Method Summary |
protected void | WTUserIdTrans(Element el, Map userIdTrans) |
public AssignmentEdit | addAssignment(String context) Creates and adds a new Assignment to the service.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public AssignmentContentEdit | addAssignmentContent(String context) Creates and adds a new AssignmentContent to the service.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public AssignmentEdit | addDuplicateAssignment(String context, String assignmentReference) Creates and adds a new Assignment to the service which is a copy of an existing Assignment.
Parameters: assignmentId - -The Assignment to be duplicated. |
public AssignmentContentEdit | addDuplicateAssignmentContent(String context, String contentReference) Creates and adds a new AssignmentContent to the service which is a copy of an existing AssignmentContent.
Parameters: context - -From DefaultId.getChannel(RunData) Parameters: contentReference - -The id of the AssignmentContent to be duplicated. |
protected void | addLiveProperties(ResourcePropertiesEdit props) Create the live properties for the object. |
protected void | addLiveUpdateProperties(ResourcePropertiesEdit props) Update the live properties for an object when modified. |
public AssignmentSubmissionEdit | addSubmission(String context, String assignmentId) Adds an AssignmentSubmission to the service.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public boolean | allowAddAssignment(String context) Check permissions for adding an Assignment.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public boolean | allowAddAssignmentContent(String context) Check permissions for adding an AssignmentContent.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public List | allowAddAssignmentUsers(String context) |
public boolean | allowAddGroupAssignment(String context) check permissions for addAssignment(). |
public boolean | allowAddSiteAssignment(String context) |
public boolean | allowAddSubmission(String context) Check permissions for add AssignmentSubmission
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
public List | allowAddSubmissionUsers(String assignmentReference) Get the List of Users who can addSubmission() for this assignment. |
public boolean | allowGetAssignment(String context) |
public boolean | allowGetAssignmentContent(String context) Check permissions for get AssignmentContent
Parameters: contentReference - -The AssignmentContent reference. |
public boolean | allowGetSubmission(String submissionReference) Check permissions for accessing a Submission.
Parameters: submissionReference - -The Submission's reference. |
public boolean | allowGradeSubmission(String assignmentReference) |
public boolean | allowRemoveAssignment(String assignmentReference) Check permissions for removing an Assignment. |
public boolean | allowRemoveAssignmentContent(String contentReference) Check permissions for remove the AssignmentContent
Parameters: contentReference - -The AssignmentContent reference. |
public boolean | allowRemoveSubmission(String submissionReference) Check permissions for remove Submission
Parameters: submissionReference - -The Submission's reference. |
public boolean | allowUpdateAssignment(String assignmentReference) Check permissions for updateing an Assignment.
Parameters: assignmentReference - -The Assignment's reference. |
public boolean | allowUpdateAssignmentContent(String contentReference) Check permissions for updating AssignmentContent
Parameters: contentReference - -The AssignmentContent reference. |
public boolean | allowUpdateSubmission(String submissionReference) Check permissions for updating Submission.
Parameters: submissionReference - -The Submission's reference. |
public String | archive(String siteId, Document doc, Stack stack, String archivePath, List attachments) |
protected String | assignmentId(String ref) Access the assignment id extracted from an assignment reference.
Parameters: ref - The assignment reference string. |
public String | assignmentReference(String context, String id) Access the internal reference which can be used to assess security clearance.
Parameters: id - The assignment id string. |
public void | cancelEdit(AssignmentEdit assignment) Cancel the changes made to a AssignmentEdit object, and release the lock. |
public void | cancelEdit(AssignmentContentEdit content) Cancel the changes made to a AssignmentContentEdit object, and release the lock. |
public void | cancelEdit(AssignmentSubmissionEdit submission) Cancel the changes made to a AssignmentSubmissionEdit object, and release the lock. |
public void | commitEdit(AssignmentEdit assignment) Commit the changes made to an AssignmentEdit object, and release the lock. |
public void | commitEdit(AssignmentContentEdit content) Commit the changes made to an AssignmentContentEdit object, and release the lock. |
public void | commitEdit(AssignmentSubmissionEdit submission) Commit the changes made to an AssignmentSubmissionEdit object, and release the lock. |
protected String | contentId(String ref) Access the content id extracted from a content reference.
Parameters: ref - The content reference string. |
public String | contentReference(String context, String id) Access the internal reference which can be used to access the resource from within the system.
Parameters: id - The content id string. |
public void | destroy() Returns to uninitialized state. |
public AssignmentEdit | editAssignment(String assignmentReference) Get a locked assignment object for editing. |
public AssignmentContentEdit | editAssignmentContent(String contentReference) Get a locked AssignmentContent object for editing. |
public AssignmentSubmissionEdit | editSubmission(String submissionReference) Get a locked AssignmentSubmission object for editing. |
protected Assignment | findAssignment(String assignmentReference) |
protected String | getAccessPoint(boolean relative) Access the partial URL that forms the root of resource URLs.
Parameters: relative - -if true, form within the access path only (i.e. |
public boolean | getAllowGroupAssignments() |
public boolean | getAllowGroupAssignmentsInGradebook() |
public Assignment | getAssignment(String assignmentReference) Access the Assignment with the specified reference.
Parameters: assignmentReference - -The reference of the Assignment. |
public AssignmentContent | getAssignmentContent(String contentReference) Access the AssignmentContent with the specified reference.
Parameters: contentReference - -The reference of the AssignmentContent. |
protected List | getAssignmentContents(String context) Access all AssignmentContent objects - known to us (not from external providers). |
public Iterator | getAssignmentContents(User owner) Access list of all AssignmentContents created by the User.
Parameters: owner - -The User who's AssignmentContents are requested. |
protected List | getAssignments(String context) Access all assignment objects - known to us (not from external providers). |
public Iterator | getAssignments(AssignmentContent content) Access all the Assignments which have the specified AssignmentContent.
