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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » ERP CRM Financial » SourceTap CRM » org.ofbiz.order.order 
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0001:        /*
0002:         * $Id:,v 1.34 2004/03/05 20:30:26 ajzeneski Exp $
0003:         *
0004:         *  Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 The Open For Business Project -
0005:         *
0006:         *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
0007:         *  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
0008:         *  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
0009:         *  the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
0010:         *  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
0011:         *  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
0012:         *
0013:         *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
0014:         *  in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
0015:         *
0023:         */
0024:        package org.ofbiz.order.order;
0026:        import java.sql.Timestamp;
0027:        import java.text.DecimalFormat;
0028:        import java.text.ParseException;
0029:        import java.util.*;
0031:        import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
0032:        import org.ofbiz.common.DataModelConstants;
0033:        import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
0034:        import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
0035:        import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
0036:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
0037:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
0038:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
0039:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
0040:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityFieldMap;
0041:        import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator;
0042:        import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
0043:        import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityFindOptions;
0044:        import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart;
0045:        import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.shipping.ShippingEvents;
0046:        import;
0047:        import;
0048:        import;
0049:        import org.ofbiz.service.*;
0050:        import org.ofbiz.workflow.WfUtil;
0052:        /**
0053:         * Order Processing Services
0054:         *
0055:         * @author     <a href="">Andy Zeneski</a>
0056:         * @author     <a href="">Chris Nelson</a>
0057:         * @author     <a href="">David E. Jones</a>
0058:         * @version    $Revision: 1.34 $
0059:         * @since      2.0
0060:         */
0062:        public class OrderServices {
0064:            public static final String module = OrderServices.class.getName();
0065:            public static final String resource = "org.ofbiz.order.order.PackageMessages";
0067:            /** Service for creating a new order */
0068:            public static Map createOrder(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
0069:                Map result = new HashMap();
0070:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
0071:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
0072:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
0073:                List toBeStored = new LinkedList();
0074:                Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
0076:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
0077:                        .get("userLogin");
0078:                // check security
0079:                String partyId = ServiceUtil.getPartyIdCheckSecurity(userLogin,
0080:                        security, context, result, "ORDERMGR", "_CREATE");
0082:                if (result.size() > 0) {
0083:                    return result;
0084:                }
0086:                // get the order type
0087:                String orderTypeId = (String) context.get("orderTypeId");
0088:                result.put("orderTypeId", orderTypeId);
0090:                // lookup the order type entity
0091:                GenericValue orderType = null;
0092:                try {
0093:                    orderType = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("OrderType",
0094:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderTypeId", orderTypeId));
0095:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0096:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0097:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0098:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0099:                            "ERROR: OrderType lookup failed: " + e.toString());
0100:                    return result;
0101:                }
0103:                // make sure we have a valid order type
0104:                if (orderType == null) {
0105:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0106:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0107:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0108:                            "ERROR: Invalid OrderType");
0109:                    return result;
0110:                }
0112:                // check to make sure we have something to order
0113:                List orderItems = (List) context.get("orderItems");
0115:                if (orderItems.size() < 1) {
0116:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0117:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0118:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE, UtilProperties
0119:                            .getMessage(resource, "items.none", locale));
0120:                    return result;
0121:                }
0123:                // check inventory and other things for each item
0124:                String productStoreId = (String) context.get("productStoreId");
0125:                List errorMessages = new LinkedList();
0126:                Map normalizedItemQuantities = new HashMap();
0127:                Map normalizedItemNames = new HashMap();
0128:                Iterator itemIter = orderItems.iterator();
0129:                java.sql.Timestamp nowTimestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
0131:                // need to run through the items combining any cases where multiple lines refer to the
0132:                // same product so the inventory check will work correctly
0133:                while (itemIter.hasNext()) {
0134:                    GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue);
0135:                    String currentProductId = (String) orderItem
0136:                            .get("productId");
0137:                    if (currentProductId != null) {
0138:                        // only normalize items with a product associated (ignore non-product items)
0139:                        if (normalizedItemQuantities.get(currentProductId) == null) {
0140:                            normalizedItemQuantities.put(currentProductId,
0141:                                    new Double(orderItem.getDouble("quantity")
0142:                                            .doubleValue()));
0143:                            normalizedItemNames.put(currentProductId,
0144:                                    new String(orderItem
0145:                                            .getString("itemDescription")));
0146:                        } else {
0147:                            Double currentQuantity = (Double) normalizedItemQuantities
0148:                                    .get(currentProductId);
0149:                            normalizedItemQuantities.put(currentProductId,
0150:                                    new Double(currentQuantity.doubleValue()
0151:                                            + orderItem.getDouble("quantity")
0152:                                                    .doubleValue()));
0153:                        }
0154:                    }
0155:                }
0157:                if (!"PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)
0158:                        && productStoreId == null) {
0159:                    return ServiceUtil
0160:                            .returnError("ERROR: The productStoreId can only be null for purchase orders");
0161:                }
0163:                Iterator normalizedIter = normalizedItemQuantities.keySet()
0164:                        .iterator();
0165:                while (normalizedIter.hasNext()) {
0166:                    // lookup the product entity for each normalized item; error on products not found
0167:                    String currentProductId = (String);
0168:                    Double currentQuantity = (Double) normalizedItemQuantities
0169:                            .get(currentProductId);
0170:                    String itemName = (String) normalizedItemNames
0171:                            .get(currentProductId);
0172:                    GenericValue product = null;
0174:                    try {
0175:                        product = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("Product",
0176:                                UtilMisc.toMap("productId", currentProductId));
0177:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0178:                        String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
0179:                                "product.not_found",
0180:                                new Object[] { currentProductId }, locale);
0181:                        Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
0182:                        errorMessages.add(errMsg);
0183:                        continue;
0184:                    }
0186:                    if (product == null) {
0187:                        String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
0188:                                "product.not_found",
0189:                                new Object[] { currentProductId }, locale);
0190:                        Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
0191:                        errorMessages.add(errMsg);
0192:                        continue;
0193:                    }
0195:                    if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)
0196:                            || "WORK_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0197:                        // check to see if introductionDate hasn't passed yet
0198:                        if (product.get("introductionDate") != null
0199:                                && nowTimestamp.before(product
0200:                                        .getTimestamp("introductionDate"))) {
0201:                            String excMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
0202:                                    "product.not_yet_for_sale", new Object[] {
0203:                                            getProductName(product, itemName),
0204:                                            product.getString("productId") },
0205:                                    locale);
0206:                            Debug.logWarning(excMsg, module);
0207:                            errorMessages.add(excMsg);
0208:                            continue;
0209:                        }
0210:                    }
0212:                    if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)
0213:                            || "WORK_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0214:                        // check to see if salesDiscontinuationDate has passed
0215:                        if (product.get("salesDiscontinuationDate") != null
0216:                                && nowTimestamp
0217:                                        .after(product
0218:                                                .getTimestamp("salesDiscontinuationDate"))) {
0219:                            String excMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
0220:                                    "product.no_longer_for_sale", new Object[] {
0221:                                            getProductName(product, itemName),
0222:                                            product.getString("productId") },
0223:                                    locale);
0224:                            Debug.logWarning(excMsg, module);
0225:                            errorMessages.add(excMsg);
0226:                            continue;
0227:                        }
0228:                    }
0230:                    if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)
0231:                            || "WORK_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0232:                        // check to see if we have inventory available
0233:                        if (ProductStoreWorker.isStoreInventoryRequired(
0234:                                productStoreId, product, delegator)) {
0235:                            if (!ProductStoreWorker.isStoreInventoryAvailable(
0236:                                    productStoreId, currentProductId,
0237:                                    currentQuantity.doubleValue(), delegator,
0238:                                    dispatcher)) {
0239:                                String invErrMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(
0240:                                        resource, "product.out_of_stock",
0241:                                        new Object[] {
0242:                                                getProductName(product,
0243:                                                        itemName),
0244:                                                currentProductId }, locale);
0245:                                Debug.logWarning(invErrMsg, module);
0246:                                errorMessages.add(invErrMsg);
0247:                                continue;
0248:                            }
0249:                        }
0250:                    }
0251:                }
0253:                if (errorMessages.size() > 0) {
0254:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0255:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0256:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST, errorMessages);
0257:                    return result;
0258:                }
0260:                // the inital status for ALL order types
0261:                String initialStatus = "ORDER_CREATED";
0262:                result.put("statusId", initialStatus);
0264:                // create the order object
0265:                String orderId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OrderHeader")
0266:                        .toString();
0267:                String billingAccountId = (String) context
0268:                        .get("billingAccountId");
0269:                GenericValue order = delegator.makeValue("OrderHeader",
0270:                        UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "orderTypeId",
0271:                                orderTypeId, "orderDate", nowTimestamp,
0272:                                "entryDate", nowTimestamp, "statusId",
0273:                                initialStatus, "billingAccountId",
0274:                                billingAccountId));
0276:                if (context.get("currencyUom") != null) {
0277:                    order.set("currencyUom", context.get("currencyUom"));
0278:                }
0280:                if (context.get("firstAttemptOrderId") != null) {
0281:                    order.set("firstAttemptOrderId", context
0282:                            .get("firstAttemptOrderId"));
0283:                }
0285:                if (context.get("grandTotal") != null) {
0286:                    order.set("grandTotal", context.get("grandTotal"));
0287:                }
0289:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("visitId"))) {
0290:                    order.set("visitId", context.get("visitId"));
0291:                }
0293:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) context
0294:                        .get("productStoreId"))) {
0295:                    order.set("productStoreId", context.get("productStoreId"));
0296:                }
0298:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("webSiteId"))) {
0299:                    order.set("webSiteId", context.get("webSiteId"));
0300:                }
0302:                if (userLogin != null && userLogin.get("userLoginId") != null) {
0303:                    order.set("createdBy", userLogin.getString("userLoginId"));
0304:                }
0306:                // first try to create the OrderHeader; if this does not fail, continue.
0307:                try {
0308:                    delegator.create(order);
0309:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0310:                    Debug
0311:                            .logError(
0312:                                    e,
0313:                                    "Cannot create OrderHeader entity; problems with insert",
0314:                                    module);
0315:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0316:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0317:                    result
0318:                            .put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0319:                                    "Order creation failed; please notify customer service.");
0320:                    return result;
0321:                }
0323:                // create the order status record
0324:                String orderStatusSeqId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OrderStatus")
0325:                        .toString();
0326:                GenericValue orderStatus = delegator.makeValue("OrderStatus",
0327:                        UtilMisc.toMap("orderStatusId", orderStatusSeqId));
0328:                orderStatus.set("orderId", orderId);
0329:                orderStatus.set("statusId", order.getString("statusId"));
0330:                orderStatus.set("statusDatetime", nowTimestamp);
0331:                toBeStored.add(orderStatus);
0333:                // set the orderId on all adjustments; this list will include order and item adjustments...
0334:                List orderAdjustments = (List) context.get("orderAdjustments");
0335:                if (orderAdjustments != null && orderAdjustments.size() > 0) {
0336:                    Iterator iter = orderAdjustments.iterator();
0338:                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
0339:                        GenericValue orderAdjustment = (GenericValue) iter
0340:                                .next();
0341:                        Long adjSeqId = delegator
0342:                                .getNextSeqId("OrderAdjustment");
0344:                        if (adjSeqId == null) {
0345:                            result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0346:                                    ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0347:                            result
0348:                                    .put(
0349:                                            ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0350:                                            "ERROR: Could not get next sequence id for OrderAdjustment, cannot create order.");
0351:                            return result;
0352:                        }
0353:                        orderAdjustment.set("orderAdjustmentId", adjSeqId
0354:                                .toString());
0355:                        orderAdjustment.set("orderId", orderId);
0357:                        if (orderAdjustment.get("orderItemSeqId") == null
0358:                                || orderAdjustment.getString("orderItemSeqId")
0359:                                        .length() == 0) {
0360:                            orderAdjustment.set("orderItemSeqId",
0361:                                    DataModelConstants.SEQ_ID_NA); // set the orderItemSeqId to _NA_ if not alredy set...
0362:                        }
0364:                        toBeStored.add(orderAdjustment);
0365:                    }
0366:                }
0368:                // set the order contact mechs
0369:                List orderContactMechs = (List) context
0370:                        .get("orderContactMechs");
0371:                if (orderContactMechs != null && orderContactMechs.size() > 0) {
0372:                    Iterator ocmi = orderContactMechs.iterator();
0374:                    while (ocmi.hasNext()) {
0375:                        GenericValue ocm = (GenericValue);
0376:                        ocm.set("orderId", orderId);
0377:                        toBeStored.add(ocm);
0378:                    }
0379:                }
0381:                // set the order item contact mechs
0382:                List orderItemContactMechs = (List) context
0383:                        .get("orderItemContactMechs");
0384:                if (orderItemContactMechs != null
0385:                        && orderItemContactMechs.size() > 0) {
0386:                    Iterator oicmi = orderItemContactMechs.iterator();
0388:                    while (oicmi.hasNext()) {
0389:                        GenericValue oicm = (GenericValue);
0390:                        oicm.set("orderId", orderId);
0391:                        toBeStored.add(oicm);
0392:                    }
0393:                }
0395:                // set the shipment preferences
0396:                List orderShipmentPreferences = (List) context
0397:                        .get("orderShipmentPreferences");
0398:                if (orderShipmentPreferences != null
0399:                        && orderShipmentPreferences.size() > 0) {
0400:                    Iterator oshprefs = orderShipmentPreferences.iterator();
0402:                    while (oshprefs.hasNext()) {
0403:                        GenericValue orderShipmentPreference = (GenericValue) oshprefs
0404:                                .next();
0405:                        orderShipmentPreference.set("orderId", orderId);
0406:                        orderShipmentPreference.set("carrierRoleTypeId",
0407:                                "CARRIER");
0408:                        if (orderShipmentPreference.get("orderItemSeqId") == null
0409:                                || orderShipmentPreference.getString(
0410:                                        "orderItemSeqId").length() == 0) {
0411:                            orderShipmentPreference.set("orderItemSeqId",
0412:                                    DataModelConstants.SEQ_ID_NA); // set the orderItemSeqId to _NA_ if not alredy set...
0413:                        }
0414:                        toBeStored.add(orderShipmentPreference);
0415:                    }
0416:                }
0418:                // set the order items
0419:                Iterator oi = orderItems.iterator();
0420:                while (oi.hasNext()) {
0421:                    GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue);
0422:                    orderItem.set("orderId", orderId);
0423:                    toBeStored.add(orderItem);
0425:                    // create the item status record
0426:                    String itemStatusId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OrderStatus")
0427:                            .toString();
0428:                    GenericValue itemStatus = delegator.makeValue(
0429:                            "OrderStatus", UtilMisc.toMap("orderStatusId",
0430:                                    itemStatusId));
0431:                    itemStatus.put("statusId", orderItem.get("statusId"));
0432:                    itemStatus.put("orderId", orderId);
0433:                    itemStatus.put("orderItemSeqId", orderItem
0434:                            .get("orderItemSeqId"));
0435:                    itemStatus.put("statusDatetime", nowTimestamp);
0436:                    toBeStored.add(itemStatus);
0437:                }
0439:                // set the item survey responses
0440:                List surveyResponses = (List) context
0441:                        .get("orderItemSurveyResponses");
0442:                if (surveyResponses != null && surveyResponses.size() > 0) {
0443:                    Iterator oisr = surveyResponses.iterator();
0444:                    while (oisr.hasNext()) {
0445:                        GenericValue surveyResponse = (GenericValue) oisr
0446:                                .next();
0447:                        surveyResponse.set("orderId", orderId);
0448:                        toBeStored.add(surveyResponse);
0449:                    }
0450:                }
0452:                // set the item price info; NOTE: this must be after the orderItems are stored for referential integrity
0453:                List orderItemPriceInfo = (List) context
0454:                        .get("orderItemPriceInfos");
0455:                if (orderItemPriceInfo != null && orderItemPriceInfo.size() > 0) {
0456:                    Iterator oipii = orderItemPriceInfo.iterator();
0458:                    while (oipii.hasNext()) {
0459:                        GenericValue oipi = (GenericValue);
0460:                        Long oipiSeqId = delegator
0461:                                .getNextSeqId("OrderItemPriceInfo");
0463:                        if (oipiSeqId == null) {
0464:                            result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0465:                                    ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0466:                            result
0467:                                    .put(
0468:                                            ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0469:                                            "ERROR: Could not get next sequence id for OrderItemPriceInfo, cannot create order.");
0470:                            return result;
0471:                        }
0472:                        oipi.set("orderItemPriceInfoId", oipiSeqId.toString());
0473:                        oipi.set("orderId", orderId);
0474:                        toBeStored.add(oipi);
0475:                    }
0476:                }
0478:                // store the orderProductPromoUseInfos
0479:                List orderProductPromoUses = (List) context
0480:                        .get("orderProductPromoUses");
0481:                if (orderProductPromoUses != null
0482:                        && orderProductPromoUses.size() > 0) {
0483:                    Iterator orderProductPromoUseIter = orderProductPromoUses
0484:                            .iterator();
0485:                    while (orderProductPromoUseIter.hasNext()) {
0486:                        GenericValue productPromoUse = (GenericValue) orderProductPromoUseIter
0487:                                .next();
0488:                        productPromoUse.set("orderId", orderId);
0489:                        toBeStored.add(productPromoUse);
0490:                    }
0491:                }
0493:                // define the roles for the order
0494:                List userOrderRoleTypes = null;
0495:                if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0496:                    userOrderRoleTypes = UtilMisc.toList("END_USER_CUSTOMER",
0497:                            "SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER", "BILL_TO_CUSTOMER",
0498:                            "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
0499:                } else if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0500:                    userOrderRoleTypes = UtilMisc.toList("SHIP_FROM_VENDOR",
0501:                            "BILL_FROM_VENDOR", "SUPPLIER_AGENT");
0502:                } else if ("WORK_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0503:                    // TODO: set the work order roles
0504:                } else {
0505:                    // TODO: some default behavior
0506:                }
0508:                // now add the roles
0509:                if (userOrderRoleTypes != null) {
0510:                    Iterator i = userOrderRoleTypes.iterator();
0511:                    while (i.hasNext()) {
0512:                        String roleType = (String);
0513:                        String this Party = partyId;
0514:                        if (this Party == null) {
0515:                            this Party = "_NA_"; // will always set these roles so we can query
0516:                        }
0517:                        // make sure the party is in the role before adding
0518:                        toBeStored.add(delegator.makeValue("PartyRole",
0519:                                UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId,
0520:                                        "roleTypeId", roleType)));
0521:                        toBeStored.add(delegator.makeValue("OrderRole",
0522:                                UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "partyId",
0523:                                        partyId, "roleTypeId", roleType)));
0524:                    }
0525:                }
0527:                // set the affiliate -- This is going to be removed...
