delegator);
0166: gv.set("reportFieldId", GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId(
0167: "UiReportField", delegator));
0168: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0169: gv.set("attributeId", rf.getAttributeId());
0170: gv.set("displayTypeId", rf.getDisplayTypeId());
0171: gv.set("displayObjectId", rf.getDisplayObjectId());
0172: gv.set("groupBy", rf.getGroupBy());
0173: gv.set("displayOrder",
0174: new Integer(rf.getDisplayOrder()));
0175: gv.set("sqlFunction", rf.getSqlFunction());
0176: gv.set("displayLabel", rf.getDisplayLabel());
0178: valuesToStore.add(gv);
0179: }
0181: iter = reportCriteria.iterator();
0182: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0183: UIReportCriteria rc = (UIReportCriteria) iter.next();
0185: GenericValue gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0186: .getModelEntity("UiReportCriteria"));
0187: gv.setDelegator(delegator);
0188: gv.set("reportCriteriaId", GenericReplicator
0189: .getNextSeqId("UiReportCriteria", delegator));
0190: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0191: gv.set("attributeId", rc.getAttributeId());
0192: gv.set("displayTypeId", rc.getDisplayTypeId());
0193: gv.set("displayObjectId", rc.getDisplayObjectId());
0194: gv.set("queryOperatorId", rc.getQueryOperatorId());
0195: gv.set("attributeValue", rc.getAttributeValue());
0196: gv.set("displayLabel", rc.getDisplayLabel());
0198: valuesToStore.add(gv);
0199: }
0201: iter = reportOrderBy.iterator();
0202: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0203: UIReportOrderBy ro = (UIReportOrderBy) iter.next();
0205: GenericValue gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0206: .getModelEntity("UiReportOrderBy"));
0207: gv.setDelegator(delegator);
0208: gv.set("reportOrderId", GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId(
0209: "UiReportOrderBy", delegator));
0210: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0211: gv.set("attributeId", ro.getAttributeId());
0212: gv.set("sortOrder", new Integer(ro.getSortOrder()));
0213: gv.set("displayLabel", ro.getDisplayLabel());
0215: valuesToStore.add(gv);
0216: }
0218: delegator.storeAll(valuesToStore);
0219: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0220: e.printStackTrace();
0221: Debug.logError("error saving report" + e.getMessage(),
0222: module);
0223: }
0224: }
0226: public static boolean deleteReport(String reportId,
0227: GenericDelegator delegator) {
0228: try {
0229: List valuesToBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
0231: GenericValue gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0232: .getModelEntity("UiReportCriteria"));
0233: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0234: valuesToBeRemoved.add(gv);
0236: gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0237: .getModelEntity("UiReportField"));
0238: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0239: valuesToBeRemoved.add(gv);
0241: gv = new GenericValue(delegator
0242: .getModelEntity("UiReportOrderBy"));
0243: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0244: valuesToBeRemoved.add(gv);
0246: gv = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity("UiReport"));
0247: gv.set("reportId", reportId);
0248: valuesToBeRemoved.add(gv);
0250: delegator.removeAll(valuesToBeRemoved);
0251: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0252: // TODO Auto-generated catch block
0253: e.printStackTrace();
0254: Debug.logError("unable to delete report: " + reportId
0255: + " error:" + e.getMessage(), module);
0256: return false;
0257: }
0258: return true;
0259: }
0261: public static List getReports(String companyId, String partyId,
0262: GenericDelegator delegator) {
0263: return getReports(null, partyId, delegator);
0264: }
0266: public static List getReports(String sectionId, String companyId,
0267: String partyId, GenericDelegator delegator) {
0268: try {
0269: Map condition = sectionId == null ? UtilMisc.toMap(
0270: "partyId", "-1") : UtilMisc.toMap("sectionId",
0271: sectionId, "partyId", "-1");
0272: List orderBy = UtilMisc.toList("reportName");
0274: List reportList = delegator.findByAnd("UiReport",
0275: condition, orderBy);
0276: if (!partyId.equals("-1")) {
0278: condition = sectionId == null ? UtilMisc.toMap(
0279: "partyId", partyId) : UtilMisc.toMap(
0280: "sectionId", sectionId, "partyId", partyId);
0282: EntityCondition c1 = new EntityConditionList(
0283: UtilMisc
0284: .toList(
0285: new EntityExpr("partyId",
0286: EntityOperator.EQUALS,
0287: partyId),
0288: new EntityConditionList(
0289: UtilMisc
0290: .toList(
0291: new EntityExpr(
0292: "partyId",
0293: EntityOperator.EQUALS,
0294: companyId),
0295: new EntityExpr(
0296: "publicFlag",
0297: EntityOperator.EQUALS,
0298: "Y")),
