| java.lang.Object org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelRelation
ModelRelation | public class ModelRelation (Code) | | Generic Entity - Relation model class
author: David E. Jones version: $Revision: 1.3 $ since: 2.0 |
fkName | protected String fkName(Code) | | the name to use for a database foreign key, if applies
keyMaps | protected List keyMaps(Code) | | keyMaps defining how to lookup the relatedTable using columns from this table
relEntityName | protected String relEntityName(Code) | | the name of the related entity
title | protected String title(Code) | | the title, gives a name/description to the relation
type | protected String type(Code) | | the type: either "one" or "many" or "one-nofk"
ModelRelation | public ModelRelation()(Code) | | Default Constructor
findKeyMapByRelated | public ModelKeyMap findKeyMapByRelated(String relFieldName)(Code) | | Find a KeyMap with the specified relFieldName
getKeyMapsIterator | public Iterator getKeyMapsIterator()(Code) | | keyMaps defining how to lookup the relatedTable using columns from this table
getKeyMapsSize | public int getKeyMapsSize()(Code) | | |
getMainEntity | public ModelEntity getMainEntity()(Code) | | the main entity of this relation
getRelEntityName | public String getRelEntityName()(Code) | | the name of the related entity
getTitle | public String getTitle()(Code) | | the title, gives a name/description to the relation
getType | public String getType()(Code) | | the type: either "one" or "many" or "one-nofk"
setRelEntityName | public void setRelEntityName(String relEntityName)(Code) | | |