0528:                String affiliateId = (String) context.get("affiliateId");
0529:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(affiliateId)) {
0530:                    toBeStored.add(delegator.makeValue("OrderRole", UtilMisc
0531:                            .toMap("orderId", orderId, "partyId", affiliateId,
0532:                                    "roleTypeId", "AFFILIATE")));
0533:                }
0535:                // set the distributor
0536:                String distributorId = (String) context.get("distributorId");
0537:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(distributorId)) {
0538:                    toBeStored.add(delegator
0539:                            .makeValue("OrderRole", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
0540:                                    orderId, "partyId", distributorId,
0541:                                    "roleTypeId", "DISTRIBUTOR")));
0542:                }
0544:                // find all parties in role VENDOR associated with WebSite OR ProductStore (where WebSite overrides, if specified), associated first valid with the Order
0545:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) context
0546:                        .get("productStoreId"))) {
0547:                    try {
0548:                        List productStoreRoles = delegator.findByAnd(
0549:                                "ProductStoreRole", UtilMisc.toMap(
0550:                                        "roleTypeId", "VENDOR",
0551:                                        "productStoreId", context
0552:                                                .get("productStoreId")),
0553:                                UtilMisc.toList("-fromDate"));
0554:                        productStoreRoles = EntityUtil.filterByDate(
0555:                                productStoreRoles, true);
0556:                        GenericValue productStoreRole = EntityUtil
0557:                                .getFirst(productStoreRoles);
0558:                        if (productStoreRole != null) {
0559:                            toBeStored.add(delegator.makeValue("OrderRole",
0560:                                    UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
0561:                                            "partyId", productStoreRole
0562:                                                    .get("partyId"),
0563:                                            "roleTypeId", "VENDOR")));
0564:                        }
0565:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0566:                        Debug
0567:                                .logError(
0568:                                        e,
0569:                                        "Error looking up Vendor for the current Product Store",
0570:                                        module);
0571:                    }
0573:                }
0574:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) context.get("webSiteId"))) {
0575:                    try {
0576:                        List webSiteRoles = delegator.findByAnd("WebSiteRole",
0577:                                UtilMisc.toMap("roleTypeId", "VENDOR",
0578:                                        "webSiteId", context.get("webSiteId")),
0579:                                UtilMisc.toList("-fromDate"));
0580:                        webSiteRoles = EntityUtil.filterByDate(webSiteRoles,
0581:                                true);
0582:                        GenericValue webSiteRole = EntityUtil
0583:                                .getFirst(webSiteRoles);
0584:                        if (webSiteRole != null) {
0585:                            toBeStored.add(delegator.makeValue("OrderRole",
0586:                                    UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
0587:                                            "partyId", webSiteRole
0588:                                                    .get("partyId"),
0589:                                            "roleTypeId", "VENDOR")));
0590:                        }
0591:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0592:                        Debug
0593:                                .logError(
0594:                                        e,
0595:                                        "Error looking up Vendor for the current Web Site",
0596:                                        module);
0597:                    }
0599:                }
0601:                // set the order payment preferences
0602:                List paymentPreferences = (List) context
0603:                        .get("orderPaymentPreferences");
0604:                if (paymentPreferences != null && paymentPreferences.size() > 0) {
0605:                    Iterator oppIter = paymentPreferences.iterator();
0606:                    while (oppIter.hasNext()) {
0607:                        GenericValue paymentPreference = (GenericValue) oppIter
0608:                                .next();
0609:                        if (paymentPreference.get("orderPaymentPreferenceId") == null)
0610:                            paymentPreference.set("orderPaymentPreferenceId",
0611:                                    delegator.getNextSeqId(
0612:                                            "OrderPaymentPreference")
0613:                                            .toString());
0614:                        if (paymentPreference.get("statusId") == null)
0615:                            paymentPreference.set("statusId",
0616:                                    "PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED");
0617:                        paymentPreference.set("orderId", orderId);
0618:                        toBeStored.add(paymentPreference);
0619:                    }
0620:                }
0622:                // store the trackingCodeOrder entities
0623:                List trackingCodeOrders = (List) context
0624:                        .get("trackingCodeOrders");
0625:                if (trackingCodeOrders != null && trackingCodeOrders.size() > 0) {
0626:                    Iterator tkcdordIter = trackingCodeOrders.iterator();
0627:                    while (tkcdordIter.hasNext()) {
0628:                        GenericValue trackingCodeOrder = (GenericValue) tkcdordIter
0629:                                .next();
0630:                        trackingCodeOrder.set("orderId", orderId);
0631:                        toBeStored.add(trackingCodeOrder);
0632:                    }
0633:                }
0635:                try {
0636:                    // store line items, etc so that they will be there for the foreign key checks
0637:                    delegator.storeAll(toBeStored);
0639:                    if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)
0640:                            || "WORK_ORDER".equals(orderTypeId)) {
0641:                        // START inventory reservation
0642:                        // decrement inventory available for each item, within the same transaction
0643:                        List resErrorMessages = new LinkedList();
0644:                        Iterator invDecItemIter = orderItems.iterator();
0646:                        while (invDecItemIter.hasNext()) {
0647:                            GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) invDecItemIter
0648:                                    .next();
0649:                            if (orderItem.get("productId") != null) {
0650:                                // only reserve product items; ignore non-product items
0651:                                Double inventoryNotReserved = ProductStoreWorker
0652:                                        .reserveStoreInventory(
0653:                                                productStoreId,
0654:                                                orderItem
0655:                                                        .getString("productId"),
0656:                                                orderItem.getDouble("quantity"),
0657:                                                orderItem.getString("orderId"),
0658:                                                orderItem
0659:                                                        .getString("orderItemSeqId"),
0660:                                                userLogin, delegator,
0661:                                                dispatcher);
0663:                                if (inventoryNotReserved != null) {
0664:                                    // if inventoryNotReserved is not 0.0 then that is the amount that it couldn't reserve
0665:                                    GenericValue product = null;
0667:                                    try {
0668:                                        product = delegator
0669:                                                .findByPrimaryKeyCache(
0670:                                                        "Product",
0671:                                                        UtilMisc
0672:                                                                .toMap(
0673:                                                                        "productId",
0674:                                                                        orderItem
0675:                                                                                .getString("productId")));
0676:                                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0677:                                        Debug
0678:                                                .logError(
0679:                                                        e,
0680:                                                        "Error when looking up product in createOrder service, product failed inventory reservation",
0681:                                                        module);
0682:                                    }
0683:                                    String invErrMsg = "The product ";
0685:                                    if (product != null) {
0686:                                        invErrMsg += getProductName(product,
0687:                                                orderItem);
0688:                                    }
0689:                                    invErrMsg += " with ID "
0690:                                            + orderItem.getString("productId")
0691:                                            + " is no longer in stock. Please try reducing the quantity or removing the product from this order.";
0692:                                    resErrorMessages.add(invErrMsg);
0693:                                }
0694:                            }
0695:                        }
0697:                        if (resErrorMessages.size() > 0) {
0698:                            result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0699:                                    ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0700:                            result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST,
0701:                                    resErrorMessages);
0702:                            return result;
0703:                        }
0704:                        // END inventory reservation
0705:                    }
0707:                    result.put("orderId", orderId);
0708:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0709:                            ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
0710:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0711:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problem with reservations", module);
0712:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
0713:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
0714:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
0715:                            "ERROR: Could not create order (write error: "
0716:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
0717:                }
0719:                return result;
0720:            }
0722:            public static String getProductName(GenericValue product,
0723:                    GenericValue orderItem) {
0724:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(product.getString("productName"))) {
0725:                    return product.getString("productName");
0726:                } else {
0727:                    return orderItem.getString("itemDescription");
0728:                }
0729:            }
0731:            public static String getProductName(GenericValue product,
0732:                    String orderItemName) {
0733:                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(product.getString("productName"))) {
0734:                    return product.getString("productName");
0735:                } else {
0736:                    return orderItemName;
0737:                }
0738:            }
0740:            /** Service for resetting the OrderHeader grandTotal */
0741:            public static Map resetGrandTotal(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
0742:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
0743:                //appears to not be used: GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
0744:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
0746:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
0747:                try {
0748:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
0749:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
0750:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0751:                    String errMsg = "ERROR: Could not set grantTotal on OrderHeader entity: "
0752:                            + e.toString();
0753:                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
0754:                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
0755:                }
0757:                if (orderHeader != null) {
0758:                    OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
0759:                    Double currentTotal = orderHeader.getDouble("grandTotal");
0760:                    if (orh.getOrderGrandTotal() != currentTotal.doubleValue()) {
0761:                        orderHeader.set("grandTotal", new Double(orh
0762:                                .getOrderGrandTotal()));
0763:                        try {
0764:                  ;
0765:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0766:                            String errMsg = "ERROR: Could not set grantTotal on OrderHeader entity: "
0767:                                    + e.toString();
0768:                            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
0769:                            return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
0770:                        }
0771:                    }
0772:                }
0774:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
0775:            }
0777:            /** Service for setting the OrderHeader grandTotal for all OrderHeaders with no grandTotal */
0778:            public static Map setEmptyGrandTotals(DispatchContext ctx,
0779:                    Map context) {
0780:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
0781:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
0782:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
0783:                        .get("userLogin");
0785:                try {
0786:                    EntityListIterator eli = delegator
0787:                            .findListIteratorByCondition("OrderHeader",
0788:                                    new EntityExpr("grandTotal",
0789:                                            EntityOperator.EQUALS, null),
0790:                                    UtilMisc.toList("orderId"), null);
0791:                    GenericValue orderHeader = null;
0792:                    List orderIdList = new LinkedList();
0793:                    while ((orderHeader = (GenericValue) != null) {
0794:                        orderIdList.add(orderHeader.get("orderId"));
0795:                    }
0796:                    eli.close();
0798:                    Iterator orderIdIter = orderIdList.iterator();
0799:                    while (orderIdIter.hasNext()) {
0800:                        String orderId = (String);
0801:                        Map results = dispatcher.runSync("resetGrandTotal",
0802:                                UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "userLogin",
0803:                                        userLogin));
0804:                        if (ServiceUtil.isError(results)) {
0805:                            return ServiceUtil.returnError(null, null, null,
0806:                                    results);
0807:                        }
0808:                    }
0809:                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
0810:                    String errMsg = "ERROR: Could not set grantTotal on OrderHeader entity: "
0811:                            + e.toString();
0812:                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
0813:                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
0814:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0815:                    String errMsg = "ERROR: Could not set grantTotal on OrderHeader entity: "
0816:                            + e.toString();
0817:                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
0818:                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
0819:                }
0821:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
0822:            }
0824:            /** Service for checking and re-clac the tax amount */
0825:            public static Map recalcOrderTax(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
0826:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
0827:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
0828:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
0829:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
0830:                        .get("userLogin");
0832:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
0833:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
0834:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
0835:                        userLogin)) {
0836:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
0837:                    try {
0838:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
0839:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
0840:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
0841:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
0842:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
0843:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
0844:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0845:                        return ServiceUtil
0846:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
0847:                                        + e.getMessage());
0848:                    }
0849:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
0850:                        return ServiceUtil
0851:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
0852:                }
0854:                // get the order header
0855:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
0856:                try {
0857:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
0858:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
0859:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0860:                    return ServiceUtil
0861:                            .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderHeader entity: "
0862:                                    + e.getMessage());
0863:                }
0865:                if (orderHeader == null) {
0866:                    return ServiceUtil
0867:                            .returnError("ERROR: No valid order header found for orderId : "
0868:                                    + orderId);
0869:                }
0871:                // remove the tax adjustments
0872:                int removed = 0;
0873:                try {
0874:                    removed = delegator.removeByAnd("OrderAdjustment", UtilMisc
0875:                            .toMap("orderId", orderId, "orderAdjustmentTypeId",
0876:                                    "SALES_TAX"));
0877:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0878:                    Debug.logError(e,
0879:                            "Unable to remove SALES_TAX adjustments for order : "
0880:                                    + orderId, module);
0881:                    return ServiceUtil
0882:                            .returnError("Unable to remove SALES_TAX adjustments");
0883:                }
0884:                Debug.logInfo("Removed : " + removed
0885:                        + " SALES_TAX adjustments for order [" + orderId + "]",
0886:                        module);
0888:                OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
0889:                List validOrderItems = orh.getValidOrderItems();
0890:                if (validOrderItems != null) {
0891:                    // prepare the inital lists
0892:                    List products = new ArrayList(validOrderItems.size());
0893:                    List amounts = new ArrayList(validOrderItems.size());
0894:                    List shipAmts = new ArrayList(validOrderItems.size());
0896:                    // adjustments and total
0897:                    List allAdjustments = orh.getAdjustments();
0898:                    List orderHeaderAdjustments = OrderReadHelper
0899:                            .getOrderHeaderAdjustments(allAdjustments);
0900:                    double orderSubTotal = OrderReadHelper
0901:                            .getOrderItemsSubTotal(validOrderItems,
0902:                                    allAdjustments);
0904:                    // shipping amount
0905:                    Double orderShipping = new Double(OrderReadHelper
0906:                            .calcOrderAdjustments(orderHeaderAdjustments,
0907:                                    orderSubTotal, false, false, true));
0909:                    // build up the list of tax calc service parameters
0910:                    for (int i = 0; i < validOrderItems.size(); i++) {
0911:                        GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) validOrderItems
0912:                                .get(i);
0914:                        try {
0915:                            products.add(i, orderItem.getRelatedOne("Product")); // get the product entity
0916:                            amounts.add(i, new Double(OrderReadHelper
0917:                                    .getOrderItemSubTotal(orderItem,
0918:                                            allAdjustments, true, false))); // get the item amount
0919:                            shipAmts.add(i,
0920:                                    new Double(OrderReadHelper
0921:                                            .getOrderItemAdjustmentsTotal(
0922:                                                    orderItem, allAdjustments,
0923:                                                    false, false, true))); // get the shipping amount
0924:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
0925:                            Debug.logError(e,
0926:                                    "Cannot read order item entity : "
0927:                                            + orderItem, module);
0928:                            return ServiceUtil
0929:                                    .returnError("Cannot read the order item entity");
0930:                        }
0931:                    }
0933:                    // prepare the service context
0934:                    Map serviceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", orh
0935:                            .getProductStoreId(), "itemProductList", products,
0936:                            "itemAmountList", amounts, "itemShippingList",
0937:                            shipAmts, "orderShippingAmount", orderShipping,
0938:                            "shippingAddress", orh.getShippingAddress());
0940:                    // invoke the calcTax service
0941:                    Map serviceResult = null;
0942:                    try {
0943:                        serviceResult = dispatcher.runSync("calcTax",
0944:                                serviceContext);
0945:                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
0946:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
0947:                        return ServiceUtil
0948:                                .returnError("Problem occurred in tax service");
0949:                    }
0951:                    if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResult)) {
0952:                        return ServiceUtil.returnError(ServiceUtil
0953:                                .getErrorMessage(serviceResult));
0954:                    }
0956:                    // the adjustments (returned in order) from the tax service
0957:                    List orderAdj = (List) serviceResult
0958:                            .get("orderAdjustments");
0959:                    List itemAdj = (List) serviceResult.get("itemAdjustments");
0961:                    // the toStore List
0962:                    List toStore = new ArrayList();
0964:                    // set the order adjustments
0965:                    if (orderAdj != null && orderAdj.size() > 0) {
0966:                        Iterator oai = orderAdj.iterator();
0967:                        while (oai.hasNext()) {
0968:                            GenericValue oa = (GenericValue);
0970:                            Long adjSeqId = delegator
0971:                                    .getNextSeqId("OrderAdjustment");
0972:                            oa.set("orderAdjustmentId", adjSeqId.toString());
0973:                            oa.set("orderId", orderId);
0974:                            toStore.add(oa);
0975:                        }
0976:                    }
0978:                    // set the item adjustments
0979:                    if (itemAdj != null && itemAdj.size() > 0) {
0980:                        for (int i = 0; i < validOrderItems.size(); i++) {
0981:                            GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) validOrderItems
0982:                                    .get(i);
0983:                            List itemAdjustments = (List) itemAdj.get(i);
0984:                            Iterator ida = itemAdjustments.iterator();
0985:                            while (ida.hasNext()) {
0986:                                GenericValue ia = (GenericValue);
0988:                                Long adjSeqId = delegator
0989:                                        .getNextSeqId("OrderAdjustment");
0990:                                ia
0991:                                        .set("orderAdjustmentId", adjSeqId
0992:                                                .toString());
0993:                                ia.set("orderId", orderId);
0994:                                ia.set("orderItemSeqId", orderItem
0995:                                        .getString("orderItemSeqId"));
0996:                                toStore.add(ia);
0997:                            }
0998:                        }
0999:                    }
1001:                    // store the new adjustments
1002:                    try {
1003:                        delegator.storeAll(toStore);
1004:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1005:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
1006:                        return ServiceUtil
1007:                                .returnError("Unable to update order tax information : "
1008:                                        + orderId);
1009:                    }
1010:                }
1012:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1013:            }
1015:            /** Service for checking and re-calc the shipping amount */
1016:            public static Map recalcOrderShipping(DispatchContext ctx,
1017:                    Map context) {
1018:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1019:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1020:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
1021:                        .get("userLogin");
1023:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
1024:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
1025:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
1026:                        userLogin)) {
1027:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
1028:                    try {
1029:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
1030:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
1031:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
1032:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
1033:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1034:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
1035:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1036:                        return ServiceUtil
1037:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
1038:                                        + e.getMessage());
1039:                    }
1040:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
1041:                        return ServiceUtil
1042:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
1043:                }
1045:                // get the order header
1046:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
1047:                try {
1048:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
1049:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
1050:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1051:                    return ServiceUtil
1052:                            .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderHeader entity: "
1053:                                    + e.getMessage());
1054:                }
1056:                if (orderHeader == null) {
1057:                    return ServiceUtil
1058:                            .returnError("ERROR: No valid order header found for orderId : "
1059:                                    + orderId);
1060:                }
1062:                OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
1063:                if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
1064:                    Debug.logVerbose("Shippable Total : "
1065:                            + orh.getShippableTotal(), module);
1066:                }
1068:                Map shippingEstMap = ShippingEvents.getShipEstimate(delegator,
1069:                        orh);
1071:                Double shippingTotal = null;
1072:                if (orh.getValidOrderItems() == null
1073:                        || orh.getValidOrderItems().size() == 0) {
1074:                    shippingTotal = new Double(0.00);
1075:                } else {
1076:                    shippingTotal = (Double) shippingEstMap
1077:                            .get("shippingTotal");
1078:                }
1079:                if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
1080:                    Debug.logVerbose("New Shipping Total : " + shippingTotal,
1081:                            module);
1082:                }
1084:                double currentShipping = OrderReadHelper
1085:                        .getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(orh.getOrderItems(),
1086:                                orh.getAdjustments(), false, false, true);
1087:                currentShipping += OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(orh
1088:                        .getOrderHeaderAdjustments(), orh
1089:                        .getOrderItemsSubTotal(), false, false, true);
1091:                if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
1092:                    Debug.log("Old Shipping Total : " + currentShipping);
1093:                }
1095:                List errorMessageList = (List) shippingEstMap
1096:                        .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST);
1097:                if (errorMessageList != null) {
1098:                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(errorMessageList);
1099:                }
1101:                if (shippingTotal.doubleValue() != currentShipping) {
1102:                    // place the difference as a new shipping adjustment
1103:                    Double adjustmentAmount = new Double(shippingTotal
1104:                            .doubleValue()
1105:                            - currentShipping);
1106:                    String adjSeqId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OrderAdjustment")
1107:                            .toString();
1108:                    GenericValue orderAdjustment = delegator.makeValue(
1109:                            "OrderAdjustment", UtilMisc.toMap(
1110:                                    "orderAdjustmentId", adjSeqId));
1111:                    orderAdjustment.set("orderAdjustmentTypeId",
1112:                            "SHIPPING_CHARGES");
1113:                    orderAdjustment.set("amount", adjustmentAmount);
1114:                    orderAdjustment.set("orderId", orh.getOrderId());
1115:                    orderAdjustment.set("orderItemSeqId",
1116:                            DataModelConstants.SEQ_ID_NA);
1117:                    //orderAdjustment.set("comments", "Shipping Re-Calc Adjustment");
1118:                    try {
1119:                        orderAdjustment.create();
1120:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1121:                        Debug.logError(e,
1122:                                "Problem creating shipping re-calc adjustment : "
1123:                                        + orderAdjustment, module);
1124:                        return ServiceUtil
1125:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot create adjustment");
1126:                    }
1127:                }
1129:                // TODO: re-balance free shipping adjustment