0299: EntityOperator.AND)),
0300: EntityOperator.OR);
0301: if (sectionId != null)
0302: c1 = new EntityConditionList(UtilMisc.toList(c1,
0303: new EntityExpr("sectionId",
0304: EntityOperator.EQUALS, sectionId)),
0305: EntityOperator.AND);
0307: if (reportList == null)
0308: reportList = delegator.findByCondition("UiReport",
0309: c1, null, orderBy);
0310: else
0311: reportList.addAll(delegator.findByCondition(
0312: "UiReport", c1, null, orderBy));
0313: }
0315: return reportList;
0316: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0317: Debug.logError("Error getting reportList: "
0318: + e.getMessage(), module);
0319: e.printStackTrace();
0320: }
0321: return null;
0322: }
0324: public static List getAvailableReportScreens(
0325: GenericDelegator delegator) {
0326: try {
0327: List availableScreens = delegator.findByAnd("UiScreen",
0328: UtilMisc.toMap("allowReporting", "Y"), UtilMisc
0329: .toList("screenName"));
0331: return availableScreens;
0332: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0333: Debug.logError(
0334: "Error getting availabel report section List: "
0335: + e.getMessage(), module);
0336: e.printStackTrace();
0337: }
0338: return null;
0339: }
0341: public List loadPrimarySectionFields() {
0342: try {
0343: List primaryFields = getDelegator().findByAnd(
0344: "UiScreenSectionFields",
0345: UtilMisc.toMap("sectionId", getSectionId()),
0346: UtilMisc.toList("displayOrder"));
0348: setPrimaryFields(primaryFields);
0349: return primaryFields;
0350: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0351: Debug.logError("Unable to get Primary Screen Fields:"
0352: + e.getMessage(), module);
0353: return null;
0354: }
0355: }
0357: public List loadRelatedSectionQueryFields() {
0358: try {
0359: List relatedFields = getDelegator()
0360: .findByAnd(
0361: "UiRelatedSectionQueryFields",
0362: UtilMisc.toMap("sectionId", getSectionId(),
0363: "useInAdvancedQueries", "Y",
0364: "isSearchable", "Y"),
0365: UtilMisc.toList("relatedSectionId",
0366: "displayOrder"));
0367: setRelatedFields(relatedFields);
0368: return relatedFields;
0369: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0370: Debug.logError("Unable to get Related Screen Fields:"
0371: + e.getMessage(), module);
0372: return null;
0373: }
0374: }
0376: public String getOrderBySelectedOptions() {
0377: List fieldList = getReportOrderBy();
0378: if (fieldList == null)
0379: return "";
0381: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer(5000);
0382: int fieldListSize = fieldList.size();
0384: for (int fieldNbr = 0; fieldNbr < fieldListSize; fieldNbr++) {
0385: UIReportOrderBy fieldInfo = (UIReportOrderBy) fieldList
0386: .get(fieldNbr);
0388: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName("REPORT",
0389: fieldInfo.getEntityName(), fieldInfo
0390: .getAttributeName(), 0);
0391: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getAttributeId();
0392: String displayLabel = fieldInfo.getDisplayLabel();
0393: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0394: + "NONE" + ";" + "NONE" + ";" + displayLabel;
0395: displayHtml.append("<option value='" + optValue + "'>"
0396: + displayLabel + "</option>");
0397: }
0398: return displayHtml.toString();
0399: }
0401: public String getSelectListSelectedOptions() {
0402: List fieldList = getReportFields();
0403: if (fieldList == null)
0404: return "";
0406: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer(5000);
0407: int fieldListSize = fieldList.size();
0409: for (int fieldNbr = 0; fieldNbr < fieldListSize; fieldNbr++) {
0410: UIReportField fieldInfo = (UIReportField) fieldList
0411: .get(fieldNbr);
0413: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName("REPORT",
0414: fieldInfo.getEntityName(), fieldInfo
0415: .getAttributeName(), 0);
0416: String displayObjectId = fieldInfo.getDisplayObjectId();
0417: String displayTypeId = fieldInfo.getDisplayTypeId();
0418: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getAttributeId();
0419: String displayLabel = fieldInfo.getDisplayLabel();
0420: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0421: + displayTypeId + ";" + displayObjectId + ";"
0422: + displayLabel;
0423: displayHtml.append("<option value='" + optValue + "'>"
0424: + displayLabel + "</option>");
0425: }
0426: return displayHtml.toString();
0427: }
0429: public String getSelectListAvailableOptions() {
0430: if (sectionId == null)
0431: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0432: "section ID must be set before calling getConditionHtml");
0434: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer(5000);
0435: List fieldList = getPrimaryFields();
0436: int fieldListSize = fieldList.size();
0438: StringBuffer fieldNameOptions = new StringBuffer(200);