Parameters: content - -The particular AssignmentContent. |
public Iterator | getAssignmentsForContext(String context) Access all the Assignemnts associated with a group.
Parameters: context - -Describes the portlet context - generated with DefaultId.getChannel(). |
protected boolean | getBool(String s) Utility function which returns a boolean value from a string.
Parameters: s - -The input string. |
protected String | getBoolString(boolean b) Utility function which returns a string from a boolean value.
Parameters: b - -the boolean value. |
public Entity | getEntity(Reference ref) |
public Collection | getEntityAuthzGroups(Reference ref, String userId) |
public String | getEntityDescription(Reference ref) |
public ResourceProperties | getEntityResourceProperties(Reference ref) |
public String | getEntityUrl(Reference ref) |
public byte[] | getGradesSpreadsheet(String ref) Access the grades spreadsheet for the reference, either for an assignment or all assignments in a context.
Parameters: ref - The reference, either to a specific assignment, or just to an assignment context. |
protected String | getGroupNameFromContext(String context) |
public Collection | getGroupsAllowAddAssignment(String context) |
protected Collection | getGroupsAllowFunction(String function, String context) Get the groups of this channel's contex-site that the end user has permission to "function" in. |
public Collection | getGroupsAllowGetAssignment(String context) |
public Collection | getGroupsAllowRemoveAssignment(String context) |
public HttpAccess | getHttpAccess() |
public String | getLabel() |
public List | getListAssignmentsForContext(String context) |
protected String | getReferenceRoot() Return the reference root for use in resource references and urls. |
public AssignmentSubmission | getSubmission(String assignmentReference, User person) Access a User's AssignmentSubmission to a particular Assignment.
Parameters: assignmentReference - The reference of the assignment. Parameters: person - -The User who's Submission you would like. |
public AssignmentSubmission | getSubmission(String submissionReference) Access the AssignmentSubmission with the specified id.
Parameters: submissionReference - -The reference of the AssignmentSubmission. |
protected List | getSubmissions(String context) Access all AssignmentSubmission objects - known to us (not from external providers). |
public Iterator | getSubmissions(Assignment assignment) Get the submissions for an assignment.
Parameters: assignment - -the Assignment who's submissions you would like. |
public byte[] | getSubmissionsZip(String ref) Access the submissions zip for the assignment reference.
Parameters: ref - The assignment reference. |
protected Time | getTimeObject(String timeString) Utility function which converts a string into a chef time object.
Parameters: timeString - -String version of a time in long format, representing the standard ms since the epoch, Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00. |
protected String | getTimeString(Time t) Utility function which returns the string representation of the long value of the time object.
Parameters: t - -the Time object. |
public String | gradesSpreadsheetReference(String context, String assignmentId) |
public void | init() Final initialization, once all dependencies are set. |
protected boolean | isIntersectionGroupRefsToGroups(Collection groupRefs, Collection groups) See if the collection of group reference strings has at least one group that is in the collection of Group objects.
Parameters: groupRefs - The collection (String) of group references. Parameters: groups - The collection (Group) of group objects. |
public String | merge(String siteId, Element root, String archivePath, String fromSiteId, Map attachmentNames, Map userIdTrans, Set userListAllowImport) |
public AssignmentEdit | mergeAssignment(Element el) Add a new assignment to the directory, from a definition in XML. |
public AssignmentContentEdit | mergeAssignmentContent(Element el) Add a new AssignmentContent to the directory, from a definition in XML. |
public AssignmentSubmissionEdit | mergeSubmission(Element el) Add a new AssignmentSubmission to the directory, from a definition in XML. |
public String[] | myToolIds() |
abstract protected AssignmentStorage | newAssignmentStorage() Construct a Storage object for Assignments. |
abstract protected AssignmentContentStorage | newContentStorage() Construct a Storage object for AssignmentContents. |
abstract protected AssignmentSubmissionStorage | newSubmissionStorage() Construct a Storage object for AssignmentSubmissions. |
public boolean | parseEntityReference(String reference, Reference ref) |
public void | removeAssignment(AssignmentEdit assignment) Removes this Assignment and all references to it. |
public void | removeAssignmentContent(AssignmentContentEdit content) |
public void | removeSubmission(AssignmentSubmissionEdit submission) |
public void | setAllowGroupAssignments(boolean allowGroupAssignments) |
public void | setAllowGroupAssignmentsInGradebook(boolean allowGroupAssignmentsInGradebook) |
public void | setCaching(String value) |
public void | setEntityManager(EntityManager service) Dependency: EntityManager. |
public void | setMemoryService(MemoryService service) Dependency: MemoryService. |
public void | setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService service) Dependency: ServerConfigurationService. |
protected String | submissionId(String ref) Access the submission id extracted from a submission reference.
Parameters: ref - The submission reference string. |
public String | submissionReference(String context, String id, String assignmentId) Access the internal reference which can be used to access the resource from within the system.
Parameters: id - The submission id string. |
public String | submissionsZipReference(String context, String assignmentReference) |
public void | transferCopyEntities(String fromContext, String toContext, List resourceIds) |
protected void | unlock(String lock, String resource) Check security permission. |
protected void | unlock2(String lock1, String lock2, String resource) Check security permission. |
protected boolean | unlockCheck(String lock, String resource) Check security permission.
Parameters: lock - -The lock id string. Parameters: resource - -The resource reference string, or null if no resource is involved. |
protected boolean | unlockCheck2(String lock1, String lock2, String resource) Check security permission.
Parameters: lock1 - The lock id string. Parameters: lock2 - The lock id string. Parameters: resource - The resource reference string, or null if no resource is involved. |
public boolean | willArchiveMerge() |