| org.sakaiproject.email.api.DigestService
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.email.impl.BaseDigestService,
DigestService | public interface DigestService (Code) | |
The DigestService collects sets of messages for different users, and sends them out periodically.
REFERENCE_ROOT | final static String REFERENCE_ROOT(Code) | | This string starts the references to resources in this service.
SECURE_ADD_DIGEST | final static String SECURE_ADD_DIGEST(Code) | | Securiy / Event for adding a digest.
SECURE_EDIT_DIGEST | final static String SECURE_EDIT_DIGEST(Code) | | Securiy / Event for updating a digest.
SECURE_REMOVE_DIGEST | final static String SECURE_REMOVE_DIGEST(Code) | | Securiy / Event for removing a digest.
SERVICE_NAME | final static String SERVICE_NAME(Code) | | This string can be used to find the service in the service manager.
add | DigestEdit add(String id) throws IdUsedException(Code) | | Add a new digest with this id. Must commit(), remove() or cancel() when done.
Parameters: id - The digest id. A new DigestEdit object for editing. exception: IdUsedException - if these digest already exist. |
cancel | void cancel(DigestEdit edit)(Code) | | Cancel the changes made to a DigestEdit object, and release the lock. The DigestEdit is disabled, and not to be used after this call.
Parameters: user - The DigestEdit object to commit. |
commit | void commit(DigestEdit edit)(Code) | | Commit the changes made to a DigestEdit object, and release the lock. The DigestEdit is disabled, and not to be used after this call.
Parameters: user - The DigestEdit object to commit. |
digest | void digest(String to, String Subject, String body)(Code) | | Add a new message to a digest, creating one if needed. This returns right away; the digest will be added as soon as possible.
Parameters: message - The message to digest. Parameters: subject - The to (user id) of the message. Parameters: subject - The subject of the message. Parameters: body - The subject of the message. |
edit | DigestEdit edit(String id) throws InUseException(Code) | | Get a locked Digest object for editing. May be new. Must commit(), cancel() or remove() when done.
Parameters: id - The digest id. A DigestEdit object for editing. exception: InUseException - if the digest object is locked by someone else. |
getDigests | List getDigests()(Code) | | Access all digest objects.
A List (Digest) of all defined digests. |
remove | void remove(DigestEdit edit)(Code) | | Remove this DigestEdit - it must be locked from edit(). The DigestEdit is disabled, and not to be used after this call.
Parameters: user - The DigestEdit object to remove. |