0439: // fieldNameOptions.append("<option value=''></option>");
0440: for (int fieldNbr = 0; fieldNbr < fieldListSize; fieldNbr++) {
0441: GenericValue fieldInfo = (GenericValue) fieldList
0442: .get(fieldNbr);
0443: String isVisible = UtilFormatOut.checkNull(fieldInfo
0444: .getString("isVisible"));
0445: if (isVisible.equals("Y")) {
0446: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName(fieldInfo
0447: .getString("sectionName"), fieldInfo
0448: .getString("entityName"), fieldInfo
0449: .getString("attributeName"), 0);
0450: String displayObjectId = fieldInfo
0451: .getString("displayObjectId");
0452: String displayTypeId = fieldInfo
0453: .getString("displayTypeId");
0454: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getString("attributeId");
0455: String displayLabel = fieldInfo
0456: .getString("displayLabel");
0457: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0458: + displayTypeId + ";" + displayObjectId + ";"
0459: + displayLabel;
0460: fieldNameOptions.append("<option value='" + optValue
0461: + "'>" + displayLabel + "</option>");
0462: }
0464: }
0466: List extendedFields = getRelatedFields();
0467: if (extendedFields != null) {
0468: int numFields = extendedFields.size();
0469: for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
0470: GenericValue fieldInfo = (GenericValue) extendedFields
0471: .get(i);
0472: String entityName = fieldInfo.getString("entityName");
0473: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getString("attributeId");
0474: String attributeName = fieldInfo
0475: .getString("attributeName");
0476: String displayObjectId = fieldInfo
0477: .getString("displayObjectId");
0478: String displayTypeId = fieldInfo
0479: .getString("displayTypeId");
0480: String sectionName = fieldInfo.getString("sectionName");
0481: String sectionDescription = fieldInfo
0482: .getString("sectionDescription");
0483: String displayLabel = fieldInfo
0484: .getString("displayLabel");
0485: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName(sectionName,
0486: entityName, attributeName, 0);
0487: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0488: + displayTypeId + ";" + displayObjectId + ";"
0489: + displayLabel;
0490: displayLabel = sectionDescription + "." + displayLabel;
0491: fieldNameOptions.append("<option value='" + optValue
0492: + "'>" + displayLabel + "</option>");
0493: }
0494: }
0496: return fieldNameOptions.toString();
0497: }
0499: public String getConditionHtml() {
0500: if (sectionId == null)
0501: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0502: "section ID must be set before calling getConditionHtml");
0504: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer(5000);
0505: List fieldList = getPrimaryFields();
0506: int fieldListSize = fieldList.size();
0508: StringBuffer fieldNameOptions = new StringBuffer(200);
0509: fieldNameOptions.append("<option value=''></option>");
0510: for (int fieldNbr = 0; fieldNbr < fieldListSize; fieldNbr++) {
0511: GenericValue fieldInfo = (GenericValue) fieldList
0512: .get(fieldNbr);
0513: String isSearchable = UtilFormatOut.checkNull(fieldInfo
0514: .getString("isSearchable"));
0515: if (isSearchable.equals("Y")) {
0516: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName(fieldInfo
0517: .getString("sectionName"), fieldInfo
0518: .getString("entityName"), fieldInfo
0519: .getString("attributeName"), 0);
0520: String displayObjectId = fieldInfo
0521: .getString("displayObjectId");
0522: String displayTypeId = fieldInfo
0523: .getString("displayTypeId");
0524: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getString("attributeId");
0525: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0526: + displayTypeId + ";" + displayObjectId + ";"
0527: + fieldInfo.getString("displayLabel");
0528: fieldNameOptions.append("<option value='" + optValue
0529: + "'>" + fieldInfo.getString("displayLabel")
0530: + "</option>");
0531: }
0533: }
0535: List extendedFields = getRelatedFields();
0536: if (extendedFields != null) {
0537: int numFields = extendedFields.size();
0538: for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
0539: GenericValue fieldInfo = (GenericValue) extendedFields
0540: .get(i);
0541: String entityName = fieldInfo.getString("entityName");
0542: String attributeId = fieldInfo.getString("attributeId");
0543: String attributeName = fieldInfo
0544: .getString("attributeName");
0545: String displayObjectId = fieldInfo
0546: .getString("displayObjectId");
0547: String displayTypeId = fieldInfo
0548: .getString("displayTypeId");
0549: String sectionName = fieldInfo.getString("sectionName");
0550: String sectionDescription = fieldInfo
0551: .getString("sectionDescription");
0552: String displayLabel = fieldInfo
0553: .getString("displayLabel");
