| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager
ComponentManager | public class ComponentManager (Code) | |
ComponentManager is a static Cover for the
org.sakaiproject.component.api.ComponentManager Component Manager ; see that interface for usage details.
This cover is special. As a cover for the component manager, it cannot use the component manager to find the instance. Instead, this is where a static single-instance singleton ComponentManger of a particular type is created.
CACHE_COMPONENTS | final public static boolean CACHE_COMPONENTS(Code) | | If true, covers will cache the components they find once - good for production, bad for some unit testing.
close | public static void close()(Code) | | |
contains | public static boolean contains(Class iface)(Code) | | |
contains | public static boolean contains(String ifaceName)(Code) | | |
getRegisteredInterfaces | public static Set getRegisteredInterfaces()(Code) | | |
hasBeenClosed | public static boolean hasBeenClosed()(Code) | | |
waitTillConfigured | public static void waitTillConfigured()(Code) | | |