1131:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1133:            }
1135:            /** Service for checking to see if an order is fully completed or canceled */
1136:            public static Map checkItemStatus(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1137:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1138:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
1140:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
1141:                        .get("userLogin");
1142:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1144:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
1145:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
1146:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
1147:                        userLogin)) {
1148:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
1149:                    try {
1150:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
1151:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
1152:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
1153:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
1154:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1155:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
1156:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1157:                        return ServiceUtil
1158:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
1159:                                        + e.getMessage());
1160:                    }
1161:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
1162:                        return ServiceUtil
1163:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
1164:                }
1166:                // get the order header
1167:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
1168:                try {
1169:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
1170:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
1171:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1172:                    Debug.logError(e, "Cannot get OrderHeader record", module);
1173:                }
1174:                if (orderHeader == null) {
1175:                    Debug.logError("OrderHeader came back as null", module);
1176:                    return ServiceUtil
1177:                            .returnError("Cannot update null order header ["
1178:                                    + orderId + "]");
1179:                }
1181:                // get the order items
1182:                List orderItems = null;
1183:                try {
1184:                    orderItems = delegator.findByAnd("OrderItem", UtilMisc
1185:                            .toMap("orderId", orderId));
1186:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1187:                    Debug.logError(e, "Cannot get OrderItem records", module);
1188:                    return ServiceUtil
1189:                            .returnError("Problem getting OrderItem records");
1190:                }
1192:                boolean allCanceled = true;
1193:                boolean allComplete = true;
1194:                boolean allApproved = true;
1195:                if (orderItems != null) {
1196:                    Iterator itemIter = orderItems.iterator();
1197:                    while (itemIter.hasNext()) {
1198:                        GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
1199:                        String statusId = item.getString("statusId");
1200:                        //Debug.log("Item Status: " + statusId, module);
1201:                        if (!"ITEM_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)) {
1202:                            //Debug.log("Not set to cancel", module);
1203:                            allCanceled = false;
1204:                            if (!"ITEM_COMPLETED".equals(statusId)) {
1205:                                //Debug.log("Not set to complete", module);
1206:                                allComplete = false;
1207:                                if (!"ITEM_APPROVED".equals(statusId)) {
1208:                                    //Debug.log("Not set to approve", module);
1209:                                    allApproved = false;
1210:                                    break;
1211:                                }
1212:                            }
1213:                        }
1214:                    }
1216:                    // find the next status to set to (if any)
1217:                    String newStatus = null;
1218:                    if (allCanceled) {
1219:                        newStatus = "ORDER_CANCELLED";
1220:                    } else if (allComplete) {
1221:                        newStatus = "ORDER_COMPLETED";
1222:                    } else if (allApproved) {
1223:                        if (!"ORDER_SENT".equals(orderHeader
1224:                                .getString("statusId"))) {
1225:                            newStatus = "ORDER_APPROVED";
1226:                        }
1227:                    }
1229:                    // now set the new order status
1230:                    if (newStatus != null) {
1231:                        Map serviceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
1232:                                "statusId", newStatus, "userLogin", userLogin);
1233:                        try {
1234:                            Map result = dispatcher.runSync(
1235:                                    "changeOrderStatus", serviceContext);
1236:                        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
1237:                            Debug
1238:                                    .logError(
1239:                                            e,
1240:                                            "Problem calling the changeOrderStatus service",
1241:                                            module);
1242:                        }
1243:                    }
1244:                } else {
1245:                    Debug.logWarning(
1246:                            "Received NULL for OrderItem records orderId : "
1247:                                    + orderId, module);
1248:                }
1250:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1251:            }
1253:            /** Service to cancel an order item quantity */
1254:            public static Map cancelOrderItem(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1255:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
1256:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1258:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
1259:                        .get("userLogin");
1260:                Double cancelQuantity = (Double) context.get("cancelQuantity");
1261:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1262:                String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId");
1264:                // debugging message info
1265:                String itemMsgInfo = orderId + " / " + orderItemSeqId;
1267:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
1268:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
1269:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
1270:                        userLogin)) {
1271:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
1272:                    try {
1273:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
1274:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
1275:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
1276:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
1277:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1278:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
1279:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1280:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
1281:                        return ServiceUtil
1282:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
1283:                                        + itemMsgInfo);
1284:                    }
1285:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
1286:                        return ServiceUtil
1287:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
1288:                }
1290:                Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId);
1291:                if (orderItemSeqId != null) {
1292:                    fields.put("orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId);
1293:                }
1295:                List orderItems = null;
1296:                try {
1297:                    orderItems = delegator.findByAnd("OrderItem", fields);
1298:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1299:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
1300:                    return ServiceUtil
1301:                            .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderItem entity: "
1302:                                    + itemMsgInfo);
1303:                }
1305:                if (orderItems != null && orderItems.size() > 0) {
1306:                    Iterator itemsIterator = orderItems.iterator();
1307:                    while (itemsIterator.hasNext()) {
1308:                        GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) itemsIterator
1309:                                .next();
1310:                        if (orderItem == null) {
1311:                            ServiceUtil
1312:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Cannot cancel item; item not found : "
1313:                                            + itemMsgInfo);
1314:                        }
1316:                        Double quantity = orderItem.getDouble("quantity");
1317:                        Double cancelQty = orderItem
1318:                                .getDouble("cancelQuantity");
1319:                        if (quantity == null)
1320:                            quantity = new Double(0.0);
1321:                        if (cancelQty == null)
1322:                            cancelQty = new Double(0.0);
1323:                        Double this CancelQty = null;
1324:                        if (cancelQuantity != null) {
1325:                            this CancelQty = new Double(cancelQuantity
1326:                                    .doubleValue());
1327:                        } else {
1328:                            this CancelQty = new Double(quantity.doubleValue());
1329:                        }
1330:                        orderItem.set("cancelQuantity", this CancelQty);
1331:                        try {
1332:                  ;
1333:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1334:                            Debug.logError(e, module);
1335:                            return ServiceUtil
1336:                                    .returnError("Unable to set cancel quantity : "
1337:                                            + itemMsgInfo);
1338:                        }
1339:                        if (this CancelQty.doubleValue() >= quantity
1340:                                .doubleValue()) {
1341:                            // all items are cancelled -- mark the item as cancelled
1342:                            Map statusCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
1343:                                    "orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId,
1344:                                    "statusId", "ITEM_CANCELLED", "userLogin",
1345:                                    userLogin);
1346:                            try {
1347:                                dispatcher.runSyncIgnore(
1348:                                        "changeOrderItemStatus", statusCtx);
1349:                            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
1350:                                Debug.logError(e, module);
1351:                                return ServiceUtil
1352:                                        .returnError("Unable to cancel order line : "
1353:                                                + itemMsgInfo);
1354:                            }
1355:                        } else {
1356:                            // reverse the inventory reservation
1357:                            Map invCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
1358:                                    "orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId,
1359:                                    "cancelQuantity", this CancelQty,
1360:                                    "userLogin", userLogin);
1361:                            try {
1362:                                dispatcher.runSyncIgnore(
1363:                                        "cancelOrderItemInvResQty", invCtx);
1364:                            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
1365:                                Debug.logError(e, module);
1366:                                return ServiceUtil
1367:                                        .returnError("Unable to update inventory reservations : "
1368:                                                + itemMsgInfo);
1369:                            }
1370:                        }
1371:                    }
1372:                }
1374:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1375:            }
1377:            /** Service for changing the status on order item(s) */
1378:            public static Map setItemStatus(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1379:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1381:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
1382:                        .get("userLogin");
1383:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1384:                String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId");
1385:                String fromStatusId = (String) context.get("fromStatusId");
1386:                String statusId = (String) context.get("statusId");
1388:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
1389:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
1390:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
1391:                        userLogin)) {
1392:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
1393:                    try {
1394:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
1395:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
1396:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
1397:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
1398:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1399:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
1400:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1401:                        return ServiceUtil
1402:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
1403:                                        + e.getMessage());
1404:                    }
1405:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
1406:                        return ServiceUtil
1407:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
1408:                }
1410:                Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId);
1411:                if (orderItemSeqId != null)
1412:                    fields.put("orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId);
1413:                if (fromStatusId != null)
1414:                    fields.put("statusId", fromStatusId);
1416:                List orderItems = null;
1417:                try {
1418:                    orderItems = delegator.findByAnd("OrderItem", fields);
1419:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1420:                    return ServiceUtil
1421:                            .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderItem entity: "
1422:                                    + e.getMessage());
1423:                }
1425:                if (orderItems != null && orderItems.size() > 0) {
1426:                    List toBeStored = new ArrayList();
1427:                    Iterator itemsIterator = orderItems.iterator();
1428:                    while (itemsIterator.hasNext()) {
1429:                        GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) itemsIterator
1430:                                .next();
1431:                        if (orderItem == null)
1432:                            ServiceUtil
1433:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Cannot change item status; item not found.");
1434:                        if (Debug.verboseOn())
1435:                            Debug
1436:                                    .logVerbose(
1437:                                            "[OrderServices.setItemStatus] : Status Change: ["
1438:                                                    + orderId
1439:                                                    + "] ("
1440:                                                    + orderItem
1441:                                                            .getString("orderItemSeqId"),
1442:                                            module);
1443:                        if (Debug.verboseOn())
1444:                            Debug.logVerbose(
1445:                                    "[OrderServices.setIte,Status] : From Status : "
1446:                                            + orderItem.getString("statusId"),
1447:                                    module);
1448:                        if (Debug.verboseOn())
1449:                            Debug.logVerbose(
1450:                                    "[OrderServices.setOrderStatus] : To Status : "
1451:                                            + statusId, module);
1453:                        if (orderItem.getString("statusId").equals(statusId)) {
1454:                            continue;
1455:                        }
1457:                        try {
1458:                            Map statusFields = UtilMisc.toMap("statusId",
1459:                                    orderItem.getString("statusId"),
1460:                                    "statusIdTo", statusId);
1461:                            GenericValue statusChange = delegator
1462:                                    .findByPrimaryKeyCache("StatusValidChange",
1463:                                            statusFields);
1465:                            if (statusChange == null) {
1466:                                Debug.logWarning("Item status not changed "
1467:                                        + orderItem.getString("statusId")
1468:                                        + " -> " + statusId
1469:                                        + " is not a valid change.", module);
1470:                                continue;
1471:                            }
1472:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1473:                            return ServiceUtil
1474:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Could not change item status: "
1475:                                            + e.getMessage());
1476:                        }
1478:                        orderItem.set("statusId", statusId);
1479:                        toBeStored.add(orderItem);
1481:                        // now create a status change
1482:                        Map changeFields = new HashMap();
1483:                        changeFields.put("orderStatusId", delegator
1484:                                .getNextSeqId("OrderStatus").toString());
1485:                        changeFields.put("statusId", statusId);
1486:                        changeFields.put("orderId", orderId);
1487:                        changeFields.put("orderItemSeqId", orderItem
1488:                                .getString("orderItemSeqId"));
1489:                        changeFields.put("statusDatetime", UtilDateTime
1490:                                .nowTimestamp());
1491:                        GenericValue orderStatus = delegator.makeValue(
1492:                                "OrderStatus", changeFields);
1493:                        toBeStored.add(orderStatus);
1494:                    }
1496:                    // store the changes
1497:                    if (toBeStored.size() > 0) {
1498:                        try {
1499:                            delegator.storeAll(toBeStored);
1500:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1501:                            return ServiceUtil
1502:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Cannot store status changes: "
1503:                                            + e.getMessage());
1504:                        }
1505:                    }
1507:                }
1509:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1510:            }
1512:            /** Service for changing the status on an order header */
1513:            public static Map setOrderStatus(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1514:                Map result = new HashMap();
1515:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1517:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
1518:                        .get("userLogin");
1519:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1520:                String statusId = (String) context.get("statusId");
1522:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
1523:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
1524:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
1525:                        userLogin)) {
1526:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
1527:                    try {
1528:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
1529:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
1530:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
1531:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
1532:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1533:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
1534:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1535:                        return ServiceUtil
1536:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
1537:                                        + e.getMessage());
1538:                    }
1539:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
1540:                        return ServiceUtil
1541:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
1542:                }
1544:                try {
1545:                    GenericValue orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1546:                            "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
1548:                    if (orderHeader == null) {
1549:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1550:                                ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1551:                        result
1552:                                .put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1553:                                        "ERROR: Could not change order status; order cannot be found.");
1554:                        return result;
1555:                    }
1556:                    if (Debug.verboseOn())
1557:                        Debug.logVerbose(
1558:                                "[OrderServices.setOrderStatus] : From Status : "
1559:                                        + orderHeader.getString("statusId"),
1560:                                module);
1561:                    if (Debug.verboseOn())
1562:                        Debug.logVerbose(
1563:                                "[OrderServices.setOrderStatus] : To Status : "
1564:                                        + statusId, module);
1566:                    if (orderHeader.getString("statusId").equals(statusId)) {
1567:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1568:                                ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1569:                        return result;
1570:                    }
1571:                    try {
1572:                        Map statusFields = UtilMisc.toMap("statusId",
1573:                                orderHeader.getString("statusId"),
1574:                                "statusIdTo", statusId);
1575:                        GenericValue statusChange = delegator
1576:                                .findByPrimaryKeyCache("StatusValidChange",
1577:                                        statusFields);
1579:                        if (statusChange == null) {
1580:                            result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1581:                                    ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1582:                            result
1583:                                    .put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1584:                                            "ERROR: Could not change order status; status is not a valid change.");
1585:                            return result;
1586:                        }
1587:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1588:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1589:                                ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1590:                        result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1591:                                "ERROR: Could not change order status ("
1592:                                        + e.getMessage() + ").");
1593:                        return result;
1594:                    }
1596:                    // update the current status
1597:                    orderHeader.set("statusId", statusId);
1599:                    // now create a status change
1600:                    Map fields = new HashMap();
1601:                    fields.put("orderStatusId", delegator.getNextSeqId(
1602:                            "OrderStatus").toString());
1603:                    fields.put("statusId", statusId);
1604:                    fields.put("orderId", orderId);
1605:                    fields.put("statusDatetime", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());
1606:                    GenericValue orderStatus = delegator.makeValue(
1607:                            "OrderStatus", fields);
1608:                    List toBeStored = new ArrayList();
1610:                    toBeStored.add(orderHeader);
1611:                    toBeStored.add(orderStatus);
1612:                    delegator.storeAll(toBeStored);
1613:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1614:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1615:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1616:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1617:                            "ERROR: Could not change order status ("
1618:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
1619:                    return result;
1620:                }
1622:                // release the inital hold if we are cancelled or approved
1623:                if ("ORDER_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)
1624:                        || "ORDER_APPROVED".equals(statusId)) {
1625:                    OrderChangeHelper.releaseInitialOrderHold(ctx
1626:                            .getDispatcher(), orderId);
1628:                    // cancel any order processing if we are cancelled
1629:                    if ("ORDER_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)) {
1630:                        OrderChangeHelper.abortOrderProcessing(ctx
1631:                                .getDispatcher(), orderId);
1632:                    }
1633:                }
1635:                result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1636:                        ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1637:                result.put("orderStatusId", statusId);
1638:                return result;
1639:            }
1641:            /** Service to update the order tracking number */
1642:            public static Map updateTrackingNumber(DispatchContext dctx,
1643:                    Map context) {
1644:                Map result = new HashMap();
1645:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
1646:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1647:                String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId");
1648:                String trackingNumber = (String) context.get("trackingNumber");
1650:                if (orderItemSeqId == null || orderItemSeqId.length() == 0)
1651:                    orderItemSeqId = DataModelConstants.SEQ_ID_NA;
1652:                try {
1653:                    GenericValue shipPref = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1654:                            "OrderShipmentPreference", UtilMisc.toMap(
1655:                                    "orderId", orderId, "orderItemSeqId",
1656:                                    orderItemSeqId));
1658:                    if (shipPref == null) {
1659:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1660:                                ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1661:                        result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1662:                                "ERROR: No order shipment preference found!");
1663:                    } else {
1664:                        shipPref.set("trackingNumber", trackingNumber);
1665:              ;
1666:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1667:                                ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1668:                    }
1669:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1670:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
1671:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1672:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1673:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1674:                            "ERROR: Could not set tracking number ("
1675:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
1676:                }
1677:                return result;
1678:            }
1680:            /** Service to add a role type to an order */
1681:            public static Map addRoleType(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1682:                Map result = new HashMap();
1683:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1684:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1685:                String partyId = (String) context.get("partyId");
1686:                String roleTypeId = (String) context.get("roleTypeId");
1687:                Boolean removeOld = (Boolean) context.get("removeOld");
1689:                if (removeOld != null && removeOld.booleanValue()) {
1690:                    try {
1691:                        delegator.removeByAnd("OrderRole", UtilMisc.toMap(
1692:                                "orderId", orderId, "roleTypeId", roleTypeId));
1693:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1694:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1695:                                ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1696:                        result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1697:                                "ERROR: Could not remove old roles ("
1698:                                        + e.getMessage() + ").");
1699:                        return result;
1700:                    }
1701:                }
1703:                Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "partyId",
1704:                        partyId, "roleTypeId", roleTypeId);
1706:                try {
1707:                    // first check and see if we are already there; if so, just return success
1708:                    GenericValue testValue = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1709:                            "OrderRole", fields);
1710:                    if (testValue != null) {
1711:                        ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
1712:                    } else {
1713:                        GenericValue value = delegator.makeValue("OrderRole",
1714:                                fields);
1715:                        delegator.create(value);
1716:                    }
1717:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1718:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1719:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1720:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1721:                            "ERROR: Could not add role to order ("
1722:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
1723:                    return result;
1724:                }
1725:                result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1726:                        ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1727:                return result;
1728:            }
1730:            /** Service to remove a role type from an order */
1731:            public static Map removeRoleType(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1732:                Map result = new HashMap();
1733:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1734:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1735:                String partyId = (String) context.get("partyId");
1736:                String roleTypeId = (String) context.get("roleTypeId");
1737:                Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "partyId",
1738:                        partyId, "roleTypeId", roleTypeId);
1740:                GenericValue testValue = null;
1742:                try {
1743:                    testValue = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderRole", fields);
1744:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1745:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1746:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1747:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1748:                            "ERROR: Could not add role to order ("
1749:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
1750:                    return result;
1751:                }
1753:                if (testValue == null) {
1754:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1755:                            ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1756:                    return result;