0554: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName(sectionName,
0555: entityName, attributeName, 0);
0556: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + attributeId + ";"
0557: + displayTypeId + ";" + displayObjectId + ";"
0558: + displayLabel;
0559: displayLabel = sectionDescription + "." + displayLabel;
0560: fieldNameOptions.append("<option value='" + optValue
0561: + "'>" + displayLabel + "</option>");
0562: }
0563: }
0565: StringBuffer conditionOptions = new StringBuffer(100);
0566: conditionOptions.append("<option value='equals'>=</option>");
0567: conditionOptions
0568: .append("<option value='like'>CONTAINS</option>");
0569: conditionOptions
0570: .append("<option value='startsWith'>STARTS WITH</option>");
0571: conditionOptions
0572: .append("<option value='endsWith'>ENDS WITH</option>");
0573: conditionOptions.append("<option value='equals'>=</option>");
0574: conditionOptions
0575: .append("<option value='notEqual'>NOT EQUAL</option>");
0576: conditionOptions
0577: .append("<option value='lessThan'><</option>");
0578: conditionOptions
0579: .append("<option value='greaterThan'>></option>");
0580: conditionOptions
0581: .append("<option value='lessThanEqualTo'><=</option>");
0582: conditionOptions
0583: .append("<option value='greaterThanEqualTo'>>=</option>");
0584: conditionOptions.append("<option value='in'>IN</option>");
0585: conditionOptions
0586: .append("<option value='not-in'>NOT IN</option>");
0587: conditionOptions
0588: .append("<option value='between'>BETWEEN</option>");
0590: displayHtml.append("<table id='queryListTable' border=1>\n");
0591: displayHtml
0592: .append("<tr><td>Field</td><td>Condition</td><td>Value</td><td>Action</td></tr>\n");
0594: List reportConditions = getReportCriteria();
0595: int numExistingConditions = 0;
0596: if (reportConditions != null) {
0597: Iterator rcIter = reportConditions.iterator();
0598: while (rcIter.hasNext()) {
0599: UIReportCriteria rc = (UIReportCriteria) rcIter.next();
0600: numExistingConditions++;
0601: int i = numExistingConditions;
0602: String htmlName = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName("REPORT", rc
0603: .getEntityName(), rc.getAttributeName(), 0);
0604: String optValue = htmlName + ";" + rc.getAttributeId()
0605: + ";" + rc.getDisplayTypeId() + ";"
0606: + rc.getDisplayObjectId() + ";"
0607: + rc.getDisplayLabel();
0608: displayHtml.append("<tr id=queryListRow" + i
0609: + "><td><input type=hidden name=queryListField"
0610: + i + " value='" + optValue + "'>"
0611: + rc.getDisplayLabel() + "</td>\n");
0612: displayHtml
0613: .append(" <td><input type=hidden name=queryListOperator"
0614: + i
0615: + " value='"
0616: + rc.getQueryOperatorId()
0617: + "'>"
0618: + rc.getQueryOperatorId() + "</td>\n");
0619: displayHtml
0620: .append(" <td><input type=hidden name=queryListValue"
0621: + i
0622: + " size=30 value='"
0623: + rc.getAttributeValue()
0624: + "'>"
0625: + rc.getAttributeValue() + "</td>\n");
0626: displayHtml
0627: .append(" <td><img src=/sfaimages/remove.gif alt=Del onClick=delConditionRow("
0628: + i + ")>\n");
0629: displayHtml
0630: .append(" <img src=/sfaimages/add.gif alt=Add onClick=addConditionRow("
0631: + i + ")></td>\n");
0632: displayHtml.append("</tr>");
0634: }
0635: }
0637: int startRow = numExistingConditions + 1;
0638: int endRow = Math.max(startRow + 2, 5);
0639: // default show 4 rows
0640: for (int i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
0641: displayHtml.append("<tr id=queryListRow" + i
0642: + "><td><select name=queryListField" + i + ">"
0643: + fieldNameOptions.toString() + "</select></td>\n");
0644: displayHtml.append(" <td><select name=queryListOperator"
0645: + i + ">" + conditionOptions.toString()
0646: + "</select></td>\n");
0647: displayHtml.append(" <td><input name=queryListValue" + i
0648: + " size=30></td>\n");
0649: displayHtml
0650: .append(" <td><img src=/sfaimages/remove.gif alt=Del onClick=delConditionRow("
0651: + i + ")>\n");
0652: displayHtml
0653: .append(" <img src=/sfaimages/add.gif alt=Add onClick=addConditionRow("
0654: + i + ")></td>\n");
0655: displayHtml.append("</tr>");
0657: }
0659: displayHtml.append("</table>\n");
0660: displayHtml
0661: .append("<input type=hidden id=queryListMaxRows name=queryListMaxRows value=4>\n");
0663: displayHtml.append("<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
0664: displayHtml.append("function addConditionRow(i) {\n");
0665: displayHtml
0666: .append(" var tab1=document.getElementById('queryListTable')\n");
0667: displayHtml.append(" if ( tab1 ) {\n");
0668: displayHtml.append(" var numRows = tab1.rows.length\n");
0669: displayHtml.append(" var maxRows = 10\n");
0670: displayHtml.append(" if ( numRows > maxRows )\n");
0671: displayHtml
