| org.sakaiproject.contentreview.service.ContentReviewService
ContentReviewService | public interface ContentReviewService (Code) | | ContentReview Service manages submission to the Content review queue and retrieving reports from the service
author: David Jaka, David Horwitz |
allowResubmission | public boolean allowResubmission()(Code) | | Does the service support resubmissions?
checkForReports | public void checkForReports()(Code) | | Check for reports for all submitted items that don't have reports yet
getIconUrlforScore | public String getIconUrlforScore(Long score)(Code) | | Get a icon URL that for a specific score
Parameters: score - |
getServiceName | public String getServiceName()(Code) | | Return the Name of the Service Implementation for Display Purposes
isAcceptableContent | public boolean isAcceptableContent(ContentResource resource)(Code) | | Is the content resource of an type that can be accepted by the service implementation
Parameters: resource - |
isSiteAcceptable | public boolean isSiteAcceptable(Site site)(Code) | | Can this site make use of the content review service
Parameters: site - |
processQueue | public void processQueue()(Code) | | Proccess all pending jobs in the Queue
queueContent | public void queueContent(String userId, String siteId, String taskId, String contentId) throws QueueException(Code) | | Add an item to the Queue for Submission to Turnitin
Parameters: userID - if nulll current user is used Parameters: SiteId - is null current site is used Parameters: Entity - reference to the task this is for Parameters: Reference - to the content object that should be submitted |
resetUserDetailsLockedItems | public void resetUserDetailsLockedItems(String userId)(Code) | | Reset the Items for a specific user that where locked because of incomplete user details
Parameters: userId - |