1757:                }
1759:                try {
1760:                    GenericValue value = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1761:                            "OrderRole", fields);
1763:                    value.remove();
1764:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1765:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1766:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
1767:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1768:                            "ERROR: Could not remove role from order ("
1769:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
1770:                    return result;
1771:                }
1772:                result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
1773:                        ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
1774:                return result;
1775:            }
1777:            /** Service to prepare notification data */
1778:            public static Map prepareOrderEmailData(DispatchContext ctx,
1779:                    Map context) {
1780:                Map result = new HashMap();
1781:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1782:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1784:                try {
1785:                    GenericValue orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1786:                            "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
1787:                    OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
1788:                    List orderItems = orh.getOrderItems();
1789:                    List orderAdjustments = orh.getAdjustments();
1790:                    List orderHeaderAdjustments = orh
1791:                            .getOrderHeaderAdjustments();
1792:                    double orderSubTotal = orh.getOrderItemsSubTotal();
1793:                    List headerAdjustmentsToShow = orh
1794:                            .getOrderHeaderAdjustmentsToShow();
1796:                    //templateContext.put("localOrderReadHelper", orh);
1797:                    result.put("orderId", orderId);
1798:                    result.put("orderItemSeqId", context.get("orderItemSeqId"));
1799:                    result.put("orderHeader", orderHeader);
1800:                    result.put("orderItems", orh.getOrderItems());
1801:                    result.put("statusString", orh.getStatusString());
1802:                    result.put("orderAdjustments", orderAdjustments);
1803:                    result
1804:                            .put("orderHeaderAdjustments",
1805:                                    orderHeaderAdjustments);
1806:                    result.put("orderSubTotal", new Double(orderSubTotal));
1807:                    result.put("headerAdjustmentsToShow",
1808:                            headerAdjustmentsToShow);
1810:                    double shippingAmount = OrderReadHelper
1811:                            .getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(orderItems,
1812:                                    orderAdjustments, false, false, true);
1813:                    shippingAmount += OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(
1814:                            orderHeaderAdjustments, orderSubTotal, false,
1815:                            false, true);
1816:                    result
1817:                            .put("orderShippingTotal", new Double(
1818:                                    shippingAmount));
1820:                    double taxAmount = OrderReadHelper
1821:                            .getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(orderItems,
1822:                                    orderAdjustments, false, true, false);
1823:                    taxAmount += OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(
1824:                            orderHeaderAdjustments, orderSubTotal, false, true,
1825:                            false);
1826:                    result.put("orderTaxTotal", new Double(taxAmount));
1827:                    result.put("orderGrandTotal", new Double(OrderReadHelper
1828:                            .getOrderGrandTotal(orderItems, orderAdjustments)));
1830:                    List placingCustomerOrderRoles = delegator.findByAnd(
1831:                            "OrderRole", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
1832:                                    "roleTypeId", "PLACING_CUSTOMER"));
1833:                    GenericValue placingCustomerOrderRole = EntityUtil
1834:                            .getFirst(placingCustomerOrderRoles);
1835:                    GenericValue placingCustomerPerson = placingCustomerOrderRole == null ? null
1836:                            : delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Person", UtilMisc
1837:                                    .toMap("partyId", placingCustomerOrderRole
1838:                                            .getString("partyId")));
1839:                    result.put("placingCustomerPerson", placingCustomerPerson);
1841:                    GenericValue shippingAddress = orh.getShippingAddress();
1842:                    result.put("shippingAddress", shippingAddress);
1843:                    GenericValue billingAccount = orderHeader
1844:                            .getRelatedOne("BillingAccount");
1845:                    result.put("billingAccount", billingAccount);
1847:                    Iterator orderPaymentPreferences = UtilMisc
1848:                            .toIterator(orderHeader
1849:                                    .getRelated("OrderPaymentPreference"));
1850:                    if (orderPaymentPreferences != null) {
1851:                        List paymentMethods = new ArrayList();
1852:                        while (orderPaymentPreferences.hasNext()) {
1853:                            GenericValue opp = (GenericValue) orderPaymentPreferences
1854:                                    .next();
1855:                            GenericValue paymentMethod = opp
1856:                                    .getRelatedOne("PaymentMethod");
1857:                            if (paymentMethod != null) {
1858:                                paymentMethods.add(paymentMethod);
1859:                            } else {
1860:                                GenericValue paymentMethodType = opp
1861:                                        .getRelatedOne("PaymentMethodType");
1862:                                if (paymentMethodType != null) {
1863:                                    result.put("paymentMethodType",
1864:                                            paymentMethodType);
1865:                                }
1866:                            }
1867:                        }
1868:                        result.put("paymentMethods", paymentMethods);
1869:                    }
1871:                    Iterator orderShipmentPreferences = UtilMisc
1872:                            .toIterator(orderHeader
1873:                                    .getRelated("OrderShipmentPreference"));
1874:                    if (orderShipmentPreferences != null
1875:                            && orderShipmentPreferences.hasNext()) {
1876:                        GenericValue shipmentPreference = (GenericValue) orderShipmentPreferences
1877:                                .next();
1878:                        result.put("carrierPartyId", shipmentPreference
1879:                                .getString("carrierPartyId"));
1880:                        result.put("shipmentMethodTypeId", shipmentPreference
1881:                                .getString("shipmentMethodTypeId"));
1882:                        GenericValue shipmentMethodType = delegator
1883:                                .findByPrimaryKey(
1884:                                        "ShipmentMethodType",
1885:                                        UtilMisc
1886:                                                .toMap(
1887:                                                        "shipmentMethodTypeId",
1888:                                                        shipmentPreference
1889:                                                                .getString("shipmentMethodTypeId")));
1890:                        result.put("shipMethDescription", shipmentMethodType
1891:                                .getString("description"));
1892:                        result.put("shippingInstructions", shipmentPreference
1893:                                .getString("shippingInstructions"));
1894:                        result.put("maySplit", shipmentPreference
1895:                                .getBoolean("maySplit"));
1896:                        result.put("giftMessage", shipmentPreference
1897:                                .getString("giftMessage"));
1898:                        result.put("isGift", shipmentPreference
1899:                                .getBoolean("isGift"));
1900:                        result.put("trackingNumber", shipmentPreference
1901:                                .getString("trackingNumber"));
1902:                    }
1904:                    Iterator orderItemPOIter = UtilMisc.toIterator(orderItems);
1905:                    if (orderItemPOIter != null && orderItemPOIter.hasNext()) {
1906:                        GenericValue orderItemPo = (GenericValue) orderItemPOIter
1907:                                .next();
1908:                        result.put("customerPoNumber", orderItemPo
1909:                                .getString("correspondingPoId"));
1910:                    }
1912:                    // get Shipment tracking info
1913:                    EntityCondition osisCond = new EntityFieldMap(UtilMisc
1914:                            .toMap("orderId", orderId), EntityOperator.AND);
1915:                    List osisOrder = UtilMisc.toList("shipmentId",
1916:                            "shipmentRouteSegmentId", "shipmentPackageSeqId");
1917:                    List osisFields = UtilMisc.toList("shipmentId",
1918:                            "shipmentRouteSegmentId", "carrierPartyId",
1919:                            "shipmentMethodTypeId");
1920:                    osisFields.add("shipmentPackageSeqId");
1921:                    osisFields.add("trackingCode");
1922:                    osisFields.add("boxNumber");
1924:                    EntityFindOptions osisFindOptions = new EntityFindOptions();
1925:                    osisFindOptions.setDistinct(true);
1927:                    List orderShipmentInfoSummaryList = null;
1928:                    EntityListIterator osisEli = delegator
1929:                            .findListIteratorByCondition(
1930:                                    "OrderShipmentInfoSummary", osisCond, null,
1931:                                    osisFields, osisOrder, osisFindOptions);
1932:                    if (osisEli != null) {
1933:                        orderShipmentInfoSummaryList = osisEli
1934:                                .getCompleteList();
1935:                        osisEli.close();
1936:                    }
1937:                    result.put("orderShipmentInfoSummaryList",
1938:                            orderShipmentInfoSummaryList);
1940:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1941:                    Debug.logError(e, "Entity read error", module);
1942:                    ServiceUtil
1943:                            .returnError("Problem with entity lookup, see error log");
1944:                }
1945:                return result;
1946:            }
1948:            /** Service to email a customer with initial order confirmation */
1949:            public static Map prepareOrderConfirmation(DispatchContext ctx,
1950:                    Map context) {
1951:                context.put("emailType", "PRDS_ODR_CONFIRM");
1952:                return prepareOrderEmail(ctx, context);
1953:            }
1955:            /** Service to email a customer with order changes */
1956:            public static Map prepareOrderComplete(DispatchContext ctx,
1957:                    Map context) {
1958:                context.put("emailType", "PRDS_ODR_COMPLETE");
1959:                return prepareOrderEmail(ctx, context);
1960:            }
1962:            /** Service to email a customer with order changes */
1963:            public static Map prepareOrderBackorder(DispatchContext ctx,
1964:                    Map context) {
1965:                context.put("emailType", "PRDS_ODR_BACKORDER");
1966:                return prepareOrderEmail(ctx, context);
1967:            }
1969:            /** Service to email a customer with order changes */
1970:            public static Map prepareOrderChange(DispatchContext ctx,
1971:                    Map context) {
1972:                context.put("emailType", "PRDS_ODR_CHANGE");
1973:                return prepareOrderEmail(ctx, context);
1974:            }
1976:            public static Map prepareOrderEmail(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
1977:                Map result = new HashMap();
1978:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
1979:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
1980:                String emailType = (String) context.get("emailType");
1981:                String ofbizHome = System.getProperty("ofbiz.home");
1983:                // get the order header and store
1984:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
1985:                try {
1986:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
1987:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
1988:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
1989:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problem getting OrderHeader", module);
1990:                }
1992:                GenericValue productStoreEmail = null;
1993:                if (orderHeader != null) {
1994:                    try {
1995:                        productStoreEmail = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
1996:                                "ProductStoreEmailSetting", UtilMisc.toMap(
1997:                                        "productStoreId", orderHeader
1998:                                                .get("productStoreId"),
1999:                                        "emailType", emailType));
2000:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2001:                        Debug.logError(e,
2002:                                "Problem getting the ProductStoreEmailSetting",
2003:                                module);
2004:                    }
2005:                }
2007:                if (productStoreEmail == null) {
2008:                    return ServiceUtil
2009:                            .returnError("No valid email setting for store");
2010:                }
2012:                OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
2013:                String emailString = orh.getOrderEmailString();
2015:                // prepare the parsed subject
2016:                Map orderEmailData = prepareOrderEmailData(ctx, UtilMisc.toMap(
2017:                        "orderId", orderId));
2018:                String subjectString = productStoreEmail.getString("subject");
2019:                subjectString = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(
2020:                        subjectString, orderEmailData);
2022:                result.put("templateName", ofbizHome
2023:                        + productStoreEmail.get("templatePath"));
2024:                result.put("emailType", emailType);
2025:                result.put("subject", subjectString);
2026:                result.put("contentType", productStoreEmail.get("contentType"));
2027:                result.put("sendFrom", productStoreEmail.get("fromAddress"));
2028:                result.put("sendCc", productStoreEmail.get("ccAddress"));
2029:                result.put("sendBcc", productStoreEmail.get("bccAddress"));
2030:                result.put("sendTo", emailString);
2031:                result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2032:                        ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
2034:                return result;
2035:            }
2037:            /** Service to email order notifications for pending actions */
2038:            public static Map sendProcessNotification(DispatchContext ctx,
2039:                    Map context) {
2040:                //appears to not be used: Map result = new HashMap();
2041:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2042:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
2043:                String adminEmailList = (String) context.get("adminEmailList");
2044:                String assignedToUser = (String) context.get("assignedPartyId");
2045:                //appears to not be used: String assignedToRole = (String) context.get("assignedRoleTypeId");
2046:                String workEffortId = (String) context.get("workEffortId");
2048:                GenericValue workEffort = null;
2049:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2050:                //appears to not be used: String assignedEmail = null;
2052:                // get the order/workflow info
2053:                try {
2054:                    workEffort = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("WorkEffort",
2055:                            UtilMisc.toMap("workEffortId", workEffortId));
2056:                    String sourceReferenceId = workEffort
2057:                            .getString("sourceReferenceId");
2058:                    if (sourceReferenceId != null)
2059:                        orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
2060:                                UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", sourceReferenceId));
2061:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2062:                    ServiceUtil.returnError("Problem with entity lookup");
2063:                }
2065:                // find the assigned user's email address(s)
2066:                GenericValue party = null;
2067:                Collection assignedToEmails = null;
2068:                try {
2069:                    party = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Party", UtilMisc.toMap(
2070:                            "partyId", assignedToUser));
2071:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2072:                    ServiceUtil.returnError("Problem with entity lookup");
2073:                }
2074:                if (party != null)
2075:                    assignedToEmails = ContactHelper.getContactMechByPurpose(
2076:                            party, "PRIMARY_EMAIL", false);
2078:                Map templateData = new HashMap(context);
2079:                String omgStatusId = WfUtil.getOMGStatus(workEffort
2080:                        .getString("currentStatusId"));
2081:                templateData.putAll(orderHeader);
2082:                templateData.putAll(workEffort);
2083:                templateData.put("omgStatusId", omgStatusId);
2085:                // get the assignments
2086:                List assignments = null;
2087:                if (workEffort != null) {
2088:                    try {
2089:                        assignments = workEffort
2090:                                .getRelated("WorkEffortPartyAssignment");
2091:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e1) {
2092:                        Debug.logError(e1, "Problems getting assignements",
2093:                                module);
2094:                    }
2095:                }
2096:                templateData.put("assignments", assignments);
2098:                StringBuffer emailList = new StringBuffer();
2099:                if (assignedToEmails != null) {
2100:                    Iterator aei = assignedToEmails.iterator();
2101:                    while (aei.hasNext()) {
2102:                        GenericValue ct = (GenericValue);
2103:                        if (ct != null && ct.get("infoString") != null) {
2104:                            if (emailList.length() > 1)
2105:                                emailList.append(",");
2106:                            emailList.append(ct.getString("infoString"));
2107:                        }
2108:                    }
2109:                }
2110:                if (adminEmailList != null) {
2111:                    if (emailList.length() > 1)
2112:                        emailList.append(",");
2113:                    emailList.append(adminEmailList);
2114:                }
2116:                // prepare the mail info
2117:                String ofbizHome = System.getProperty("ofbiz.home");
2118:                String templateName = ofbizHome
2119:                        + "/components/order/email/default/emailprocessnotify.ftl";
2121:                Map sendMailContext = new HashMap();
2122:                sendMailContext.put("sendTo", emailList.toString());
2123:                sendMailContext.put("sendFrom", ""); // fixme
2124:                sendMailContext.put("subject", "Workflow Notification");
2125:                sendMailContext.put("templateName", templateName);
2126:                sendMailContext.put("templateData", templateData);
2128:                try {
2129:                    dispatcher.runAsync("sendGenericNotificationEmail",
2130:                            sendMailContext);
2131:                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
2132:                    ServiceUtil.returnError("SendMail service failed: "
2133:                            + e.getMessage());
2134:                }
2135:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2136:            }
2138:            /** Service to create an order payment preference */
2139:            public static Map createPaymentPreference(DispatchContext ctx,
2140:                    Map context) {
2141:                Map result = new HashMap();
2142:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2143:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2144:                String paymentMethodTypeId = (String) context
2145:                        .get("paymentMethodTypeId");
2146:                String paymentMethodId = (String) context
2147:                        .get("paymentMethodId");
2148:                Double maxAmount = (Double) context.get("maxAmount");
2150:                String prefId = null;
2151:                Long newId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OrderPaymentPreference");
2153:                if (newId == null) {
2154:                    return ServiceUtil
2155:                            .returnError("ERROR: Could not create OrderPaymentPreference (id generation failure)");
2156:                } else {
2157:                    prefId = newId.toString();
2158:                }
2160:                Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderPaymentPreferenceId", prefId,
2161:                        "orderId", orderId, "paymentMethodTypeId",
2162:                        paymentMethodTypeId, "paymentMethodId",
2163:                        paymentMethodId, "maxAmount", maxAmount);
2165:                try {
2166:                    GenericValue v = delegator.makeValue(
2167:                            "OrderPaymentPreference", fields);
2169:                    delegator.create(v);
2170:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2171:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2172:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2173:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2174:                            "ERROR: Could not create OrderPaymentPreference ("
2175:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
2176:                    return result;
2177:                }
2178:                result.put("orderPaymentPreferenceId", prefId);
2179:                result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2180:                        ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
2181:                return result;
2182:            }
2184:            /** Service to get order header information as standard results. */
2185:            public static Map getOrderHeaderInformation(DispatchContext dctx,
2186:                    Map context) {
2187:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2188:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2190:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2191:                try {
2192:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
2193:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
2194:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2195:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problem getting order header detial",
2196:                            module);
2197:                    return ServiceUtil.returnError("Cannot get order header : "
2198:                            + e.getMessage());
2199:                }
2200:                if (orderHeader != null) {
2201:                    Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2202:                    result.putAll(orderHeader);
2203:                    return result;
2204:                }
2205:                return ServiceUtil
2206:                        .returnError("Error getting order header information; null");
2207:            }
2209:            /** Service to get basic order information. */
2210:            public static Map getOrderInformation(DispatchContext dctx,
2211:                    Map context) {
2212:                Map result = new HashMap();
2213:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2214:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2216:                try {
2217:                    GenericValue orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache(
2218:                            "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
2219:                    Collection orderItems = orderHeader
2220:                            .getRelatedCache("OrderItem");
2221:                    OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
2222:                    String statusString = orh.getStatusString();
2223:                    Double totalItems = new Double(orh
2224:                            .getTotalOrderItemsQuantity());
2225:                    Double totalPrice = new Double(orh.getOrderGrandTotal());
2226:                    GenericValue shipAddress = orh.getShippingAddress();
2227:                    GenericValue billAddress = orh.getBillingAddress();
2228:                    GenericValue billTo = orh.getBillToPerson();
2229:                    String affilId = orh.getAffiliateId();
2230:                    String distId = orh.getDistributorId();
2232:                    result.put("orderId", orderId);
2233:                    result.put("orderHeader", orderHeader);
2234:                    result.put("orderItems", orderItems);
2235:                    result.put("totalItems", totalItems);
2236:                    result.put("totalPrice", totalPrice);
2237:                    result.put("shippingAddress", shipAddress);
2238:                    result.put("billingAddress", billAddress);
2239:                    result.put("billToPerson", billTo);
2240:                    result.put("affiliateId", affilId);
2241:                    result.put("distributorId", distId);
2242:                    result.put("statusString", statusString);
2243:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2244:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2245:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2246:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2247:                            "ERROR: Could not get order information ("
2248:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
2249:                }
2250:                return result;
2251:            }
2253:            /** Service to get the total shipping for an order. */
2254:            public static Map getOrderShippingAmount(DispatchContext dctx,
2255:                    Map context) {
2256:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2257:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2259:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2260:                try {
2261:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
2262:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
2263:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2264:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
2265:                    return ServiceUtil
2266:                            .returnError("ERROR: Could not get order information ("
2267:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
2268:                }
2270:                Map result = null;
2271:                if (orderHeader != null) {
2272:                    OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
2273:                    List orderItems = orh.getValidOrderItems();
2274:                    List orderAdjustments = orh.getAdjustments();
2275:                    List orderHeaderAdjustments = orh
2276:                            .getOrderHeaderAdjustments();
2277:                    double orderSubTotal = orh.getOrderItemsSubTotal();
2279:                    double shippingAmount = OrderReadHelper
2280:                            .getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(orderItems,
2281:                                    orderAdjustments, false, false, true);
2282:                    shippingAmount += OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(
2283:                            orderHeaderAdjustments, orderSubTotal, false,
2284:                            false, true);
2286:                    result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2287:                    result.put("shippingAmount", new Double(shippingAmount));
2288:                } else {
2289:                    result = ServiceUtil
2290:                            .returnError("Unable to find OrderHeader; cannot get shipping amount");
2291:                }
2292:                return result;
2293:            }
2295:            /** Service to get an order contact mech. */
2296:            public static Map getOrderAddress(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
2297:                Map result = new HashMap();
2298:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2299:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2300:                //appears to not be used: GenericValue v = null;
2301:                String purpose[] = { "BILLING_LOCATION", "SHIPPING_LOCATION" };
2302:                String outKey[] = { "billingAddress", "shippingAddress" };
2303:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2305:                try {
2306:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache(
2307:                            "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
2308:                    if (orderHeader != null)
2309:                        result.put("orderHeader", orderHeader);
2310:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2311:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2312:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2313:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2314:                            "ERROR: Could not get OrderHeader ("
2315:                                    + e.getMessage() + ").");
2316:                    return result;
2317:                }
2318:                if (orderHeader == null) {
2319:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2320:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2321:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2322:                            "ERROR: Could get the OrderHeader.");
2323:                    return result;
2324:                }
2325:                for (int i = 0; i < purpose.length; i++) {
2326:                    try {
2327:                        GenericValue orderContactMech = EntityUtil
2328:                                .getFirst(orderHeader.getRelatedByAnd(
2329:                                        "OrderContactMech", UtilMisc.toMap(
2330:                                                "contactMechPurposeTypeId",
2331:                                                purpose[i])));
2332:                        GenericValue contactMech = orderContactMech
2333:                                .getRelatedOne("ContactMech");
2335:                        if (contactMech != null) {
2336:                            result.put(outKey[i], contactMech
2337:                                    .getRelatedOne("PostalAddress"));
2338:                        }
2339:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2340:                        result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2341:                                ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2342:                        result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2343:                                "ERROR: Problems getting contact mech ("
2344:                                        + e.getMessage() + ").");
2345:                        return result;
2346:                    }
2347:                }
2349:                result.put("orderId", orderId);
2350:                return result;
2351:            }
2353:            /** Service to create a order header note. */
2354:            public static Map createOrderNote(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
2355:                Map result = new HashMap();
2356:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2357:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
2358:                        .get("userLogin");
2359:                String noteString = (String) context.get("note");
2360:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2361:                Map noteCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("note", noteString, "userLogin",
2362:                        userLogin);
2364:                // Store the note.