0672: .append(" alert(\"Can't have more than 10 conditions\");\n");
0673: displayHtml.append(" else {\n");
0674: displayHtml.append(" var x = tab1.insertRow(numRows)\n");
0675: displayHtml
0676: .append(" var maxRows = document.getElementById('queryListMaxRows')\n");
0677: displayHtml.append(" var newRow = maxRows.value - -1\n");
0678: displayHtml.append(" maxRows.value = newRow\n");
0679: displayHtml.append(" x.id = \"queryListRow\" + newRow\n");
0680: displayHtml.append(" var c1=x.insertCell(0)\n");
0681: displayHtml.append(" var c2=x.insertCell(1)\n");
0682: displayHtml.append(" var c3=x.insertCell(2)\n");
0683: displayHtml.append(" var c4=x.insertCell(3)\n");
0684: displayHtml
0685: .append(" c1.innerHTML=\"<select name=queryListField\" + newRow + \">"
0686: + fieldNameOptions.toString() + "</select>\"\n");
0687: displayHtml
0688: .append(" c2.innerHTML=\"<select name=queryListOperator\" + newRow + \">"
0689: + conditionOptions.toString() + "</select>\"\n");
0690: displayHtml
0691: .append(" c3.innerHTML=\"<input name=queryListValue\" + newRow + \" size=30>\"\n");
0692: displayHtml
0693: .append(" c4.innerHTML=\"<img src=/sfaimages/remove.gif alt=Del onClick=delConditionRow(\" + newRow + \")>\" + \" <img src=/sfaimages/add.gif alt=Add onClick=addConditionRow(\" + newRow + \")>\"\n");
0695: displayHtml.append(" }\n");
0696: displayHtml.append(" fixSize()\n");
0697: displayHtml.append(" }\n");
0698: displayHtml.append("}\n");
0700: displayHtml.append("function delConditionRow(i)\n");
0701: displayHtml.append("{\n");
0702: displayHtml
0703: .append(" var row1 = document.getElementById('queryListRow' + i)\n");
0704: displayHtml
0705: .append(" var tab = document.getElementById('queryListTable')\n");
0706: displayHtml.append(" var rows = tab.rows\n");
0707: displayHtml.append(" if ( rows.length == 2 ) {\n");
0708: displayHtml.append(" event.returnValue = false\n");
0709: displayHtml.append(" return;\n");
0710: displayHtml.append(" }\n");
0711: displayHtml.append(" for ( i=0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {\n");
0712: displayHtml.append(" row = rows[i];\n");
0713: displayHtml.append(" if ( row.id == row1.id) {\n");
0714: displayHtml.append(" tab.deleteRow(i);\n");
0715: displayHtml.append(" break;\n");
0716: displayHtml.append(" }\n");
0717: displayHtml.append(" }\n");
0718: displayHtml.append(" fixSize()\n");
0719: displayHtml.append("}\n");
0721: displayHtml.append("</script>\n");
0723: return displayHtml.toString();
0724: }
0726: public boolean loadQueryInfo(HttpServletRequest request,
0727: HttpServletResponse response, UICache uiCache) {
0729: try {
0730: List primaryFields = loadPrimarySectionFields();
0731: List relatedQueryFields = loadRelatedSectionQueryFields();
0733: List uiScreenSectionEntityGVL = delegator.findByAnd(
0734: "UiScreenSectionEntity", UtilMisc.toMap(
0735: "sectionId", sectionId), UtilMisc
0736: .toList("retrieveOrder"));
0738: UIScreenSectionEntity primaryEntity = new UIScreenSectionEntity(
0739: (GenericValue) uiScreenSectionEntityGVL.get(0),
0740: delegator, uiCache);
0741: GenericValue screenSectionGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
0742: "UiScreenSection", UtilMisc.toMap("sectionId",
0743: sectionId));
0744: String eventProcessorClass = screenSectionGV
0745: .getString("eventProcessorClass");
0746: eventProcessor = UIUtility
0747: .getEventProcessor(eventProcessorClass);
0749: String primaryEntityName = primaryEntity.getUiEntity()
0750: .getEntityName();
0751: String searchAttribValue = "";
0752: String searchEntityName = "";
0753: String searchAttribName = "";
0754: EntityComparisonOperator entityOperator = null;
0755: List relatedSearchClauses = new LinkedList();
0756: List selectFields = new ArrayList();
0757: List selectFieldLabels = new ArrayList();
0758: List sortFields = new ArrayList();
0760: List reportFields = new ArrayList();
0761: List reportCriteria = new ArrayList();
0762: List reportOrderBy = new ArrayList();
0764: ModelEntity primaryME = primaryEntity.getUiEntity()
0765: .getModelEntity();
0766: List primaryPkFieldNames = primaryEntity.getUiEntity()
0767: .getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
0769: queryInfo = new QueryInfo(delegator, primaryEntityName);
0771: HashMap joinedEntities = new HashMap();
0773: joinedEntities.put(primaryEntityName, "Y");
0775: // Find the main entity(ies) by building a WHERE clause using LIKE and AND, with one or more tables in the FROM clause.
0776: // First join all secondary screen section entities in the WHERE and FROM clauses in case
0777: // we are going to use query values from them.
0778: Iterator uiScreenSectionEntityI = uiScreenSectionEntityGVL
0779: .iterator();
0781: uiScreenSectionEntityI.next(); // Pass up the primary entity.
