| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.authz.impl.BaseAuthzGroupService org.sakaiproject.authz.impl.DbAuthzGroupService
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.authz.impl.AuthzGroupServiceTest,
DbAuthzGroupService | abstract public class DbAuthzGroupService extends BaseAuthzGroupService (Code) | |
DbAuthzGroupService is an extension of the BaseAuthzGroupService with database storage.
MAX_IN_CLAUSE | final protected static int MAX_IN_CLAUSE(Code) | | To avoide the dreaded ORA-01795 and the like, we need to limit to <100 the items in each in(?, ?, ...) clause, connecting them with ORs.
m_autoDdl | protected boolean m_autoDdl(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
m_functionCache | protected Collection m_functionCache(Code) | | All the event functions we know exist on the db.
m_realmDbidField | protected String m_realmDbidField(Code) | | AuthzGroup dbid field.
m_realmIdFieldName | protected String m_realmIdFieldName(Code) | | ID field for realm.
m_realmInsertFieldNames | protected String[] m_realmInsertFieldNames(Code) | | All "fields" for realm insert.
m_realmInsertValueNames | protected String[] m_realmInsertValueNames(Code) | | All "field values" for realm insert.
m_realmPropTableName | protected String m_realmPropTableName(Code) | | Table name for realm properties.
m_realmReadFieldNames | protected String[] m_realmReadFieldNames(Code) | | All "fields" for realm reading.
m_realmTableName | protected String m_realmTableName(Code) | | Table name for realms.
m_realmUpdateFieldNames | protected String[] m_realmUpdateFieldNames(Code) | | All "fields" for realm update.
m_roleNameCache | protected Collection m_roleNameCache(Code) | | All the event role names we know exist on the db.
m_useExternalLocks | protected boolean m_useExternalLocks(Code) | | If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here.
cacheFunctionNames | protected void cacheFunctionNames()(Code) | | Read all the function records, caching them
cacheRoleNames | protected void cacheRoleNames()(Code) | | Read all the role records, caching them
checkFunctionName | protected void checkFunctionName(String name)(Code) | | Check / assure this function name is defined.
Parameters: name - the role name. |
checkRoleName | protected void checkRoleName(String name)(Code) | | Check / assure this role name is defined.
Parameters: name - the role name. |
init | public void init()(Code) | | Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
newStorage | protected Storage newStorage()(Code) | | Construct a Storage object.
The new storage object. |
orInClause | protected String orInClause(int size, String field)(Code) | | Form a SQL IN() clause, but break it up with ORs to keep the size of each IN below 100
Parameters: size - The size Parameters: field - The field name a SQL IN() with ORs clause this large. |
setAutoDdl | public void setAutoDdl(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
Parameters: value - the auto ddl value. |
setExternalLocks | public void setExternalLocks(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: set the external locks value.
Parameters: value - The external locks value. |
sqlService | abstract protected SqlService sqlService()(Code) | | the ServerConfigurationService collaborator. |
Methods inherited from org.sakaiproject.authz.impl.BaseAuthzGroupService | public AuthzGroup addAuthzGroup(String id) throws GroupIdInvalidException, GroupAlreadyDefinedException, AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) public AuthzGroup addAuthzGroup(String id, AuthzGroup other, String userId) throws GroupIdInvalidException, GroupAlreadyDefinedException, AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addLiveProperties(BaseAuthzGroup azGroup)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addLiveUpdateProperties(BaseAuthzGroup azGroup)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean allowAdd(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean allowJoinGroup(String authzGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean allowRemove(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean allowUnjoinGroup(String authzGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean allowUpdate(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public String archive(String siteId, Document doc, Stack stack, String archivePath, List attachments)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String authzGroupId(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public String authzGroupReference(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void completeSave(AuthzGroup azGroup)(Code)(Java Doc) public int countAuthzGroups(String criteria)(Code)(Java Doc) public void destroy()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected EntityManager entityManager()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected EventTrackingService eventTrackingService()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected FunctionManager functionManager()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getAccessPoint(boolean relative)(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getAllowedFunctions(String role, Collection azGroups)(Code)(Java Doc) public AuthzGroup getAuthzGroup(String id) throws GroupNotDefinedException(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getAuthzGroupIds(String providerId)(Code)(Java Doc) public List getAuthzGroups(String criteria, PagingPosition page)(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getAuthzGroupsIsAllowed(String userId, String function, Collection azGroups)(Code)(Java Doc) public Time getDate(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity getEntity(Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Collection getEntityAuthzGroups(Reference ref, String userId)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEntityDescription(Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public ResourceProperties getEntityResourceProperties(Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEntityUrl(Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public HttpAccess getHttpAccess()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getLabel()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getOwnerId(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getProviderIds(String authzGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getUserRole(String userId, String azGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getUsersIsAllowed(String function, Collection azGroups)(Code)(Java Doc) public Map getUsersRole(Collection userIds, String azGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void init()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAllowed(String user, String function, String azGroupId)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAllowed(String user, String function, Collection azGroups)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDraft(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public void joinGroup(String authzGroupId, String roleId) throws GroupNotDefinedException, AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) public String merge(String siteId, Element root, String archivePath, String fromSiteId, Map attachmentNames, Map userIdTrans, Set userListAllowImport)(Code)(Java Doc) public AuthzGroup newAuthzGroup(String id, AuthzGroup other, String userId) throws GroupAlreadyDefinedException(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected Storage newStorage()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean parseEntityReference(String reference, Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public void refreshUser(String userId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeAuthzGroup(AuthzGroup azGroup) throws AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeAuthzGroup(String azGroupId) throws AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void removeSiteSecurity(AuthzGroup azGroup)(Code)(Java Doc) public void save(AuthzGroup azGroup) throws GroupNotDefinedException, AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected SecurityService securityService()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected SessionManager sessionManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setProvider(GroupProvider provider)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object[] storageFields(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected TimeService timeService()(Code)(Java Doc) public void unjoinGroup(String authzGroupId) throws GroupNotDefinedException, AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void unlock(String lock, String resource) throws AuthzPermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean unlockCheck(String lock, String resource)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void updateSiteSecurity(AuthzGroup azGroup)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean willArchiveMerge()(Code)(Java Doc)