2365:                Map noteRes = org.ofbiz.common.CommonServices.createNote(dctx,
2366:                        noteCtx);
2368:                if (noteRes.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE).equals(
2369:                        ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR))
2370:                    return noteRes;
2372:                String noteId = (String) noteRes.get("noteId");
2374:                if (noteId == null || noteId.length() == 0) {
2375:                    return ServiceUtil
2376:                            .returnError("Problem creating the note, no noteId returned.");
2377:                }
2379:                // Set the order info
2380:                try {
2381:                    Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "noteId",
2382:                            noteId);
2383:                    GenericValue v = delegator.makeValue("OrderHeaderNote",
2384:                            fields);
2386:                    delegator.create(v);
2387:                } catch (GenericEntityException ee) {
2388:                    Debug.logError(ee, module);
2389:                    result.put(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE,
2390:                            ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR);
2391:                    result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE,
2392:                            "Problem associating note with order ("
2393:                                    + ee.getMessage() + ").");
2394:                }
2396:                return result;
2397:            }
2399:            /** Null tax calc service. */
2400:            public static Map nullTaxCalc(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
2401:                return UtilMisc.toMap("orderAdjustments",
2402:                        UtilMisc.toList(null), "itemAdjustments", UtilMisc
2403:                                .toList(null));
2404:            }
2406:            /** Simple tax calc service. */
2407:            public static Map simpleTaxCalc(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
2408:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
2409:                String productStoreId = (String) context.get("productStoreId");
2410:                List itemProductList = (List) context.get("itemProductList");
2411:                List itemAmountList = (List) context.get("itemAmountList");
2412:                List itemShippingList = (List) context.get("itemShippingList");
2413:                Double orderShippingAmount = (Double) context
2414:                        .get("orderShippingAmount");
2415:                GenericValue shippingAddress = (GenericValue) context
2416:                        .get("shippingAddress");
2418:                // Simple Tax Calc only uses the state from the address and the SalesTaxLookup entity.
2419:                String countryCode = shippingAddress.getString("countryGeoId");
2420:                String stateCode = shippingAddress
2421:                        .getString("stateProvinceGeoId");
2423:                // Setup the return lists.
2424:                List orderAdjustments = new ArrayList();
2425:                List itemAdjustments = new ArrayList();
2427:                // Loop through the products; get the taxCategory; and lookup each in the cache.
2428:                for (int i = 0; i < itemProductList.size(); i++) {
2429:                    GenericValue product = (GenericValue) itemProductList
2430:                            .get(i);
2431:                    Double itemAmount = (Double) itemAmountList.get(i);
2432:                    Double shippingAmount = (Double) itemShippingList.get(i);
2433:                    List taxList = getTaxAmount(delegator, product,
2434:                            productStoreId, countryCode, stateCode, itemAmount
2435:                                    .doubleValue(), shippingAmount
2436:                                    .doubleValue());
2437:                    itemAdjustments.add(taxList);
2438:                }
2439:                if (orderShippingAmount.doubleValue() > 0) {
2440:                    List taxList = getTaxAmount(delegator, null,
2441:                            productStoreId, countryCode, stateCode, 0.00,
2442:                            orderShippingAmount.doubleValue());
2443:                    orderAdjustments.addAll(taxList);
2444:                }
2446:                Map result = UtilMisc.toMap("orderAdjustments",
2447:                        orderAdjustments, "itemAdjustments", itemAdjustments);
2449:                return result;
2451:            }
2453:            private static List getTaxAmount(GenericDelegator delegator,
2454:                    GenericValue item, String productStoreId,
2455:                    String countryCode, String stateCode, double itemAmount,
2456:                    double shippingAmount) {
2457:                List adjustments = new ArrayList();
2459:                // store expr
2460:                EntityCondition storeCond = new EntityExpr("productStoreId",
2461:                        EntityOperator.EQUALS, productStoreId);
2463:                // build the country expressions
2464:                List countryExprs = UtilMisc.toList(new EntityExpr(
2465:                        "countryGeoId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, countryCode),
2466:                        new EntityExpr("countryGeoId", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
2467:                                "_NA_"));
2468:                EntityCondition countryCond = new EntityConditionList(
2469:                        countryExprs, EntityOperator.OR);
2471:                // build the state expression
2472:                List stateExprs = UtilMisc.toList(
2473:                        new EntityExpr("stateProvinceGeoId",
2474:                                EntityOperator.EQUALS, stateCode),
2475:                        new EntityExpr("stateProvinceGeoId",
2476:                                EntityOperator.EQUALS, "_NA_"));
2477:                EntityCondition stateCond = new EntityConditionList(stateExprs,
2478:                        EntityOperator.OR);
2480:                // build the tax cat expression
2481:                List taxCatExprs = UtilMisc.toList(new EntityExpr(
2482:                        "taxCategory", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "_NA_"));
2483:                if (item != null && item.get("taxCategory") != null) {
2484:                    taxCatExprs.add(new EntityExpr("taxCategory",
2485:                            EntityOperator.EQUALS, item
2486:                                    .getString("taxCategory")));
2487:                }
2488:                EntityCondition taxCatCond = new EntityConditionList(
2489:                        taxCatExprs, EntityOperator.OR);
2491:                // build the main condition clause
2492:                List mainExprs = UtilMisc.toList(storeCond, countryCond,
2493:                        stateCond);
2494:                if (taxCatExprs.size() > 1) {
2495:                    mainExprs.add(taxCatCond);
2496:                } else {
2497:                    mainExprs.add(taxCatExprs.get(0));
2498:                }
2499:                EntityCondition mainCondition = new EntityConditionList(
2500:                        mainExprs, EntityOperator.AND);
2502:                // create the orderby clause
2503:                List orderList = UtilMisc.toList("minPurchase", "fromDate");
2505:                try {
2506:                    List lookupList = delegator.findByCondition(
2507:                            "SimpleSalesTaxLookup", mainCondition, null,
2508:                            orderList);
2509:                    List filteredList = EntityUtil.filterByDate(lookupList);
2511:                    if (filteredList.size() == 0) {
2512:                        Debug
2513:                                .logWarning(
2514:                                        "SimpleTaxCalc: No State/TaxCategory pair found (with or without taxCat).",
2515:                                        module);
2516:                        return adjustments;
2517:                    }
2519:                    // find the right entry(s) based on purchase amount
2520:                    Iterator flIt = filteredList.iterator();
2521:                    while (flIt.hasNext()) {
2522:                        GenericValue taxLookup = (GenericValue);
2523:                        //Debug.logInfo("Testing " + itemAmount + " with : " + taxLookup, module);
2524:                        if (itemAmount >= taxLookup.getDouble("minPurchase")
2525:                                .doubleValue()) {
2526:                            //Debug.logInfo("TaxLookup: " + taxLookup, module);
2528:                            double taxRate = taxLookup
2529:                                    .get("salesTaxPercentage") != null ? taxLookup
2530:                                    .getDouble("salesTaxPercentage")
2531:                                    .doubleValue()
2532:                                    : 0;
2533:                            double taxable = 0.00;
2535:                            if (item != null
2536:                                    && (item.get("taxable") == null || (item
2537:                                            .get("taxable") != null && item
2538:                                            .getBoolean("taxable")
2539:                                            .booleanValue()))) {
2540:                                taxable += itemAmount;
2541:                            }
2542:                            if (taxLookup != null
2543:                                    && (taxLookup.get("taxShipping") == null || (taxLookup
2544:                                            .get("taxShipping") != null && taxLookup
2545:                                            .getBoolean("taxShipping")
2546:                                            .booleanValue()))) {
2547:                                taxable += shippingAmount;
2548:                            }
2550:                            String currencyFormat = UtilProperties
2551:                                    .getPropertyValue("",
2552:                                            "currency.decimal.format", "##0.00");
2553:                            DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(
2554:                                    currencyFormat);
2555:                            double taxTotal = taxable * taxRate;
2556:                            String amountStr = formatter.format(taxTotal);
2557:                            Double taxAmount = null;
2558:                            try {
2559:                                taxAmount = new Double(formatter.parse(
2560:                                        amountStr).doubleValue());
2561:                            } catch (ParseException e) {
2562:                                throw new GeneralException(
2563:                                        "Problem getting parsed amount from string",
2564:                                        e);
2565:                            }
2567:                            adjustments
2568:                                    .add(delegator
2569:                                            .makeValue(
2570:                                                    "OrderAdjustment",
2571:                                                    UtilMisc
2572:                                                            .toMap(
2573:                                                                    "amount",
2574:                                                                    taxAmount,
2575:                                                                    "orderAdjustmentTypeId",
2576:                                                                    "SALES_TAX",
2577:                                                                    "comments",
2578:                                                                    taxLookup
2579:                                                                            .getString("description"))));
2580:                        }
2581:                    }
2582:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2583:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up tax rates", module);
2584:                    return new ArrayList();
2585:                } catch (GeneralException e) {
2586:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up tax rates", module);
2587:                    return new ArrayList();
2588:                }
2590:                return adjustments;
2591:            }
2593:            // return / refund services
2595:            // helper method for sending return notifications
2596:            private static Map sendReturnNotification(DispatchContext ctx,
2597:                    Map context, String emailType) {
2598:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2599:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
2600:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
2601:                        .get("userLogin");
2602:                String returnId = (String) context.get("returnId");
2604:                // get the return header
2605:                GenericValue returnHeader = null;
2606:                try {
2607:                    returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader",
2608:                            UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
2609:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2610:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
2611:                    return ServiceUtil
2612:                            .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get ReturnHeader for ID: "
2613:                                    + returnId);
2614:                }
2616:                // get the return items
2617:                List returnItems = null;
2618:                try {
2619:                    returnItems = returnHeader.getRelated("ReturnItem");
2620:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2621:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
2622:                    return ServiceUtil
2623:                            .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get ReturnItem records from ReturnHeader");
2624:                }
2626:                // set the email template context
2627:                Map templateContext = UtilMisc.toMap("returnHeader",
2628:                        returnHeader, "returnItems", returnItems);
2630:                // get the order header -- the first item will determine which product store to use from the order
2631:                String productStoreId = null;
2632:                String emailAddress = null;
2633:                if (returnItems != null) {
2634:                    GenericValue firstItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(returnItems);
2635:                    GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2636:                    try {
2637:                        orderHeader = firstItem.getRelatedOne("OrderHeader");
2638:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2639:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
2640:                        return ServiceUtil
2641:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get OrderHeader from ReturnItem");
2642:                    }
2644:                    if (orderHeader != null
2645:                            && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderHeader
2646:                                    .getString("productStoreId"))) {
2647:                        OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
2648:                        productStoreId = orh.getProductStoreId();
2649:                        emailAddress = orh.getOrderEmailString();
2650:                    }
2651:                }
2653:                // get the email setting and send the mail
2654:                if (productStoreId != null && productStoreId.length() > 0) {
2655:                    GenericValue emailSetting = null;
2656:                    try {
2657:                        emailSetting = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
2658:                                "ProductStoreEmailSetting", UtilMisc.toMap(
2659:                                        "productStoreId", productStoreId,
2660:                                        "emailType", emailType));
2661:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2662:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
2663:                        return ServiceUtil
2664:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to locate email setting : "
2665:                                        + productStoreId + " / " + emailType);
2666:                    }
2668:                    if (emailSetting != null && emailAddress != null) {
2669:                        String subjectString = emailSetting
2670:                                .getString("subject");
2671:                        subjectString = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(
2672:                                subjectString, templateContext);
2674:                        Map emailCtx = new HashMap();
2675:                        emailCtx.put("templateName", emailSetting
2676:                                .get("templatePath"));
2677:                        emailCtx.put("templateData", templateContext);
2678:                        emailCtx.put("sendTo", emailAddress);
2679:                        emailCtx.put("contentType", emailSetting
2680:                                .get("contentType"));
2681:                        emailCtx.put("sendFrom", emailSetting
2682:                                .get("fromAddress"));
2683:                        emailCtx.put("sendCc", emailSetting.get("ccAddress"));
2684:                        emailCtx.put("sendBcc", emailSetting.get("bccAddress"));
2685:                        emailCtx.put("subject", subjectString);
2686:                        emailCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
2688:                        // send off the email async so we will retry on failed attempts
2689:                        try {
2690:                            dispatcher.runAsync("sendGenericNotificationEmail",
2691:                                    emailCtx);
2692:                        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
2693:                            Debug.logError(e, "Problem sending mail", module);
2694:                            return ServiceUtil
2695:                                    .returnError("Problem sending email");
2696:                        }
2698:                        // all done
2699:                        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2700:                    }
2701:                }
2703:                return ServiceUtil
2704:                        .returnError("ERROR: Problem with Product Store email setting : "
2705:                                + productStoreId + " / " + emailType);
2706:            }
2708:            // return request notification
2709:            public static Map sendReturnAcceptNotification(DispatchContext ctx,
2710:                    Map context) {
2711:                return sendReturnNotification(ctx, context, "PRDS_RTN_ACCEPT");
2712:            }
2714:            // return complete notification
2715:            public static Map sendReturnCompleteNotification(
2716:                    DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
2717:                return sendReturnNotification(ctx, context, "PRDS_RTN_COMPLETE");
2718:            }
2720:            // return cancel notification
2721:            public static Map sendReturnCancelNotification(DispatchContext ctx,
2722:                    Map context) {
2723:                return sendReturnNotification(ctx, context, "PRDS_RTN_CANCEL");
2724:            }
2726:            // get the returnable quantiy for an order item
2727:            public static Map getReturnableQuantity(DispatchContext ctx,
2728:                    Map context) {
2729:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2730:                GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) context
2731:                        .get("orderItem");
2732:                GenericValue product = null;
2733:                if (orderItem.get("productId") != null) {
2734:                    try {
2735:                        product = orderItem.getRelatedOne("Product");
2736:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2737:                        Debug.logError(e,
2738:                                "ERROR: Unable to get Product from OrderItem",
2739:                                module);
2740:                    }
2741:                }
2743:                // check returnable status
2744:                boolean returnable = true;
2746:                // first check returnable flag
2747:                if (product != null
2748:                        && product.get("returnable") != null
2749:                        && "N"
2750:                                .equalsIgnoreCase(product
2751:                                        .getString("returnable"))) {
2752:                    // the product is not returnable at all
2753:                    returnable = false;
2754:                }
2756:                // next check support discontinuation
2757:                if (product != null
2758:                        && product.get("supportDiscontinuationDate") != null
2759:                        && !UtilDateTime
2760:                                .nowTimestamp()
2761:                                .before(
2762:                                        product
2763:                                                .getTimestamp("supportDiscontinuationDate"))) {
2764:                    // support discontinued either now or in the past
2765:                    returnable = false;
2766:                }
2768:                String itemStatus = orderItem.getString("statusId");
2769:                double orderQty = orderItem.getDouble("quantity").doubleValue();
2771:                // get the returnable quantity
2772:                double returnableQuantity = 0.00;
2773:                if (returnable && itemStatus.equals("ITEM_COMPLETED")) {
2774:                    List returnedItems = null;
2775:                    try {
2776:                        returnedItems = orderItem.getRelated("ReturnItem");
2777:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2778:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
2779:                        return ServiceUtil
2780:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get return item information");
2781:                    }
2782:                    if (returnedItems == null || returnedItems.size() == 0) {
2783:                        returnableQuantity = orderQty;
2784:                    } else {
2785:                        double returnedQty = 0.00;
2786:                        Iterator ri = returnedItems.iterator();
2787:                        while (ri.hasNext()) {
2788:                            GenericValue returnItem = (GenericValue);
2789:                            GenericValue returnHeader = null;
2790:                            try {
2791:                                returnHeader = returnItem
2792:                                        .getRelatedOne("ReturnHeader");
2793:                            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2794:                                Debug.logError(e, module);
2795:                                return ServiceUtil
2796:                                        .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get return header from item");
2797:                            }
2798:                            String returnStatus = returnHeader
2799:                                    .getString("statusId");
2800:                            if (!returnStatus.equals("RETURN_CANCELLED")) {
2801:                                returnedQty += returnItem.getDouble(
2802:                                        "returnQuantity").doubleValue();
2803:                            }
2804:                        }
2805:                        if (returnedQty < orderQty) {
2806:                            returnableQuantity = orderQty - returnedQty;
2807:                        }
2808:                    }
2809:                }
2811:                // get the returnable price
2812:                double returnablePrice = 0.00;
2813:                if (returnableQuantity > 0) {
2814:                    // get all order adjustments
2815:                    List orderAdjustments = null;
2816:                    try {
2817:                        orderAdjustments = delegator.findByAnd(
2818:                                "OrderAdjustment", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
2819:                                        orderItem.get("orderId")));
2820:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2821:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
2822:                        return ServiceUtil
2823:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get order adjustments from item");
2824:                    }
2825:                    returnablePrice = OrderReadHelper.getOrderItemTotal(
2826:                            orderItem, orderAdjustments);
2827:                    returnablePrice = (returnablePrice / orderQty);
2828:                }
2830:                Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2831:                result
2832:                        .put("returnableQuantity", new Double(
2833:                                returnableQuantity));
2834:                result.put("returnablePrice", new Double(returnablePrice));
2835:                return result;
2836:            }
2838:            // get a map of returnable items (items not already returned) and quantities
2839:            public static Map getReturnableItems(DispatchContext ctx,
2840:                    Map context) {
2841:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
2842:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2843:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
2845:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
2846:                try {
2847:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
2848:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
2849:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2850:                    Debug.logError(e, module);
2851:                    return ServiceUtil
2852:                            .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get order information.");
2853:                }
2855:                Map returnable = new HashMap();
2856:                if (orderHeader != null) {
2857:                    List orderItems = null;
2858:                    try {
2859:                        orderItems = orderHeader.getRelatedByAnd("OrderItem",
2860:                                UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", "ITEM_COMPLETED"));
2861:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2862:                        Debug.logError(e, module);
2863:                        return ServiceUtil
2864:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get order item information.");
2865:                    }
2866:                    if (orderItems != null) {
2867:                        Iterator i = orderItems.iterator();
2868:                        while (i.hasNext()) {
2869:                            GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
2870:                            Map serviceResult = null;
2871:                            try {
2872:                                serviceResult = dispatcher.runSync(
2873:                                        "getReturnableQuantity", UtilMisc
2874:                                                .toMap("orderItem", item));
2875:                            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
2876:                                Debug.logError(e, module);
2877:                                return ServiceUtil