0783: while (uiScreenSectionEntityI.hasNext()) {
0784: GenericValue entityGV = (GenericValue) uiScreenSectionEntityI
0785: .next();
0786: UIScreenSectionEntity uiScreenSectionEntity = new UIScreenSectionEntity(
0787: entityGV, delegator, uiCache);
0788: String relationTitle = uiScreenSectionEntity
0789: .getRelationTitle();
0790: String relatedEntityName = uiScreenSectionEntity
0791: .getUiEntity().getEntityName();
0792: String relatedAndFields = uiScreenSectionEntity
0793: .getRelationByAndFields();
0794: boolean isOuterJoin = uiScreenSectionEntity
0795: .getIsOuterJoined();
0797: eventProcessor.addOneRelationClause(delegator,
0798: relationTitle, relatedAndFields,
0799: relatedEntityName, primaryEntityName,
0800: primaryME, isOuterJoin, queryInfo);
0802: joinedEntities.put(relatedEntityName, "Y");
0803: }
0805: String queryListMaxRows = request
0806: .getParameter("queryListMaxRows");
0807: // if queryListMaxRows is set, then we are using advanced query mode
0808: if ((queryListMaxRows != null)
0809: && (queryListMaxRows.length() > 0)) {
0810: int maxRows = Integer.valueOf(queryListMaxRows)
0811: .intValue();
0812: for (int i = 1; i <= maxRows; i++) {
0813: String qlFieldInfo = request
0814: .getParameter("queryListField" + i);
0815: if ((qlFieldInfo != null)
0816: && (qlFieldInfo.length() > 0)) {
0817: StringTokenizer tokSemi = new StringTokenizer(
0818: qlFieldInfo, ";");
0819: String qlFieldName = "";
0820: String qlAttributeId = "";
0821: String qlDisplayObjectId = "";
0822: String qlDisplayTypeId = "";
0823: String qlDisplayLabel = "";
0825: if (tokSemi.countTokens() == 5) {
0826: qlFieldName = tokSemi.nextToken();
0827: qlAttributeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0828: qlDisplayTypeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0829: qlDisplayObjectId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0830: qlDisplayLabel = tokSemi.nextToken();
0831: } else {
0832: qlFieldName = qlFieldInfo;
0833: }
0835: String qlOperator = request
0836: .getParameter("queryListOperator" + i);
0837: String qlValue = request
0838: .getParameter("queryListValue" + i);
0840: reportCriteria.add(new UIReportCriteria(
0841: qlAttributeId, qlDisplayTypeId,
0842: qlDisplayObjectId, qlOperator, qlValue,
0843: qlDisplayLabel));
0845: if (qlOperator.equals("like"))
0846: qlValue = "%" + qlValue.replace('*', '%')
0847: + "%";
0848: else if (qlOperator.equals("startsWith")) {
0849: qlValue = qlValue.replace('*', '%') + "%";
0850: qlOperator = "like";
0851: } else if (qlOperator.equals("endsWith")) {
0852: qlValue = "%" + qlValue.replace('*', '%');
0853: qlOperator = "like";
0854: }
0856: searchEntityName = UIWebUtility
0857: .getEntityFromParamName(qlFieldName);
0859: String hasJoin = (String) joinedEntities
0860: .get(searchEntityName);
0862: if ((hasJoin == null) || (!hasJoin.equals("Y"))) {
0863: eventProcessor.addOneRelationClause(
0864: delegator, "", "",
0865: searchEntityName,
0866: primaryEntityName, primaryME,
0867: false, queryInfo);
0869: joinedEntities.put(searchEntityName, "Y");
0870: }
0872: if ((searchEntityName == null)
0873: || searchEntityName.equals("")) {
0874: searchEntityName = primaryEntityName;
0875: }
0877: searchAttribName = UIWebUtility
0878: .getAttribFromParamName(qlFieldName);
0879: entityOperator = EntityOperator
0880: .lookupComparison(qlOperator);
0881: Object searchValue = qlValue;
0883: // If this is a set operator, convert the String param into a comma separated List
0884: if ((entityOperator.equals(EntityOperator.IN))
0885: || (entityOperator
0886: .equals(EntityOperator.NOT_IN))
0887: || (entityOperator
0888: .equals(EntityOperator.BETWEEN))) {
0889: List valueList = new ArrayList();
0890: StringTokenizer tokComma = new StringTokenizer(
0891: qlValue, ",");
0893: while (tokComma.hasMoreTokens()) {
0894: String valueItem = tokComma.nextToken();
0895: valueList.add(valueItem);
0896: }
0897: searchValue = valueList;
0898: }
0900: // Figure out the attribute ID for the UiAttribute this parameter corresponds to so we can
0901: // save the query.
0902: String attributeId = qlAttributeId;
0904: // Generate an entry in the WHERE clause for this attribute. The entityOperator
0905: // is returned in case appendEntityClause changes it.
