| org.sakaiproject.api.app.roster.RosterManager
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.component.app.roster.RosterManagerImpl,
RosterManager | public interface RosterManager (Code) | | author: rshastri |
currentUserHasExportPerm | public boolean currentUserHasExportPerm()(Code) | | Check for export permission (roster.export)
currentUserHasSiteUpdatePerm | public boolean currentUserHasSiteUpdatePerm()(Code) | | Check for site update permission (site.upd)
currentUserHasViewAllPerm | public boolean currentUserHasViewAllPerm()(Code) | | Check for view all permission (roster.viewall)
currentUserHasViewHiddenPerm | public boolean currentUserHasViewHiddenPerm()(Code) | | Check for view hidden permission (roster.viewhidden)
currentUserHasViewOfficialIdPerm | public boolean currentUserHasViewOfficialIdPerm()(Code) | | Check for view official id permission (roster.viewofficialid)
currentUserHasViewSectionPerm | public boolean currentUserHasViewSectionPerm()(Code) | | Check for view section permission (roster.viewsection)
destroy | public void destroy()(Code) | | |
getParticipantById | public Participant getParticipantById(String participantId)(Code) | | Returns a participant by the id
Parameters: participantId - |
getRoster | public List getRoster(String filter)(Code) | | List of all the participants in the site viewable to current user |
getViewableSectionsForCurrentUser | public List getViewableSectionsForCurrentUser()(Code) | | Get the sections viewable by current user
siteHasSections | public boolean siteHasSections()(Code) | | Check to see if the site has any sections/groups
sortParticipants | public void sortParticipants(List participants, String sortByColumn, boolean ascending)(Code) | | Sort the participants ascendingly or decendingly
by various available columns
Parameters: participants - Parameters: sortByColumn - Parameters: ascending - |