2878:                                        .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get the item returnable quantity.");
2879:                            }
2880:                            if (serviceResult
2881:                                    .containsKey(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)) {
2882:                                return ServiceUtil
2883:                                        .returnError((String) serviceResult
2884:                                                .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE));
2885:                            } else {
2886:                                Map returnInfo = new HashMap();
2887:                                returnInfo
2888:                                        .put(
2889:                                                "returnableQuantity",
2890:                                                serviceResult
2891:                                                        .get("returnableQuantity"));
2892:                                returnInfo.put("returnablePrice", serviceResult
2893:                                        .get("returnablePrice"));
2894:                                returnable.put(item, returnInfo);
2895:                            }
2896:                        }
2897:                    } else {
2898:                        return ServiceUtil
2899:                                .returnError("ERROR: No order items found.");
2900:                    }
2901:                } else {
2902:                    return ServiceUtil
2903:                            .returnError("ERROR: Unable to find order header.");
2904:                }
2906:                Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2907:                result.put("returnableItems", returnable);
2908:                return result;
2909:            }
2911:            // check return items status and update return header status
2912:            public static Map checkReturnComplete(DispatchContext ctx,
2913:                    Map context) {
2914:                //appears to not be used: LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
2915:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
2916:                String returnId = (String) context.get("returnId");
2918:                GenericValue returnHeader = null;
2919:                List returnItems = null;
2920:                try {
2921:                    returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader",
2922:                            UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
2923:                    if (returnHeader != null) {
2924:                        returnItems = returnHeader.getRelated("ReturnItem");
2925:                    }
2926:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2927:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up return information",
2928:                            module);
2929:                    return ServiceUtil
2930:                            .returnError("Error getting ReturnHeader/Item information");
2931:                }
2933:                // if already completed just return
2934:                if (returnHeader != null
2935:                        && returnHeader.get("statusId") != null) {
2936:                    String currentStatus = returnHeader.getString("statusId");
2937:                    if ("RETURN_COMPLETED".equals(currentStatus)
2938:                            || "RETURN_CANCELLED".equals(currentStatus)) {
2939:                        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2940:                    }
2941:                }
2943:                // now; to be used for all timestamps
2944:                Timestamp now = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
2946:                List completedItems = new ArrayList();
2947:                if (returnHeader != null && returnItems != null
2948:                        && returnItems.size() > 0) {
2949:                    Iterator itemsIter = returnItems.iterator();
2950:                    while (itemsIter.hasNext()) {
2951:                        GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
2952:                        String itemStatus = item != null ? item
2953:                                .getString("statusId") : null;
2954:                        if (itemStatus != null) {
2955:                            // both completed and cancelled items qualify for completed status change
2956:                            if ("RETURN_COMPLETED".equals(itemStatus)
2957:                                    || "RETURN_CANCELLED".equals(itemStatus)) {
2958:                                completedItems.add(item);
2959:                            }
2960:                        }
2961:                    }
2963:                    // if all items are completed/cancelled these should match
2964:                    if (completedItems.size() == returnItems.size()) {
2965:                        List toStore = new LinkedList();
2966:                        returnHeader.set("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
2967:                        toStore.add(returnHeader);
2969:                        // create the status change history and set it to be stored
2970:                        String returnStatusId = delegator.getNextSeqId(
2971:                                "ReturnStatus").toString();
2972:                        GenericValue returnStatus = delegator.makeValue(
2973:                                "ReturnStatus", UtilMisc.toMap(
2974:                                        "returnStatusId", returnStatusId));
2975:                        returnStatus.set("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
2976:                        returnStatus.set("returnId", returnId);
2977:                        returnStatus.set("statusDatetime", now);
2978:                        toStore.add(returnStatus);
2979:                        try {
2980:                            delegator.storeAll(toStore);
2981:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
2982:                            Debug.logError(e, module);
2983:                            return ServiceUtil
2984:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Unable to create ReturnStatus history");
2985:                        }
2986:                    }
2988:                }
2990:                Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
2991:                result.put("statusId", returnHeader.get("statusId"));
2992:                return result;
2993:            }
2995:            // credit (billingAccount) return
2996:            public static Map processCreditReturn(DispatchContext ctx,
2997:                    Map context) {
2998:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
2999:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
3000:                String returnId = (String) context.get("returnId");
3001:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3002:                        .get("userLogin");
3004:                GenericValue returnHeader = null;
3005:                List returnItems = null;
3006:                try {
3007:                    returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader",
3008:                            UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
3009:                    if (returnHeader != null) {
3010:                        returnItems = returnHeader.getRelatedByAnd(
3011:                                "ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnTypeId",
3012:                                        "RTN_CREDIT"));
3013:                    }
3014:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3015:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up return information",
3016:                            module);
3017:                    return ServiceUtil
3018:                            .returnError("Error getting ReturnHeader/Item information");
3019:                }
3021:                if (returnHeader != null && returnItems != null
3022:                        && returnItems.size() > 0) {
3023:                    String billingAccountId = returnHeader
3024:                            .getString("billingAccountId");
3025:                    String fromPartyId = returnHeader.getString("fromPartyId");
3026:                    if (billingAccountId == null) {
3027:                        // create new BillingAccount w/ 0 balance
3028:                        try {
3029:                            Map newBa = dispatcher.runSync(
3030:                                    "createBillingAccount", UtilMisc.toMap(
3031:                                            "accountLimit", new Double(0.00),
3032:                                            "description", "Credit Account",
3033:                                            "userLogin", userLogin));
3034:                            if (!newBa.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE)
3035:                                    .equals(ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR)) {
3036:                                billingAccountId = (String) newBa
3037:                                        .get("billingAccountId");
3038:                                if (billingAccountId != null) {
3039:                                    // set the role on the account
3040:                                    Map newBaR = dispatcher.runSync(
3041:                                            "createBillingAccountRole",
3042:                                            UtilMisc.toMap("billingAccountId",
3043:                                                    billingAccountId,
3044:                                                    "partyId", fromPartyId,
3045:                                                    "roleTypeId",
3046:                                                    "BILL_TO_CUSTOMER",
3047:                                                    "userLogin", userLogin));
3048:                                    if (newBaR.get(
3049:                                            ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE)
3050:                                            .equals(ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR)) {
3051:                                        Debug
3052:                                                .logError(
3053:                                                        "Error with createBillingAccountRole: "
3054:                                                                + newBaR
3055:                                                                        .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE),
3056:                                                        module);
3057:                                        return ServiceUtil
3058:                                                .returnError("Error with createBillingAccountRole: "
3059:                                                        + newBaR
3060:                                                                .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE));
3061:                                    }
3062:                                }
3063:                            } else {
3064:                                Debug
3065:                                        .logError(
3066:                                                "Error with createBillingAccount: "
3067:                                                        + newBa
3068:                                                                .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE),
3069:                                                module);
3070:                                return ServiceUtil
3071:                                        .returnError("Error with createBillingAccount: "
3072:                                                + newBa
3073:                                                        .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE));
3074:                            }
3075:                        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
3076:                            Debug.logError(e,
3077:                                    "Problems creating BillingAccount", module);
3078:                            return ServiceUtil
3079:                                    .returnError("Problems creating billing account");
3080:                        }
3081:                    }
3083:                    // double check; make sure we have a billingAccount
3084:                    if (billingAccountId == null) {
3085:                        Debug
3086:                                .logError(
3087:                                        "No available billing account, none was created",
3088:                                        module);
3089:                        return ServiceUtil
3090:                                .returnError("No available billing account");
3091:                    }
3093:                    // now; to be used for all timestamps
3094:                    Timestamp now = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
3096:                    // start the response creation
3097:                    String itemResponseId = delegator.getNextSeqId(
3098:                            "ReturnItemResponse").toString();
3099:                    GenericValue itemResponse = delegator.makeValue(
3100:                            "ReturnItemResponse", UtilMisc.toMap(
3101:                                    "returnItemResponseId", itemResponseId));
3103:                    // need a total for the credit
3104:                    List toBeStored = new ArrayList();
3105:                    double creditTotal = 0.00;
3106:                    Iterator itemsIter = returnItems.iterator();
3107:                    while (itemsIter.hasNext()) {
3108:                        GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
3109:                        Double quantity = item.getDouble("returnQuantity");
3110:                        Double price = item.getDouble("returnPrice");
3111:                        if (quantity == null)
3112:                            quantity = new Double(0);
3113:                        if (price == null)
3114:                            price = new Double(0);
3115:                        creditTotal += price.doubleValue()
3116:                                * quantity.doubleValue();
3118:                        // set the response on the item and flag the item to be stored
3119:                        item.set("returnItemResponseId", itemResponseId);
3120:                        item.set("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
3121:                        toBeStored.add(item);
3123:                        // create the status change history and set it to be stored
3124:                        String returnStatusId = delegator.getNextSeqId(
3125:                                "ReturnStatus").toString();
3126:                        GenericValue returnStatus = delegator.makeValue(
3127:                                "ReturnStatus", UtilMisc.toMap(
3128:                                        "returnStatusId", returnStatusId));
3129:                        returnStatus.set("statusId", item.get("statusId"));
3130:                        returnStatus.set("returnId", item.get("returnId"));
3131:                        returnStatus.set("returnItemSeqId", item
3132:                                .get("returnItemSeqId"));
3133:                        returnStatus.set("statusDatetime", now);
3134:                        toBeStored.add(returnStatus);
3135:                    }
3137:                    // create a Double object for the amount
3138:                    Double creditAmount = new Double(creditTotal);
3140:                    // create a Payment record for this credit; will look just like a normal payment
3141:                    String paymentId = delegator.getNextSeqId("Payment")
3142:                            .toString();
3143:                    GenericValue payment = delegator.makeValue("Payment",
3144:                            UtilMisc.toMap("paymentId", paymentId));
3145:                    payment.set("paymentTypeId", "RECEIPT");
3146:                    payment.set("paymentMethodTypeId", "EXT_BILLACT");
3147:                    payment.set("partyIdFrom", fromPartyId);
3148:                    payment.set("partyIdTo", "Company"); // TODO: need to fix this and find a partyId to use
3149:                    payment.set("effectiveDate", now);
3150:                    payment.set("amount", creditAmount);
3151:                    payment.set("comments", "Return Credit");
3152:                    try {
3153:                        delegator.create(payment);
3154:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3155:                        Debug.logError(e, "Problem creating Payment record",
3156:                                module);
3157:                        return ServiceUtil
3158:                                .returnError("Problem creating Payment record");
3159:                    }
3161:                    // create the PaymentApplication
3162:                    String paId = delegator.getNextSeqId("PaymentApplication")
3163:                            .toString();
3164:                    GenericValue pa = delegator.makeValue("PaymentApplication",
3165:                            UtilMisc.toMap("paymentApplicationId", paId));
3166:                    pa.set("paymentId", paymentId);
3167:                    pa.set("billingAccountId", billingAccountId);
3168:                    pa.set("amountApplied", creditAmount);
3169:                    try {
3170:                        delegator.create(pa);
3171:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3172:                        Debug.logError(e,
3173:                                "Problem creating PaymentApplication record",
3174:                                module);
3175:                        return ServiceUtil
3176:                                .returnError("Problem creating PaymentApplication record");
3177:                    }
3179:                    // fill in the response fields
3180:                    itemResponse.set("paymentId", paymentId);
3181:                    itemResponse.set("billingAccountId", billingAccountId);
3182:                    itemResponse.set("responseAmount", creditAmount);
3183:                    itemResponse.set("responseDate", now);
3184:                    try {
3185:                        delegator.create(itemResponse);
3186:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3187:                        Debug.logError(e,
3188:                                "Problem creating ReturnItemResponse record",
3189:                                module);
3190:                        return ServiceUtil
3191:                                .returnError("Problem creating ReturnItemResponse record");
3192:                    }
3194:                    // store the item changes (attached responseId)
3195:                    try {
3196:                        delegator.storeAll(toBeStored);
3197:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3198:                        Debug.logError(e, "Problem storing ReturnItem updates",
3199:                                module);
3200:                        return ServiceUtil
3201:                                .returnError("Problem storing ReturnItem updates");
3202:                    }
3203:                }
3205:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
3206:            }
3208:            // refund (cash/charge) return
3209:            public static Map processRefundReturn(DispatchContext ctx,
3210:                    Map context) {
3211:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
3212:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
3213:                String returnId = (String) context.get("returnId");
3214:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3215:                        .get("userLogin");
3217:                GenericValue returnHeader = null;
3218:                List returnItems = null;
3219:                try {
3220:                    returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader",
3221:                            UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
3222:                    if (returnHeader != null) {
3223:                        returnItems = returnHeader.getRelatedByAnd(
3224:                                "ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnTypeId",
3225:                                        "RTN_REFUND"));
3226:                    }
3227:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3228:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up return information",
3229:                            module);
3230:                    return ServiceUtil
3231:                            .returnError("Error getting ReturnHeader/Item information");
3232:                }
3234:                if (returnHeader != null && returnItems != null
3235:                        && returnItems.size() > 0) {
3236:                    Map itemsByOrder = new HashMap();
3237:                    Map totalByOrder = new HashMap();
3238:                    groupReturnItemsByOrder(returnItems, itemsByOrder,
3239:                            totalByOrder);
3241:                    // process each one by order
3242:                    Set itemSet = itemsByOrder.entrySet();
3243:                    Iterator itemByOrderIt = itemSet.iterator();
3244:                    while (itemByOrderIt.hasNext()) {
3245:                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
3246:                        String orderId = (String) entry.getKey();
3247:                        List items = (List) entry.getValue();
3248:                        Double orderTotal = (Double) totalByOrder.get(orderId);
3250:                        // get order header & payment prefs
3251:                        GenericValue orderHeader = null;
3252:                        List orderPayPrefs = null;
3253:                        try {
3254:                            orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3255:                                    "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
3256:                                            orderId));
3257:                            // sort these desending by maxAmount
3258:                            orderPayPrefs = orderHeader.getRelated(
3259:                                    "OrderPaymentPreference", null, UtilMisc
3260:                                            .toList("-maxAmount"));
3261:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3262:                            Debug.logError(e, "Cannot get Order details for #"
3263:                                    + orderId, module);
3264:                            continue;
3265:                        }
3267:                        // get the payment prefs to use (will use them in order of amount charged)
3268:                        List prefsToUse = new ArrayList();
3269:                        Map prefsAmount = new HashMap();
3270:                        double neededAmount = orderTotal.doubleValue();
3271:                        if (orderPayPrefs != null && orderPayPrefs.size() > 0) {
3272:                            Iterator payPrefIter = orderPayPrefs.iterator();
3273:                            do {
3274:                                GenericValue pref = (GenericValue) payPrefIter
3275:                                        .next();
3276:                                Double maxAmount = pref.getDouble("maxAmount");
3277:                                if (maxAmount == null
3278:                                        || maxAmount.doubleValue() == 0.00) {
3279:                                    prefsToUse.add(pref);
3280:                                    prefsAmount.put(pref, orderTotal);
3281:                                    neededAmount = 0.00;
3282:                                } else if (maxAmount.doubleValue() > orderTotal
3283:                                        .doubleValue()) {
3284:                                    prefsToUse.add(pref);
3285:                                    prefsAmount.put(pref, orderTotal);
3286:                                    neededAmount = 0.00;
3287:                                } else {
3288:                                    prefsToUse.add(pref);
3289:                                    if (maxAmount.doubleValue() > neededAmount) {
3290:                                        prefsAmount.put(pref, new Double(
3291:                                                maxAmount.doubleValue()
3292:                                                        - neededAmount));
3293:                                    } else {
3294:                                        prefsAmount.put(pref, maxAmount);
3295:                                    }
3296:                                    neededAmount -= maxAmount.doubleValue();
3297:                                }
3298:                            } while (neededAmount > 0 && payPrefIter.hasNext());
3299:                        }
3301:                        if (neededAmount != 0) {
3302:                            Debug.logError(
3303:                                    "Was not able to find needed payment preferences for the order RTN: "
3304:                                            + returnId + " ORD: " + orderId,
3305:                                    module);
3306:                            continue;
3307:                        }
3309:                        Map prefSplitMap = new HashMap();
3310:                        if (prefsToUse == null || prefsToUse.size() == 0) {
3311:                            Debug.logError(
3312:                                    "We didn't find any possible payment prefs to use for RTN: "
3313:                                            + returnId + " ORD: " + orderId,
3314:                                    module);
3315:                            continue;
3316:                        } else if (prefsToUse.size() > 1) {
3317:                            // we need to spit the items up to log which pref it was refunded to
3318:                            // TODO: add the split of items for multiple payment prefs
3319:                        } else {
3320:                            // single payment / single refund
3321:                            prefSplitMap.put(prefsToUse.get(0), items);
3322:                        }
3324:                        // now process all items for each preference
3325:                        Set prefItemSet = prefSplitMap.entrySet();
3326:                        Iterator prefItemIt = prefItemSet.iterator();
3327:                        while (prefItemIt.hasNext()) {
3328:                            Map.Entry prefItemEntry = (Map.Entry) prefItemIt
3329:                                    .next();
3330:                            GenericValue orderPayPref = (GenericValue) prefItemEntry
3331:                                    .getKey();
3332:                            List itemList = (List) prefItemEntry.getValue();
3334:                            Double this RefundAmount = (Double) prefsAmount
3335:                                    .get(orderPayPref);
3336:                            String paymentId = null;
3338:                            // this can be extended to support additional electronic types
3339:                            List electronicTypes = UtilMisc.toList(
3340:                                    "CREDIT_CARD", "EFT_ACCOUNT", "GIFT_CARD");
3341:                            //List electronicTypes = new ArrayList();
3343:                            if (electronicTypes.contains(orderPayPref
3344:                                    .getString("paymentMethodTypeId"))) {
3345:                                // call the refund service to refund the payment
3346:                                try {
3347:                                    Map serviceResult = dispatcher.runSync(
3348:                                            "refundPayment", UtilMisc.toMap(
3349:                                                    "orderPaymentPreference",
3350:                                                    orderPayPref,