0906: // NOTE: changes here must also be applied to UIQuery.appendEntityClauses() to work with saved queries
0907: //
0908: if (qlDisplayTypeId
0909: .equals(UIDisplayObject.DISPLAY_TYPE_SELECT)
0910: || qlDisplayTypeId
0911: .equals(UIDisplayObject.DISPLAY_TYPE_SEARCH_TEXT)) {
0912: String aliasName = searchEntityName
0913: + searchAttribName + "srch";
0914: UIUtility.addSelectSearch(queryInfo,
0915: qlDisplayObjectId,
0916: searchEntityName, searchAttribName,
0917: aliasName, entityOperator,
0918: searchValue);
0919: } else {
0920: if (searchValue instanceof String) {
0921: entityOperator = EventUtility
0922: .appendEntityClause(
0923: searchEntityName,
0924: searchAttribName,
0925: (String) searchValue,
0926: entityOperator,
0927: queryInfo);
0928: } else if (searchValue instanceof Collection) {
0929: entityOperator = EventUtility
0930: .appendEntityClause(
0931: searchEntityName,
0932: searchAttribName,
0933: (Collection) searchValue,
0934: entityOperator,
0935: queryInfo);
0936: } else
0937: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0938: "Query Param must be String or Collection");
0939: }
0941: }
0942: }
0943: }
0945: // get select List fields
0946: String[] selectFieldsParam = request
0947: .getParameterValues("selectFields");
0948: if (selectFieldsParam == null)
0949: return false;
0950: for (int i = 0; i < selectFieldsParam.length; i++) {
0951: // Do what you need for each string: foo[i]
0952: String selectField = selectFieldsParam[i];
0953: StringTokenizer tokSemi = new StringTokenizer(
0954: selectField, ";");
0955: String qlFieldName = "";
0956: String qlAttributeId = "";
0957: String qlDisplayObjectId = "";
0958: String qlDisplayTypeId = "";
0959: String qlDisplayLabel = "";
0961: if (tokSemi.countTokens() == 5) {
0962: qlFieldName = tokSemi.nextToken();
0963: qlAttributeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0964: qlDisplayTypeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0965: qlDisplayObjectId = tokSemi.nextToken();
0966: qlDisplayLabel = tokSemi.nextToken();
0967: } else {
0968: qlFieldName = selectField;
0969: }
0971: reportFields.add(new UIReportField(qlAttributeId,
0972: qlDisplayTypeId, qlDisplayObjectId,
0973: qlDisplayLabel, String.valueOf(i)));
0975: String entityName = UIWebUtility
0976: .getEntityFromParamName(qlFieldName);
0977: String attributeName = UIWebUtility
0978: .getAttribFromParamName(qlFieldName);
0979: String aliasName = attributeName;
0980: if (!entityName.equals(primaryEntityName))
0981: aliasName = entityName + "_" + attributeName;
0983: String hasJoin = (String) joinedEntities
0984: .get(entityName);
0986: if ((hasJoin == null) || (!hasJoin.equals("Y"))) {
0987: eventProcessor.addOneRelationClause(delegator, "",
0988: "", entityName, primaryEntityName,
0989: primaryME, false, queryInfo);
0991: joinedEntities.put(entityName, "Y");
0992: }
0994: queryInfo.checkAttribute(entityName, attributeName,
0995: aliasName);
0997: selectFields.add(aliasName);
0998: selectFieldLabels.add(qlDisplayLabel);
0999: }
1001: setSelectFieldNames(selectFields);
1002: setSelectFieldLabels(selectFieldLabels);
1004: queryInfo.setSelectFields(selectFields);
1006: //get orderBy Fields
1007: String[] sortFieldsParam = request
1008: .getParameterValues("sortFields");
1009: if (sortFieldsParam != null) {
1010: for (int i = 0; i < sortFieldsParam.length; i++) {
1011: // Do what you need for each string: foo[i]
1012: String sortField = sortFieldsParam[i];
1013: StringTokenizer tokSemi = new StringTokenizer(
1014: sortField, ";");
1015: String qlFieldName = "";
1016: String qlAttributeId = "";
1017: String qlDisplayObjectId = "";
1018: String qlDisplayTypeId = "";
1019: String qlDisplayLabel = "";
1021: if (tokSemi.countTokens() == 5) {
1022: qlFieldName = tokSemi.nextToken();
1023: qlAttributeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
1024: qlDisplayTypeId = tokSemi.nextToken();
1025: qlDisplayObjectId = tokSemi.nextToken();
1026: qlDisplayLabel = tokSemi.nextToken();
1027: } else {
1028: qlFieldName = sortField;
1029: }
1030: reportOrderBy.add(new UIReportOrderBy(
1031: qlAttributeId, i, qlDisplayLabel));
1033: String entityName = UIWebUtility
1034: .getEntityFromParamName(qlFieldName);
1035: String attributeName = UIWebUtility
1036: .getAttribFromParamName(qlFieldName);
1037: String aliasName = attributeName;
1038: if (!entityName.equals(primaryEntityName))
1039: aliasName = entityName + "_" + attributeName;
1041: String hasJoin = (String) joinedEntities
1042: .get(entityName);
1044: if ((hasJoin == null) || (!hasJoin.equals("Y"))) {
1045: eventProcessor.addOneRelationClause(delegator,
1046: "", "", entityName, primaryEntityName,
1047: primaryME, false, queryInfo);
1049: joinedEntities.put(entityName, "Y");
1050: }
1052: queryInfo.checkAttribute(entityName, attributeName,
1053: aliasName);
1055: sortFields.add(aliasName);
1056: }
1057: queryInfo.setOrderBy(sortFields);
1058: }
1059: setReportFields(reportFields);
1060: setReportCriteria(reportCriteria);
1061: setReportOrderBy(reportOrderBy);
1063: } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
1064: Debug.logError(
1065: "Error formatting Number: " + e.getMessage(),
1066: module);
1067: return false;
1068: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1069: Debug.logError(
1070: "Error loading QueryInfo: " + e.getMessage(),
1071: module);
1072: return false;
1073: }
1074: return true;
1075: }
1077: public List runReport(UserInfo userInfo, int maxRows) {
1078: EntityListIterator eli = null;
1080: if (eventProcessor == null)
1081: eventProcessor = new GenericEventProcessor();
1083: if (queryInfo == null)
1084: throw new RuntimeException(
1085: "You must call loadQueryInfo prior to runReport");
1087: SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo = eventProcessor
1088: .getSecurityLinkInfo(userInfo, delegator);
1089: if (securityInfo == null) {
1090: try {
1091: eli = queryInfo.getQueryIterator();
1092: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1093: Debug.logError("An error occurred in the "
1094: + "GenericDelegator.findByCondition method: "
1095: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
1096: }
1097: } else {
1098: try {
1100: eli = SecurityWrapper.findListIteratorByCondition(
1101: queryInfo.getPrimaryEntity(), queryInfo,
1102: queryInfo.getOrderBy(), userInfo, securityInfo,
1103: delegator);
1104: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1105: Debug.logError("An error occurred in the "
1106: + "SecurityWrapper.findByCondition method: "
1107: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
1108: }
1109: }
1111: if (eli != null) {
1112: try {
1113: List resultGVL = eli.getPartialList(1, maxRows);
1115: boolean hasMoreRows = false;
1117: // check next value since we close the cursor anyway.
