| org.sakaiproject.api.common.edu.person.SakaiPersonManager
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.component.common.edu.person.SakaiPersonManagerImpl,
delete | public void delete(SakaiPerson sakaiPerson)(Code) | | Removes SakaiPerson from persistent state.
Parameters: sakaiPerson - |
findAllFerpaEnabled | public List findAllFerpaEnabled()(Code) | | Find all SakaiPerson objects where ferpaEnabled == TRUE.
A List of SakaiPerson objects where ferpaEnabled == TRUE. |
findSakaiPerson | public List findSakaiPerson(SakaiPerson queryByExample)(Code) | | Query-by-Example finder signature.
Parameters: queryByExample - A SakaiPerson protoype. All non-null preoperties will be searched using a logical AND. |
findSakaiPerson | public List findSakaiPerson(String simpleSearchCriteria)(Code) | | Search the "common" SakaPerson fields for a given String.
Parameters: simpleSearchCriteria - String used to search for SakaiPerson objects where the following properties are like this String: uid, givenName, surname. |
findSakaiPersonByUid | public List findSakaiPersonByUid(String uid)(Code) | | Retrieve SakaiPerson by uid (username).
Parameters: uid - username List of SakaiPerson objects incuding both system and user mutable Types. |
getPrototype | public SakaiPerson getPrototype()(Code) | | Get a new instantiation of an empty SakaiPerson object (has no persistent state). For example, useful if you query-by-example finder method.
getSakaiPersons | public Map<String, SakaiPerson> getSakaiPersons(Set<String> userIds, Type userMutableType)(Code) | | Finds all SakaiPerson objects with the specified type, whos IDs are contained
in the userIds collection.
Parameters: userIds - Parameters: userMutableType - |
getSystemMutableType | public Type getSystemMutableType()(Code) | | Returns the systemMutableType constant. SakaiPerson's of this Type can only be modified by the "system", i.e. not the end user, and would normally consist of enterprise data (e.g. LDAP, etc).
getUserMutableType | public Type getUserMutableType()(Code) | | Returns the userMutableType constant. SakaiPerson's of this Type allow the user to modify all attributes.
isFerpaEnabled | public List isFerpaEnabled(Collection agentUuids)(Code) | | Composite call to determine if a Set of Agents have the FERPA flag enabled.
Parameters: agentUuids - A List of agentUuid Strings where FERPA is enabled. |
save | public void save(SakaiPerson sakaiPerson)(Code) | | Save or update the SakaiPerson bean.
Parameters: sakaiPerson - |