3351:                                                    "refundAmount",
3352:                                                    this RefundAmount,
3353:                                                    "userLogin", userLogin));
3354:                                    paymentId = (String) serviceResult
3355:                                            .get("paymentId");
3356:                                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
3357:                                    Debug
3358:                                            .logError(
3359:                                                    e,
3360:                                                    "Problem running the refundPayment service",
3361:                                                    module);
3362:                                    return ServiceUtil
3363:                                            .returnError("Problems with the refund; see logs");
3364:                                }
3365:                            } else {
3366:                                // TODO: handle manual refunds (accounts payable)
3367:                            }
3369:                            //Debug.log("Finished handing refund payments", module);
3371:                            // now; for all timestamps
3372:                            Timestamp now = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
3374:                            // create a new response entry
3375:                            String responseId = delegator.getNextSeqId(
3376:                                    "ReturnItemResponse").toString();
3377:                            GenericValue response = delegator
3378:                                    .makeValue("ReturnItemResponse", UtilMisc
3379:                                            .toMap("returnItemResponseId",
3380:                                                    responseId));
3381:                            response
3382:                                    .set(
3383:                                            "orderPaymentPreferenceId",
3384:                                            orderPayPref
3385:                                                    .getString("orderPaymentPreferenceId"));
3386:                            response.set("responseAmount", this RefundAmount);
3387:                            response.set("responseDate", now);
3388:                            if (paymentId != null) {
3389:                                // a null payment ID means no electronic refund was available; manual refund needed
3390:                                response.set("paymentId", paymentId);
3391:                            }
3393:                            //Debug.log("About to create return response", module);
3395:                            try {
3396:                                delegator.create(response);
3397:                            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3398:                                Debug
3399:                                        .logError(
3400:                                                e,
3401:                                                "Problems creating new ReturnItemResponse entity",
3402:                                                module);
3403:                                return ServiceUtil
3404:                                        .returnError("Problems creating ReturnItemResponse entity");
3405:                            }
3407:                            //Debug.log("Return response created", module);
3409:                            // set the response on each item
3410:                            Iterator itemsIter = itemList.iterator();
3411:                            while (itemsIter.hasNext()) {
3412:                                GenericValue item = (GenericValue) itemsIter
3413:                                        .next();
3414:                                item.set("returnItemResponseId", responseId);
3415:                                item.set("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
3417:                                // create the status history
3418:                                String returnStatusId = delegator.getNextSeqId(
3419:                                        "ReturnStatus").toString();
3420:                                GenericValue returnStatus = delegator
3421:                                        .makeValue("ReturnStatus", UtilMisc
3422:                                                .toMap("returnStatusId",
3423:                                                        returnStatusId));
3424:                                returnStatus.set("statusId", item
3425:                                        .get("statusId"));
3426:                                returnStatus.set("returnId", item
3427:                                        .get("returnId"));
3428:                                returnStatus.set("returnItemSeqId", item
3429:                                        .get("returnItemSeqId"));
3430:                                returnStatus.set("statusDatetime", now);
3432:                                //Debug.log("Updating item status", module);
3433:                                try {
3434:                          ;
3435:                                    delegator.create(returnStatus);
3436:                                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3437:                                    Debug
3438:                                            .logError(
3439:                                                    "Problem updating the ReturnItem entity",
3440:                                                    module);
3441:                                    return ServiceUtil
3442:                                            .returnError("Problem updating ReturnItem (returnItemResponseId)");
3443:                                }
3445:                                //Debug.log("Item status and return status history created", module);
3446:                            }
3447:                        }
3448:                    }
3449:                }
3451:                //Debug.log("Finished refund process");
3452:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
3453:            }
3455:            public static Map processReplacementReturn(DispatchContext ctx,
3456:                    Map context) {
3457:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
3458:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
3459:                String returnId = (String) context.get("returnId");
3460:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3461:                        .get("userLogin");
3463:                GenericValue returnHeader = null;
3464:                List returnItems = null;
3465:                try {
3466:                    returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader",
3467:                            UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
3468:                    if (returnHeader != null) {
3469:                        returnItems = returnHeader.getRelatedByAnd(
3470:                                "ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnTypeId",
3471:                                        "RTN_REPLACE"));
3472:                    }
3473:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3474:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problems looking up return information",
3475:                            module);
3476:                    return ServiceUtil
3477:                            .returnError("Error getting ReturnHeader/Item information");
3478:                }
3480:                List createdOrderIds = new ArrayList();
3481:                if (returnHeader != null && returnItems != null
3482:                        && returnItems.size() > 0) {
3483:                    Map itemsByOrder = new HashMap();
3484:                    Map totalByOrder = new HashMap();
3485:                    groupReturnItemsByOrder(returnItems, itemsByOrder,
3486:                            totalByOrder);
3488:                    // process each one by order
3489:                    Set itemSet = itemsByOrder.entrySet();
3490:                    Iterator itemByOrderIt = itemSet.iterator();
3491:                    while (itemByOrderIt.hasNext()) {
3492:                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
3493:                        String orderId = (String) entry.getKey();
3494:                        List items = (List) entry.getValue();
3496:                        // get order header & payment prefs
3497:                        GenericValue orderHeader = null;
3498:                        try {
3499:                            orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3500:                                    "OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
3501:                                            orderId));
3502:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3503:                            Debug.logError(e, "Cannot get Order details for #"
3504:                                    + orderId, module);
3505:                            continue;
3506:                        }
3508:                        OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
3510:                        // create the replacement order
3511:                        Map orderMap = UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin);
3512:                        GenericValue placingParty = orh.getPlacingParty();
3513:                        String placingPartyId = null;
3514:                        if (placingParty != null) {
3515:                            placingPartyId = placingParty.getString("partyId");
3516:                        }
3518:                        orderMap.put("orderTypeId", "SALES_ORDER");
3519:                        orderMap.put("partyId", placingPartyId);
3520:                        orderMap.put("productStoreId", orderHeader
3521:                                .get("productStoreId"));
3522:                        orderMap.put("webSiteId", orderHeader.get("webSiteId"));
3523:                        orderMap.put("visitId", orderHeader.get("visitId"));
3524:                        orderMap.put("currencyUom", orderHeader
3525:                                .get("currencyUom"));
3526:                        orderMap.put("grandTotal", new Double(0.00));
3528:                        // make the contact mechs
3529:                        List contactMechs = new ArrayList();
3530:                        List orderCm = null;
3531:                        try {
3532:                            orderCm = orderHeader
3533:                                    .getRelated("OrderContactMech");
3534:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3535:                            Debug.logError(e, module);
3536:                        }
3537:                        if (orderCm != null) {
3538:                            Iterator orderCmi = orderCm.iterator();
3539:                            while (orderCmi.hasNext()) {
3540:                                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
3541:                                contactMechs.add(new GenericValue(v));
3542:                            }
3543:                            orderMap.put("orderContactMechs", contactMechs);
3544:                        }
3546:                        // make the shipment prefs
3547:                        List shipmentPrefs = new ArrayList();
3548:                        List orderSp = null;
3549:                        try {
3550:                            orderSp = orderHeader
3551:                                    .getRelated("OrderShipmentPreference");
3552:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3553:                            Debug.logError(e, module);
3554:                        }
3555:                        if (orderSp != null) {
3556:                            Iterator orderSpi = orderSp.iterator();
3557:                            while (orderSpi.hasNext()) {
3558:                                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
3559:                                shipmentPrefs.add(new GenericValue(v));
3560:                            }
3561:                            orderMap.put("orderShipmentPreferences",
3562:                                    shipmentPrefs);
3563:                        }
3565:                        // make the order items
3566:                        double itemTotal = 0.00;
3567:                        List orderItems = new ArrayList();
3568:                        if (items != null) {
3569:                            Iterator ri = items.iterator();
3570:                            int itemCount = 1;
3571:                            while (ri.hasNext()) {
3572:                                GenericValue returnItem = (GenericValue) ri
3573:                                        .next();
3574:                                GenericValue orderItem = null;
3575:                                try {
3576:                                    orderItem = returnItem
3577:                                            .getRelatedOne("OrderItem");
3578:                                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3579:                                    Debug.logError(e, module);
3580:                                    continue;
3581:                                }
3582:                                if (orderItem != null) {
3583:                                    Double quantity = returnItem
3584:                                            .getDouble("returnQuantity");
3585:                                    Double unitPrice = returnItem
3586:                                            .getDouble("returnPrice");
3587:                                    if (quantity != null && unitPrice != null) {
3588:                                        itemTotal = (quantity.doubleValue() * unitPrice
3589:                                                .doubleValue());
3590:                                        GenericValue newItem = delegator
3591:                                                .makeValue(
3592:                                                        "OrderItem",
3593:                                                        UtilMisc
3594:                                                                .toMap(
3595:                                                                        "orderItemSeqId",
3596:                                                                        new Integer(
3597:                                                                                itemCount)
3598:                                                                                .toString()));
3600:                                        newItem.set("orderItemTypeId",
3601:                                                "PRODUCT_ORDER_ITEM");
3602:                                        newItem.set("productId", orderItem
3603:                                                .get("productId"));
3604:                                        newItem
3605:                                                .set(
3606:                                                        "productFeatureId",
3607:                                                        orderItem
3608:                                                                .get("productFeatureId"));
3609:                                        newItem.set("prodCatalogId", orderItem
3610:                                                .get("prodCatalogId"));
3611:                                        newItem
3612:                                                .set(
3613:                                                        "productCategoryId",
3614:                                                        orderItem
3615:                                                                .get("productCategoryId"));
3616:                                        newItem.set("quantity", quantity);
3617:                                        newItem.set("unitPrice", unitPrice);
3618:                                        newItem.set("unitListPrice", orderItem
3619:                                                .get("unitListPrice"));
3620:                                        newItem
3621:                                                .set(
3622:                                                        "itemDescription",
3623:                                                        orderItem
3624:                                                                .get("itemDescription"));
3625:                                        newItem.set("comments", orderItem
3626:                                                .get("comments"));
3627:                                        newItem
3628:                                                .set(
3629:                                                        "correspondingPoId",
3630:                                                        orderItem
3631:                                                                .get("correspondingPoId"));
3632:                                        newItem.set("statusId", "ITEM_CREATED");
3633:                                        orderItems.add(newItem);
3634:                                    }
3635:                                }
3636:                            }
3637:                            orderMap.put("orderItems", orderItems);
3638:                        } else {
3639:                            Debug.logError("No return items found??", module);
3640:                            continue;
3641:                        }
3643:                        // create the replacement adjustment
3644:                        GenericValue adj = delegator.makeValue(
3645:                                "OrderAdjustment", new HashMap());
3646:                        adj.set("orderAdjustmentTypeId", "REPLACE_ADJUSTMENT");
3647:                        adj.set("amount", new Double(itemTotal * -1));
3648:                        adj.set("comments", "Replacement Item Return #"
3649:                                + returnId);
3650:                        orderMap.put("orderAdjustments", UtilMisc.toList(adj));
3652:                        // create the order
3653:                        String createdOrderId = null;
3654:                        Map orderResult = null;
3655:                        try {
3656:                            orderResult = dispatcher.runSync("storeOrder",
3657:                                    orderMap);
3658:                        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
3659:                            Debug.logInfo(e, "Problem creating the order!",
3660:                                    module);
3661:                        }
3662:                        if (orderResult != null) {
3663:                            createdOrderId = (String) orderResult
3664:                                    .get("orderId");
3665:                            createdOrderIds.add(createdOrderId);
3666:                        }
3668:                        // since there is no payments required; order is ready for processing/shipment
3669:                        if (createdOrderId != null) {
3670:                            boolean ok = OrderChangeHelper.approveOrder(
3671:                                    dispatcher, userLogin, createdOrderId);
3672:                        }
3673:                    }
3674:                }
3676:                StringBuffer successMessage = new StringBuffer();
3677:                if (createdOrderIds.size() > 0) {
3678:                    successMessage
3679:                            .append("The following new orders have been created : ");
3680:                    Iterator i = createdOrderIds.iterator();
3681:                    while (i.hasNext()) {
3682:                        successMessage.append(;
3683:                        if (i.hasNext()) {
3684:                            successMessage.append(", ");
3685:                        }
3686:                    }
3687:                } else {
3688:                    successMessage.append("No orders were created.");
3689:                }
3691:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(successMessage.toString());
3692:            }
3694:            public static void groupReturnItemsByOrder(List returnItems,
3695:                    Map itemsByOrder, Map totalByOrder) {
3696:                Iterator itemIt = returnItems.iterator();
3697:                while (itemIt.hasNext()) {
3698:                    GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
3699:                    String orderId = item.getString("orderId");
3700:                    if (orderId != null) {
3701:                        if (itemsByOrder != null) {
3702:                            List orderList = (List) itemsByOrder.get(orderId);
3703:                            Double totalForOrder = null;
3704:                            if (totalByOrder != null) {
3705:                                totalForOrder = (Double) totalByOrder
3706:                                        .get(orderId);
3707:                            }
3708:                            if (orderList == null) {
3709:                                orderList = new ArrayList();
3710:                            }
3711:                            if (totalForOrder == null) {
3712:                                totalForOrder = new Double(0.00);
3713:                            }
3715:                            // add to the items list
3716:                            orderList.add(item);
3717:                            itemsByOrder.put(orderId, orderList);
3719:                            if (totalByOrder != null) {
3720:                                // add on the total for this line
3721:                                Double quantity = item
3722:                                        .getDouble("returnQuantity");
3723:                                Double amount = item.getDouble("returnPrice");
3724:                                if (quantity == null) {
3725:                                    quantity = new Double(0);
3726:                                }
3727:                                if (amount == null) {
3728:                                    amount = new Double(0.00);
3729:                                }
3730:                                double this Total = amount.doubleValue()
3731:                                        * quantity.doubleValue();
3732:                                double existingTotal = totalForOrder
3733:                                        .doubleValue();
3734:                                Double newTotal = new Double(existingTotal
3735:                                        + this Total);
3736:                                totalByOrder.put(orderId, newTotal);
3737:                            }
3738:                        }
3739:                    }
3740:                }
3741:            }
3743:            public static Map allowOrderSplit(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
3744:                GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
3745:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3746:                        .get("userLogin");
3747:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
3748:                String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId");
3749:                if (orderItemSeqId == null) {
3750:                    orderItemSeqId = "_NA_";
3751:                }
3753:                // check and make sure we have permission to change the order
3754:                Security security = ctx.getSecurity();
3755:                if (!security.hasEntityPermission("ORDERMGR", "_UPDATE",
3756:                        userLogin)) {
3757:                    GenericValue placingCustomer = null;
3758:                    try {
3759:                        Map placingCustomerFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
3760:                                orderId, "partyId", userLogin
3761:                                        .getString("partyId"), "roleTypeId",
3762:                                "PLACING_CUSTOMER");
3763:                        placingCustomer = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3764:                                "OrderRole", placingCustomerFields);
3765:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3766:                        return ServiceUtil
3767:                                .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get OrderRole entity: "
3768:                                        + e.getMessage());
3769:                    }
3770:                    if (placingCustomer == null)
3771:                        return ServiceUtil
3772:                                .returnError("You do not have permission to change this order's status.");
3773:                }
3775:                GenericValue shipPref = null;
3776:                try {
3777:                    Map fields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
3778:                            "orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId);
3779:                    shipPref = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3780:                            "OrderShipmentPreference", fields);
3781:                    if (shipPref == null) {
3782:                        fields.put("orderItemSeqId", "_NA_");
3783:                        shipPref = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3784:                                "OrderShipmentPreference", fields);
3785:                    }
3786:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3787:                    Debug.logError(e,
3788:                            "Problems getting OrderShipmentPreference for : "
3789:                                    + orderId + " / " + orderItemSeqId, module);
3790:                    return ServiceUtil
3791:                            .returnError("Cannot update; Problem getting OrderShipmentPreference");
3792:                }
3794:                if (shipPref != null) {
3795:                    shipPref.set("maySplit", "Y");
3796:                    try {
3797:              ;
3798:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3799:                        Debug.logError(
3800:                                "Problem saving OrdeShipmentPreference for : "
3801:                                        + orderId + " / " + orderItemSeqId,
3802:                                module);
3803:                        return ServiceUtil
3804:                                .returnError("Cannot update; Problem setting OrderShipmentPreference");
3805:                    }
3806:                } else {
3807:                    Debug.logError("ERROR: Got a NULL OrderShipmentPreference",
3808:                            module);
3809:                    return ServiceUtil
3810:                            .returnError("Cannot update; No available preference to change");
3811:                }
3812:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
3813:            }
3815:            public static Map cancelFlaggedSalesOrders(DispatchContext dctx,
3816:                    Map context) {
3817:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
3818:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
3819:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3820:                        .get("userLogin");
3822:                List ordersToCheck = null;
3823:                List exprs = new ArrayList();
3825:                // create the query expressions
3826:                exprs.add(new EntityExpr("orderTypeId", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
3827:                        "SALES_ORDER"));
3828:                exprs.add(new EntityExpr("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL,
3829:                        "ORDER_COMPLETED"));
3830:                exprs.add(new EntityExpr("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL,
3831:                        "ORDER_CANCELLED"));
3832:                exprs.add(new EntityExpr("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL,