1118: if ((resultGVL.size() == maxRows)
1119: && (eli.next() != null))
1120: hasMoreRows = true;
1122: eli.close();
1124: return resultGVL;
1126: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1127: Debug.logError(
1128: "An error occurred in the getPartialList method: "
1129: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
1130: }
1131: }
1133: return null;
1135: }
1137: public GenericDelegator getDelegator() {
1138: return delegator;
1139: }
1141: public void setDelegator(GenericDelegator delegator_) {
1142: delegator = delegator_;
1143: }
1145: /**
1146: * @return
1147: */
1148: public String getPartyId() {
1149: return partyId;
1150: }
1152: /**
1153: * @return
1154: */
1155: public List getPrimaryFields() {
1156: if (!primaryFieldsLoaded)
1157: loadPrimarySectionFields();
1158: return primaryFields;
1159: }
1161: /**
1162: * @return
1163: */
1164: public List getRelatedFields() {
1165: if (!relatedFieldsLoaded)
1166: loadRelatedSectionQueryFields();
1167: return relatedFields;
1168: }
1170: /**
1171: * @return
1172: */
1173: public String getReportId() {
1174: return reportId;
1175: }
1177: /**
1178: * @return
1179: */
1180: public String getReportName() {
1181: return reportName;
1182: }
1184: /**
1185: * @return
1186: */
1187: public String getSectionId() {
1188: return sectionId;
1189: }
1191: /**
1192: * @param string
1193: */
1194: public void setPartyId(String string) {
1195: partyId = string;
1196: }
1198: /**
1199: * @param list
1200: */
1201: public void setPrimaryFields(List list) {
1202: primaryFields = list;
1203: primaryFieldsLoaded = true;
1204: }
1206: /**
1207: * @param list
1208: */
1209: public void setRelatedFields(List list) {
1210: relatedFields = list;
1211: relatedFieldsLoaded = true;
1212: }
1214: /**
1215: * @param string
1216: */
1217: public void setReportId(String string) {
1218: reportId = string;
1219: }
1221: /**
1222: * @param string
1223: */
1224: public void setReportName(String string) {
1225: reportName = string;
1226: }
1228: /**
1229: * @param string
1230: */
1231: public void setSectionId(String string) {
1232: sectionId = string;
1233: }
1235: /**
1236: * @return
1237: */
1238: public List getReportCriteria() {
1239: return reportCriteria;
1240: }
1242: /**
1243: * @return
1244: */
1245: public List getReportFields() {
1246: return reportFields;
1247: }
1249: /**
1250: * @return
1251: */
1252: public List getReportOrderBy() {
1253: return reportOrderBy;
1254: }
1256: /**
1257: * @param list
1258: */
1259: public void setReportCriteria(List list) {
1260: reportCriteria = list;
1261: }
1263: /**
1264: * @param list
1265: */
1266: public void setReportFields(List list) {
1267: reportFields = list;
1268: }
1270: /**
1271: * @param list
1272: */
1273: public void setReportOrderBy(List list) {
1274: reportOrderBy = list;
1275: }
1277: protected List getStringListfromGVL(List gvl, String fieldName) {
1278: List sList = new ArrayList();
1280: Iterator iter = gvl.iterator();
1281: while (iter.hasNext()) {
1282: GenericValue gv = (GenericValue) iter.next();
1283: sList.add(gv.getString(fieldName));
1284: }
1285: return sList;
1286: }
1288: /**
1289: * @return
1290: */
1291: public String getPublicFlag() {
1292: return publicFlag;
1293: }
1295: /**
1296: * @param string
1297: */
1298: public void setPublicFlag(String string) {
1299: publicFlag = string;
1300: }
1302: /**
1303: * @return
1304: */
1305: public List getSelectFieldLabels() {
1306: return selectFieldLabels;
1307: }
1309: /**
1310: * @return
1311: */
1312: public List getSelectFieldNames() {
1313: return selectFieldNames;
1314: }
1316: /**
1317: * @param list
1318: */
1319: public void setSelectFieldLabels(List list) {
1320: selectFieldLabels = list;
1321: }
1323: /**
1324: * @param list
1325: */
1326: public void setSelectFieldNames(List list) {
1327: selectFieldNames = list;
1328: }
1330: }