3833:                        "ORDER_REJECTED"));
3835:                // get the orders
3836:                try {
3837:                    ordersToCheck = delegator.findByAnd("OrderHeader", exprs,
3838:                            UtilMisc.toList("orderDate"));
3839:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3840:                    Debug.logError(e, "Problem getting order headers", module);
3841:                }
3843:                if (ordersToCheck == null || ordersToCheck.size() == 0) {
3844:                    Debug.logInfo("No orders to check, finished", module);
3845:                    return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
3846:                }
3848:                Iterator i = ordersToCheck.iterator();
3849:                while (i.hasNext()) {
3850:                    GenericValue orderHeader = (GenericValue);
3851:                    String orderId = orderHeader.getString("orderId");
3852:                    String orderStatus = orderHeader.getString("statusId");
3854:                    if (orderStatus.equals("ORDER_CREATED")) {
3855:                        // first check for un-paid orders
3856:                        Timestamp orderDate = orderHeader
3857:                                .getTimestamp("entryDate");
3858:                        //appears to not be used: String webSiteId = orderHeader.getString("webSiteId");
3860:                        // name of the file to use
3861:                        String propsFile = null;
3863:                        // need the file for the website
3864:                        Map lookupFields = UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId",
3865:                                orderHeader.getString("productStoreId"),
3866:                                "paymentMethodTypeId", "EXT_OFFLINE",
3867:                                "paymentServiceTypeEnumId", "_NA_");
3868:                        GenericValue paymentSettings = null;
3869:                        try {
3870:                            paymentSettings = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
3871:                                    "ProductStorePaymentSetting", lookupFields);
3872:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3873:                            Debug
3874:                                    .logError(e,
3875:                                            "Cannot get product store payment setting record");
3876:                        }
3877:                        if (paymentSettings == null
3878:                                || paymentSettings.get("paymentPropertiesPath") == null) {
3879:                            propsFile = "";
3880:                        } else {
3881:                            propsFile = paymentSettings
3882:                                    .getString("paymentPropertiesPath");
3883:                        }
3885:                        // need the store for the order
3886:                        GenericValue productStore = null;
3887:                        try {
3888:                            productStore = orderHeader
3889:                                    .getRelatedOne("ProductStore");
3890:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3891:                            Debug
3892:                                    .logError(
3893:                                            e,
3894:                                            "Unable to get ProductStore from OrderHeader",
3895:                                            module);
3896:                        }
3898:                        // default days to cancel
3899:                        int daysTillCancel = 30;
3901:                        // get the value from the store
3902:                        if (productStore != null
3903:                                && productStore.get("daysToCancelNonPay") != null) {
3904:                            daysTillCancel = productStore.getLong(
3905:                                    "daysToCancelNonPay").intValue();
3906:                        }
3908:                        if (daysTillCancel > 0) {
3909:                            // 0 days means do not auto-cancel
3910:                            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
3911:                            cal.setTimeInMillis(orderDate.getTime());
3912:                            cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, daysTillCancel);
3913:                            Date cancelDate = cal.getTime();
3914:                            Date nowDate = new Date();
3915:                            //Debug.log("Cancel Date : " + cancelDate, module);
3916:                            //Debug.log("Current Date : " + nowDate, module);
3917:                            if (cancelDate.equals(nowDate)
3918:                                    || nowDate.after(cancelDate)) {
3919:                                // cancel the order item(s)
3920:                                Map svcCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
3921:                                        "statusId", "ITEM_CANCELLED",
3922:                                        "userLogin", userLogin);
3923:                                try {
3924:                                    Map ores = dispatcher.runSync(
3925:                                            "changeOrderItemStatus", svcCtx);
3926:                                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
3927:                                    Debug.logError(e,
3928:                                            "Problem calling change item status service : "
3929:                                                    + svcCtx, module);
3930:                                }
3931:                            }
3932:                        }
3933:                    } else {
3934:                        // check for auto-cancel items
3935:                        List orderItems = null;
3936:                        try {
3937:                            orderItems = orderHeader.getRelated("OrderItem");
3938:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
3939:                            Debug.logError(e,
3940:                                    "Problem getting order item records",
3941:                                    module);
3942:                        }
3943:                        if (orderItems != null && orderItems.size() > 0) {
3944:                            Iterator oii = orderItems.iterator();
3945:                            while (oii.hasNext()) {
3946:                                GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) oii
3947:                                        .next();
3948:                                String orderItemSeqId = orderItem
3949:                                        .getString("orderItemSeqId");
3950:                                Timestamp nowTimestamp = UtilDateTime
3951:                                        .nowTimestamp();
3952:                                Timestamp autoCancelDate = orderItem
3953:                                        .getTimestamp("autoCancelDate");
3954:                                Timestamp dontCancelDate = orderItem
3955:                                        .getTimestamp("dontCancelSetDate");
3956:                                String dontCancelUserLogin = orderItem
3957:                                        .getString("dontCancelSetUserLogin");
3959:                                if (dontCancelUserLogin == null
3960:                                        && dontCancelDate == null
3961:                                        && autoCancelDate != null) {
3962:                                    if (autoCancelDate.equals(nowTimestamp)
3963:                                            || autoCancelDate
3964:                                                    .after(nowTimestamp)) {
3965:                                        // cancel the order item
3966:                                        Map svcCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",
3967:                                                orderId, "orderItemSeqId",
3968:                                                orderItemSeqId, "statusId",
3969:                                                "ITEM_CANCELLED", "userLogin",
3970:                                                userLogin);
3971:                                        try {
3972:                                            Map res = dispatcher.runSync(
3973:                                                    "changeOrderItemStatus",
3974:                                                    svcCtx);
3975:                                        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
3976:                                            Debug.logError(e,
3977:                                                    "Problem calling change item status service : "
3978:                                                            + svcCtx, module);
3979:                                        }
3980:                                    }
3981:                                }
3982:                            }
3983:                        }
3984:                    }
3985:                }
3986:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
3987:            }
3989:            public static Map checkDigitalItemFulfillment(DispatchContext dctx,
3990:                    Map context) {
3991:                GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
3992:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
3993:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
3994:                        .get("userLogin");
3995:                String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
3997:                // need the order header
3998:                GenericValue orderHeader = null;
3999:                try {
4000:                    orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader",
4001:                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
4002:                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
4003:                    Debug.logError(e,
4004:                            "ERROR: Unable to get OrderHeader for orderId : "
4005:                                    + orderId, module);
4006:                    return ServiceUtil
4007:                            .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get OrderHeader for orderId : "
4008:                                    + orderId);
4009:                }
4011:                // get all the items for the order
4012:                List orderItems = null;
4013:                if (orderHeader != null) {
4014:                    try {
4015:                        orderItems = orderHeader.getRelated("OrderItem");
4016:                    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
4017:                        Debug.logError(e,
4018:                                "ERROR: Unable to get OrderItem list for orderId : "
4019:                                        + orderId, module);
4020:                        return ServiceUtil
4021:                                .returnError("ERROR: Unable to get OrderItem list for orderId : "
4022:                                        + orderId);
4023:                    }
4024:                }
4026:                // find any digital goods
4027:                Map digitalProducts = new HashMap();
4028:                List digitalItems = new ArrayList();
4029:                if (orderItems != null && orderItems.size() > 0) {
4030:                    Iterator i = orderItems.iterator();
4031:                    while (i.hasNext()) {
4032:                        GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
4033:                        GenericValue product = null;
4034:                        try {
4035:                            product = item.getRelatedOne("Product");
4036:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
4037:                            Debug
4038:                                    .logError(
4039:                                            e,
4040:                                            "ERROR: Unable to get Product from OrderItem",
4041:                                            module);
4042:                        }
4043:                        if (product != null) {
4044:                            String productType = product
4045:                                    .getString("productTypeId");
4046:                            // check for digital and finished/digital goods
4047:                            if ("DIGITAL_GOOD".equals(productType)
4048:                                    || "FINDIG_GOOD".equals(productType)) {
4049:                                // we only invoice APPROVED items
4050:                                if ("ITEM_APPROVED".equals(item
4051:                                        .getString("statusId"))) {
4052:                                    digitalItems.add(item);
4053:                                }
4054:                                if ("DIGITAL_GOOD".equals(productType)) {
4055:                                    // 100% digital goods need status change
4056:                                    digitalProducts.put(item, product);
4057:                                }
4058:                            }
4059:                        }
4060:                    }
4061:                }
4063:                // now process the digital items
4064:                if (digitalItems.size() > 0) {
4065:                    // invoice all APPROVED digital goods
4066:                    Map invoiceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
4067:                            "billItems", digitalItems, "userLogin", userLogin);
4068:                    Map invoiceResult = null;
4069:                    try {
4070:                        invoiceResult = dispatcher.runSync(
4071:                                "createInvoiceForOrder", invoiceContext);
4072:                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
4073:                        Debug.logError(e,
4074:                                "ERROR: Unable to invoice digital items",
4075:                                module);
4076:                        return ServiceUtil
4077:                                .returnError("Problem with invoice creation; digital items not fulfilled.");
4078:                    }
4079:                    if (ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(invoiceResult
4080:                            .get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE))) {
4081:                        return ServiceUtil.returnError((String) invoiceResult
4082:                                .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE));
4083:                    }
4085:                    // update the status of DIGITAL_GOOD to COMPLETED; leave FINDIG as APPROVED for pick/ship
4086:                    Iterator dii = digitalItems.iterator();
4087:                    while (dii.hasNext()) {
4088:                        GenericValue item = (GenericValue);
4089:                        GenericValue product = (GenericValue) digitalProducts
4090:                                .get(item);
4091:                        if (product != null) {
4092:                            // we were set as a digital good; one more check and change status
4093:                            if ("DIGITAL_GOOD".equals(product
4094:                                    .getString("productTypeId"))) {
4095:                                Map statusCtx = new HashMap();
4096:                                statusCtx.put("orderId", item
4097:                                        .getString("orderId"));
4098:                                statusCtx.put("orderItemSeqId", item
4099:                                        .getString("orderItemSeqId"));
4100:                                statusCtx.put("statusId", "ITEM_COMPLETED");
4101:                                statusCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
4102:                                try {
4103:                                    dispatcher.runSyncIgnore(
4104:                                            "changeOrderItemStatus", statusCtx);
4105:                                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
4106:                                    Debug.logError(e,
4107:                                            "ERROR: Problem setting the status to COMPLETED : "
4108:                                                    + item, module);
4109:                                }
4110:                            }
4111:                        }
4112:                    }
4114:                    // fulfill the digital goods
4115:                    Map fulfillContext = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId,
4116:                            "orderItems", digitalItems, "userLogin", userLogin);
4117:                    Map fulfillResult = null;
4118:                    try {
4119:                        // will be running in an isolated transaction to prevent rollbacks
4120:                        fulfillResult = dispatcher.runSync(
4121:                                "fulfillDigitalItems", fulfillContext, 300,
4122:                                true);
4123:                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
4124:                        Debug.logError(e,
4125:                                "ERROR: Unable to fulfill digital items",
4126:                                module);
4127:                    }
4128:                    if (ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(fulfillResult
4129:                            .get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE))) {
4130:                        // this service cannot return error at this point or we will roll back the invoice
4131:                        // since payments are already captured; errors should have been logged already.
4132:                        // the response message here will be passed as an error to the user.
4133:                        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess((String) fulfillResult
4134:                                .get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE));
4135:                    }
4136:                }
4138:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
4139:            }
4141:            public static Map fulfillDigitalItems(DispatchContext ctx,
4142:                    Map context) {
4143:                //appears to not be used: GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
4144:                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
4145:                //appears to not be used: String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
4146:                List orderItems = (List) context.get("orderItems");
4147:                GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context
4148:                        .get("userLogin");
4150:                if (orderItems != null && orderItems.size() > 0) {
4151:                    // loop through the digital items to fulfill
4152:                    Iterator itemsIterator = orderItems.iterator();
4153:                    while (itemsIterator.hasNext()) {
4154:                        GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue) itemsIterator
4155:                                .next();
4157:                        // make sure we have a valid item
4158:                        if (orderItem == null) {
4159:                            ServiceUtil
4160:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Cannot check for fulfillment; item not found.");
4161:                        }
4163:                        // locate the Product & ProductContent records
4164:                        GenericValue product = null;
4165:                        List productContent = null;
4166:                        try {
4167:                            product = orderItem.getRelatedOne("Product");
4168:                            if (product == null) {
4169:                                ServiceUtil
4170:                                        .returnError("ERROR: Cannot check for fulfillment; product not found.");
4171:                            }
4173:                            List allProductContent = product
4174:                                    .getRelated("ProductContent");
4175:                            if (allProductContent != null
4176:                                    && allProductContent.size() > 0) {
4177:                                // only keep ones with valid dates
4178:                                productContent = EntityUtil.filterByDate(
4179:                                        allProductContent, UtilDateTime
4180:                                                .nowTimestamp(), "fromDate",
4181:                                        "thruDate", true);
4182:                                Debug.logInfo("Product has "
4183:                                        + allProductContent.size()
4184:                                        + " associations, "
4185:                                        + (productContent == null ? "0" : ""
4186:                                                + productContent.size())
4187:                                        + " has valid from/thru dates", module);
4188:                            }
4189:                        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
4190:                            return ServiceUtil
4191:                                    .returnError("ERROR: Cannot get Product entity: "
4192:                                            + e.getMessage());
4193:                        }
4195:                        // now use the ProductContent to fulfill the item
4196:                        if (productContent != null && productContent.size() > 0) {
4197:                            Iterator prodcontentIterator = productContent
4198:                                    .iterator();
4199:                            while (prodcontentIterator.hasNext()) {
4200:                                GenericValue productContentItem = (GenericValue) prodcontentIterator
4201:                                        .next();
4202:                                GenericValue content = null;
4203:                                try {
4204:                                    content = productContentItem
4205:                                            .getRelatedOne("Content");
4206:                                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
4207:                                    Debug.logError(e,
4208:                                            "ERROR: Cannot get Content entity: "
4209:                                                    + e.getMessage(), module);
4210:                                    continue;
4211:                                }
4213:                                String fulfillmentType = productContentItem
4214:                                        .getString("productContentTypeId");
4215:                                if ("FULFILLMENT_EXTASYNC"
4216:                                        .equals(fulfillmentType)
4217:                                        || "FULFILLMENT_EXTSYNC"
4218:                                                .equals(fulfillmentType)) {
4219:                                    // enternal service fulfillment
4220:                                    String fulfillmentService = (String) content
4221:                                            .get("serviceName");
4222:                                    if (fulfillmentService == null) {
4223:                                        Debug
4224:                                                .logError(
4225:                                                        "ProductContent of type FULFILLMENT_EXTERNAL had Content with empty serviceName, can not run fulfillment",
4226:                                                        module);
4227:                                    }
4228:                                    Map serviceCtx = UtilMisc.toMap(
4229:                                            "userLogin", userLogin,
4230:                                            "orderItem", orderItem);
4231:                                    serviceCtx.putAll(productContentItem
4232:                                            .getPrimaryKey());
4233:                                    try {
4234:                                        Debug.logInfo(
4235:                                                "Running external fulfillment '"
4236:                                                        + fulfillmentService
4237:                                                        + "'", module);
4238:                                        if ("FULFILLMENT_EXTASYNC"
4239:                                                .equals(fulfillmentType)) {
4240:                                            dispatcher.runAsync(
4241:                                                    fulfillmentService,
4242:                                                    serviceCtx, true);
4243:                                        } else if ("FULFILLMENT_EXTSYNC"
4244:                                                .equals(fulfillmentType)) {
4245:                                            Map resp = dispatcher.runSync(
4246:                                                    fulfillmentService,
4247:                                                    serviceCtx);
4248:                                            if (ServiceUtil.isError(resp)) {
4249:                                                return ServiceUtil
4250:                                                        .returnError(ServiceUtil
4251:                                                                .getErrorMessage(resp));
4252:                                            }
4253:                                        }
4254:                                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
4255:                                        Debug.logError(e,
4256:                                                "ERROR: Could not run external fulfillment service '"
4257:                                                        + fulfillmentService
4258:                                                        + "'; "
4259:                                                        + e.getMessage(),
4260:                                                module);
4261:                                    }
4262:                                } else if ("FULFILLMENT_EMAIL"
4263:                                        .equals(fulfillmentType)) {
4264:                                    // digital email fulfillment
4265:                                    // TODO: Add support for fulfillment email
4266:                                    return ServiceUtil
4267:                                            .returnError("Email Fulfillment type not yet implemented");
4268:                                } else if ("DIGITAL_DOWNLOAD"
4269:                                        .equals(fulfillmentType)) {
4270:                                    // digital download fulfillment
4272:                                    // Nothing to do for here. Downloads are made available to the user
4273:                                    // though a query of OrderItems with related ProductContent.
4274:                                } else {
4275:                                    Debug
4276:                                            .logError(
4277:                                                    "Invalid fulfillment type : "
4278:                                                            + fulfillmentType
4279:                                                            + " not supported.",
4280:                                                    module);
4281:                                }
4282:                            }
4283:                        }
4284:                    }
4285:                }
4286:                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
4287:            }
4289:        } | Contact Us
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